My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 542 Go to hell, Merlin!

Let’s start with a certain man.

The man who was full of ideals more than anyone else, but died because of it.

That man's dream was simple.

I just sincerely hope that everyone can be happy.

Every teenager has had such a dream, but when they understand the cruelty of reality, they will give up and give up this childish ideal.

Happiness comes at a cost - all children learn this simple truth as they grow up.

But there will always be people who refuse this price and take a different path.

Either walk on the path of a saint and become the ruler of the scales; or become a king and keep the gains and losses in your heart... Or, borrow an extremely powerful power from the world and use this power of curse, Respond to anyone who asks anything of Him.

He would avenge wealthy officials who complained about the murders of their family members; but he ignored villagers struggling on the edge of poverty simply because they did not ask him for help.

Regardless of whether the means are legitimate or not, regardless of whether the purpose is correct or not, men require themselves to be a fair and selfless wishing machine.

Life has no distinction between high or low, old or young, it is just a unit of measurement, and it is just an NPC that throws out wishes and tasks.

As a hero, he only needs to accept the request and then complete it no matter the means or the purpose.

So when he found out, it was too late——

Accepting all requests equally also means not loving any life.

When this iron rule was finally engraved into his heart, the hero's back was penetrated by his friend, ending his first life in a hurry.

It is said that my beloved wife turned into a crazy avenger because of his death. I am really sorry.

Ah... the hero sighed like a mortal.

If I can have a second life, I must, must——

Responding to the call of the weak, even if it is not stated verbally, he will lift up those scarred hearts instead of running persistently for his wishes.

Yes, this behavior is justice; what he pursues is to walk hand in hand with justice.

Becoming a partner of justice may be the first and last answer for heroes who want everyone to be happy.

Although he almost lost his goal, under the persuasion of the paladin, the hero woke up in time and decided to give his second life in order to make up for his mistake.

It didn't end there because someone came to help and used a more perfect way to redeem both the weak and the hero.

If he had saved himself and the androids, he would surely have guided me to a more glorious path.

With such expectations, the hero accepted the young man's conditions and became his servant. In this war, he became another blue chess piece that was ignored.

However, why didn't I realize at that time that the young man's words were deadly poison, and the helping hand extended to him also concealed a sharp knife that could seal one's throat at the sight of blood?

He just fell from one predicament to another. From beginning to end, he was like a puppet involuntarily, and even took the initiative to hand the thread to the enemy's hands.

——This shouldn't go on like this. He always makes wrong choices in key places, but at least this time, he allows himself the right to regret.

"This is it, we're here."

The interlacing footsteps stopped. Under the leadership of the young man in black robe, Siegfried found himself standing in another forest. With his good memory, he recognized where this place was.

"Yes, this is the place where you caught up with Sieg. This is the place where Sieg was beaten to death by Gold. This is the place where you tried to save your life but was blocked by me..."

Shuo Yue turned around and met Siegfried's wary eyes: "Don't worry, there are no traps here. It's just that I will end where I think it starts. That's all."

After a pause, the young man continued: "But before the official battle, I still have a question - for what reason did you decide to resist me? Is it because my approach is inconsistent with your ideas? Or is it because you finally picked up the Feeling guilty towards Black?"

"That's not the case... No, it can be said that they all account for a little bit." Faced with Shuo Yue's question, Siegfried thought for a while and responded, "But in the end the reason that prompted me to do this was because of deception. "

"Cheating?" Shuo Yue was slightly startled, obviously not expecting this answer, and Siegfried continued:

"Our encounter has been full of deception from the beginning. You concealed your true identity, true camp, and true purpose from me... I can't swing a sword for someone who is full of lies, especially after realizing that he When actions are not justified."

"In my opinion, this deception is ultimately a kind of distrust, and the distrust comes from your heart. You believe from the bottom of your heart that once the purpose is exposed, we will stand against you without hesitation. "

"...Isn't this a fact? You know, my wish has the possibility of destroying the world..."

"No, at least I will be surprised by what I said, but I will not be hostile to you before I repay your kindness." Siegfried did not lie, his eyes were always sincere, "Because I always believe that human beings It will not be destroyed because of the victory or defeat of a war. It is not the dead bones like us that can rewrite the future of mankind. "

"In this case, I just need to be loyal to my own thoughts and wishes and act - yes, just as I have always insisted, and then wait with expectation for someone to cross our mountain."

Shuo Yue's pupils narrowed slightly, and then she spoke after a moment, with unspeakable complexity hidden in her voice: "Thank you for your advice, it seems I still saw something wrong."

"No, you are not wrong." Siegfried shook his head and denied, "When you choose this wish, everyone who wants to live will stand against you. This is bound to happen. I think you have already Got it."

When the conversation was over, Siegfried once again drew the magic sword Balmonger. The dusk spread out like mellow wine, forming a gorgeous scene behind him. With his own power, the hero turned the night around and will be here. Continue to write his legend.

"As we agreed from the beginning, come on, the battle has begun, Shuo Yue."

Faced with the dragon slayer's urging, Shuo Yue took a deep breath, and a bludgeon appeared in his hand: "Thank you for explaining to me, Siegfried, don't worry, I will not use the Command Seal in this battle. , nor will I suppress the magic support for you - I will try my best to ensure that this is a fair battle."

"And in return, once I am defeated by you, I will give you the spoils of war." Siegfried said solemnly, "My magic sword Balmonger, and..."

The assassin began to take steps, and the dragon-slaying swordsman's eyes were determined. The two looked at each other's opponents and spoke out the final conditions of the contract in unison.

"Heart of the Dragon."

The next moment, the collision of guns and swords echoed through the sky.


The holy spear stirs, and the king's sword rises high.

Countless chaotic illusions emerged in the depths of consciousness, and the bubbles of memory were pulled away, emerging on the surface of the sea, bringing with them a thousand rays of phantom light and ten thousand rays of smoke of war.

It's always like this, she thought indifferently, it's always like this.

The pale sunlight poured down, and the fragmented shadows huddled. The warriors as small as ants roared, screamed, and screamed. They ran through the bright red and ashes, leaving vicious traces on the gradually broken hills. The fetal blood is fertilizing this world that is gradually turning into hell.

The nightmare revealed in the dissipating clouds was too clear. The girl's soul was imprisoned in the sky, casting a numb and painful gaze towards the battlefield.

Watching the knight in red and white armor roaring with hatred, he climbed up the long steps made of corpses and handed out the sword quenched with the poison of hatred towards the holy king.

——The dream always ends abruptly after someone's chest is pierced by the Holy Spear, or someone's skull is chopped into pieces by the King's Sword.

Then, the dreamland rotated. After walking through the bizarre passages, the girl fell into layers of dreams again, and then there was a rock-hard texture at her feet.

She was standing on the outskirts of the cleared town, and next to her stood a magician who didn't know whether he was young or old.

There was a sword stuck on the rock, and people in coarse linen clothes surrounded it, talking in low voices with suppressed excitement. There were also knights riding tall horses, holding their heads high and not hiding the ambition in their eyes.

The magician declared loudly to the knights of this country:

Whoever draws this sword will become the king.

Brave people, those who were absolutely confident in their own strength, and famous knights all came to challenge the sword, but they all gave up because they couldn't draw it at all. These stupid guys - she sneered secretly, this sword is a weapon used to choose the king, and only those who can save this country can pull it out. You actually want to pull it out with brute force alone, no matter how naive you are. Let's set a limit.

So, when no one cared about the sword anymore, she stood in front of the sword.

The magician said in a calm tone:

"You'd better think carefully before holding the sword."

She began to think. She was thinking about it all the time.

The meaning of drawing this sword.

It means becoming a king on his own.

So she held out her hand—as if she didn't feel the need to answer.

So, the magician sighed and waved his hand - the dream always ended at this point.

Even if I reach out to the sword, I can't touch it at all. Meng clearly vowed to become the king on his own - but Meng still declared to himself as always, "You don't have such authority."

But, but, but.

This time, the girl's hands touched the hilt of the sword, and the cool breath spread along her arms to the bottom of her heart. The girl was shocked, her eyes widened in disbelief, and she flicked her hand away like an electric shock.

"Oh my god, did you end up quitting when things got tough?"

With the familiar slippery tone, there was no need to use his head to think, his body had already moved instinctively, and he kicked the demon magician beside him.

"Go to hell, Merlin!"

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