My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 505 The night that never stops

When Jeanne returned to her room, after gathering her thoughts, she slept in her clothes.

Although the Servant does not need to rest, the way she comes is special. As a carrier, Leticia needs sufficient sleep, otherwise the predicament from the beginning will reappear.

So, go to sleep, all rest is for better progress.

Carrying the responsibilities of a saint and the little sadness of a young girl, Jeanne quickly fell asleep.

——I had a glorious dream.

It was a celebration that seemed to focus on glorious glory and all blessings. The Dauphin Charles returned to Reims in triumph and was crowned King of France.

This is the dream and hope of all French people. After Joan of Arc successfully rescued the siege of Orleans, she continued to fight against the British army. Surrounded enthusiastically by the soldiers, the girl waved the battle flag at the front line. Although she never pulled out the holy sword from the scabbard at her waist, even so, the girl's footsteps never stopped——

... Dreams rush by like a revolving lantern, and after the glory, they are scattered and lost.

Inquisition. A day of ridicule, torture and revenge by everyone.

Although it was a harrowing experience, the torture did not change anything until the end. The motherland was liberated, and what Joan of Arc had dreamed of had become a reality.

"You keep fighting."

Hearing the voice of God, he threw himself into the battle, knowing full well that he would be betrayed. But even so, she decided to fight until the end.

Why, why on earth - she asked herself this more than once.

"Is it to atone for sins?"

Is killing an enemy soldier an atonement for this behavior?

"Is it because you want to save as many people as possible?"

Are you willing to break the flag to save people?


Or is it because I believe it is the right thing to do?

[It was God who betrayed her].

People who knew Joan of Arc said so. There was a marshal who went crazy because of this despair. His crazy attitude was even engraved in the history of mankind. He shouted and preached that God had deceived the innocent. Girl, she was abandoned by God——

"What do you think of him?"

Very sad. It is really sad that he abandoned the Lord. It is really sad that he was not allowed to understand the fact that the Lord is blameless.

Even though she knew she would be burned at the stake, Joan of Arc still participated in the Battle of Compiègne.

"Why do you keep fighting when you know the outcome?"

It's because he knows that Joan of Arc's death is by no means meaningless. Even if there is no reward, the future can still be won. Joan of Arc's death allowed the motherland to regain its national power, and the blood that continued to be shed finally stopped.

That in history may be something that ends just after it begins; that may only save the lives of a very small number of people in the long course of time; that may be an ineffective and meaningless act.

"But you don't think so?"

Yes, I didn’t feel that at all, so at that time, even though I was tied to the cross, I didn’t hate anyone.

Because I have clearly understood that this is my ending and my final devotion.

"You are a strong person."

Thank you, I wouldn't be here without your help. I feel really lucky to be lucky enough to meet you.

Deep in the dream, Joan of Arc looked at the girl who looked similar to her, smiled and thanked her, but did not notice the sadness on Leticia's face.

"Final question, is continuing the status quo with him the right thing to do?"

After hearing these words, Jeanne's originally calm heart felt like it suddenly hit a sharp thorn, and there was a stab of pain. This was the only thing that she hid from everyone and made her hesitate.

The mysterious young man who calls himself "Shuoyue" represents the will of the Clock Tower. He obviously has no feelings for anyone, but he makes the girl worried.

She understood that she was just being sentimental, and she also understood that the young man would not be swayed by anyone, but what troubled her the most was that there was someone who always told her in her ears that his existence was crucial. This is a revelation from God that I have never missed before.

But the deeper meaning needs to be explored by Joan of Arc herself.

Is he the key to solving the puzzle? Is it a necessary help on the way forward? The savior who turns everything around? Or...a real crisis that could turn heaven into hell?

As a Ruler, Joan of Arc must see clearly the true nature of this young man. However, along the way until now, there have been many opportunities, but she just smiled and watched the young man's figure come and go in front of her. Never stayed.

Are you worried? She was worried that there would be no way back at that point, worried that her premonition would come true, and that her flag would not be able to protect the people she loved after all...

"I don't know, that's the only thing I really don't know."

Joan of Arc really couldn't answer this question.

The faint longing that the girl held was being trampled by the servant named Ruler. Put this longing into a box, lock it, put it in a bag, tie it with a rope, and then leave it in the corner of the warehouse.

In order not to let anyone see it, in order not to let anyone pursue it.

"Okay, it's late at night, Leticia should go to bed... Huh?"

Accompanied by Jeanne's doubtful voice, the dream shook and collapsed, but in reality, the girl opened her jewel-like pupils and climbed out of bed.

"What happened?" Leticia made a confused sound, and Joan of Arc, wearing a thin undershirt, ignored the cool night air, rummaged through the box and found a spiritual energy disk, and replied:

"In order to detect the unknown servant who can hide his identity, I asked Alma to set up a spell on the aura plate. Whenever there is any abnormal movement of the servants in Romania, I can sense it."

The aura plate itself cannot reflect the position of the servant and can only display information. However, under the operation of Joan of Arc and Alma, its display range is limited to Romania.

In other words - as long as a servant invades Romania, information will appear on the aura disk, and if the servant leaves Romania, the information about him on the aura disk will disappear.

By the way, the aura board cannot reflect the job description of the servant.

"Isn't this something similar to a locator..."

"Yes, there is a change in the aura disk now, which means that the number of servants in Romania has changed."

With Joan's operation, the spiritual energy disk was activated, but the scene that appeared made Joan froze on the spot, puzzled.

"Two follower information registrations, one follower information logout...why are there so many? Is there something happening that I don't know about?"

The aura plate exuded a faint luster, and in the midst of it, two servants whose real names were unknown and suspected to have been concealed by some kind of props appeared, while the servant whose real name was Karna disappeared.

Obviously something happened - with this thought in mind, Joan of Arc put on her armor in an instant and rushed towards Milenia Fortress, but on the way, she met an unexpected person.

"Red Archer, Miss Atalanta...?!"

"Are you... Jeanne of Arc?"

Ta Miao, who was hiding on the top of the tree, had his hair exploded for a moment. When he saw Joan of Arc, he relaxed his vigilance, looked into the distance, and hurriedly waved for her to come up.

"What happened, tonight?"

"Shh, don't talk, look over there."

Following the direction of Atalanta's finger, Jeanne's pupils shrank.

"That is……!"

That was an assassin wearing a black robe and showing a handsome face. He was a figure that had nothing to do with Karna and the other two mysterious servants.

And the direction he is heading towards is——


Atalanta made a deep groaning sound, and she looked at the saint beside her. Joan of Arc also decisively put aside the problem of the abnormal movements of the servants on the aura plate, and followed secretly with Ta Miao.

Joan of Arc had a premonition that tonight, many things hidden in the Holy Grail War would be revealed to her.

As a result, the next moment, a diamond-shaped space appeared in front of Shuo Yue. Before Joan of Arc and Ta Miao could react, he stepped into it and disappeared. As for the two girls, they stood there stunned, looking at each other.

What should I do if the person I am following can do magic? Waiting online, quite urgent.

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