My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 550 The merciful Lord cannot protect him

Silver snowflakes fall, dancing like countless butterflies.

The sun hung high in the sky, emitting a cold light, coating the white snowfield with a layer of gold, and there was a vast outline of the castle in the distance. Apart from this, it is no longer possible to distinguish between heaven and earth, north, south, and east.

Stepping into this snowfield is like wandering into a mysterious fairyland, a quiet fairy tale country. The scenery is really too clear, and it is the form of a pure soul that can only be possessed without any pollution.

However, the arrival of uninvited guests broke the tranquility here.

The wind and frost were like knives, and the dazzling aurora stung the eyes of the heroic spirits. When their vision finally recovered, they saw countless sword blades on the ground, reflecting the cold light like snow.

Inherent barrier·Infinite sword system.

Mainly projection magic, supplemented by displacement magic, a miraculous magic that condenses the mental landscape into one project chant - after finishing the Thunder Sky Tower, this is the second 'meal' that Shuo Yue uses to entertain everyone. !

"So that's it, this is Shuo Yue's plan, we fell into the trap." Semiramis is worthy of being a demigod in the age of gods. She looked at the murderous surroundings and Shuo Yue in the distance, and quickly understood the cause and effect, " He is waiting for Ruler to release the Noble Phantasm and wait for the time for us to gather together, so that we can catch them all in one fell swoop.”

"But why didn't he use this magic from the beginning? Wouldn't it be more powerful if the magic of crackling thunder was combined with this place?" Mordred asked, and the empress responded with a cold sneer at such a novice question.

"Are you an idiot? This is Shuo Yue's mental landscape. Do you like to put such dangerous things into your body?"

"Who would do this!" Before Mordred could get angry, Joan of Arc took a step forward and held the holy flag horizontally again, speaking solemnly.

"Attention, a new offensive is coming!"

As soon as the words fell, the snowfield buzzed, and one sword after another rose up from the ground, adjusted its direction in mid-air, and aimed at the heroes. In the depressing atmosphere that could make people lose their voices, the black-robed young man Gu Jing Raising his hand without any waves.

"Start attacking."

A sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded in the wind. Thousands of weapons received the master's instructions. Without hesitation, with the momentum of common death, they shot out in pursuit of each other, flying towards Joan of Arc and others in a mighty manner. .

The light burned her eyes, and in a daze, Joan felt like she was trapped in the battlefield of the past. The ambushing enemies roared and made soul-stirring roars, trying to ruthlessly take away their lives and kill them. .

Protect your compatriots, this is the duty of a judge and a saint.


Her flag is on the verge of collapse. If this continues, Ruler Joan of Arc will lose her strongest shield, and the only thing left is the forbidden treasure...

The battle will not stop because of Joan's hesitation. Many weapons are already approaching, and the first one to ignite is a reassuring flame.

The Immortal Blade was swung, and under Karna's superb control, tens of meters of fire lines spread out in a mighty manner. The scorching temperature melted ordinary soldiers into molten iron. Even the imitation of the precious phantom was consumed. All mysterious, he staggered to the ground.

"Then leave the other side to me!"

Mordred roughly wiped away the blood on her cheek - it was a wound left during the battle with the Shadow Servant. She gripped the sword tightly and slashed upward with a roar!

The red thunder cut through the snow and wind, like a giant's thick arm, easily blowing away obstacles along the way. Accompanied by the girl's heroic laughter, the arm made of blood-red lightning clenched and struck straight forward. , destroyed countless soldiers and equipment, and single-handedly cleared Haiyan Heqing wherever he could see.

On one side, the son of the Sun God ignited the flames, preventing the sword from entering even half a step; on the other side, there was a rebellious knight calling for red thunder, easily defeating the storm of swords. Although the performance of the two servants was outstanding, there was no joy on Jeanne's face, because the light reflected in this snowfield was not just simple snowflakes:

"Empress, is there any way you can break the inherent barrier?"

"Of course not." Semiramis immediately gave a frustrating conclusion, "If you want to break the inherent barrier, in addition to consuming all the master's magic power, the only thing left is to use targeted Noble Phantasms. One kind, which is the anti-realm Noble Phantasm.”

"Anti-realm Noble Phantasm? Empress, I remember your 'Sky Garden of Vanity'..."

"That is indeed the anti-realm treasure. As long as I stand in the sky garden of Babylon, I will be the absolute master -" the empress drawled angrily, "but Shuoyue has locked me into his world." , that is to say, my power has expired."

"Hey, that means there's nothing we can do!" Mordred was a little irritable. "Damn it, my magic power is limited! Is there any shiny guy or a fox who likes to sell arms to help us? !”

"By the way, after entering the inherent barrier, my connection with the spiritual veins has also been severed. Now I use the pre-stored magic power to resist." Karna ignored Xiao Mo's nonsense and said indifferently, "No more If you continue to squander like this, it is expected to disappear in two minutes due to the exhaustion of magic power."

"Can you say this in a tone that has nothing to do with you?" Joan of Arc was shocked. The current situation cannot afford to lose another servant. "If it really comes to that time, I can use the Command Seal... ah."

The saint's words stopped abruptly. The empress and Xiao Mo looked over curiously, only to find that Jeanne covered her mouth with a guilty expression as if she had said the wrong thing.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, let's get back to the topic." The person who answered was not Joan of Arc, but Karna. "In view of the current crisis, my suggestion is to kill Shuo Yue before your magic power is exhausted."



"plus one."

As early as the decisive battle began, Shuo Yue had already demonstrated his unreasonable magical power to everyone, so everyone automatically ignored the first method proposed by the empress and unanimously approved Karna's plan.

Right now, the only way for them to escape is to defeat the owner of the inherent barrier.

"Then, let's get started."

Following Karna's order, Shuo Yue, who had always kept a distance, once again caught a glimpse of the holy golden light, like the headlights on the front of a speeding chariot, getting closer and closer to him. The closer——

"Oh? Are you planning to fight to the death?"

Seeing this, Shuo Yue did not hesitate. The countless weapons in the snow country moved as they pleased. They no longer sprayed in all directions, but gathered into a bunch, following the same trajectory, facing the charging direction of Joan of Arc and others. go.

Ding, clang, boom!

The white-gold steel dragon pounces, its scales are the edge of the blade, its dragon head is the sharp edge of the sword, and its roar is the symphony formed by the collision of countless weapons!

"Uh, uhhhh!" Joan of Arc gritted her teeth, her hands trembling uncontrollably, and the violent power was transmitted along the holy flag, almost breaking her wrists.

The durability of the holy flag has reached a limit, and it can no longer fully withstand the damage, and the tide of swords summoned by Shuo Yue cannot be resisted by pure will. Fortunately, as radiant heroes, they have the spirit and will to match. Fantasy Arms.

"Relay, Mordred!" The holy flag in front of Jeanne d'Arc dimmed, and the wings of Seraph spread out behind her. "I command her with the last command spell to liberate the Noble Phantasm, Red Saber!"

"Copy that!" The rebellious knights came out of the crowd, and the light on the king's sword was entangled like thunder.

"I am not a king, but a person who follows in the king's footsteps. For the sake of the king's peace, I will drive away all the enemies!"

"The chant has changed...?" Shuo Yue, who was not far away, frowned. Before he could figure out what was going on, Mordred had already swung a powerful sword.

"Treason against my glorious father (Clarent Blood Arthur)!"

There is no doubt that this is the release of the full power of the Noble Phantasm. The sword blade burning with huge flames cuts forward, and the torrent of light that bursts out goes straight forward, preferring to bend rather than bend. With an indomitable momentum, it destroys the armed dragon with overwhelming force. .

Thousands of soldiers were defeated with one slash.

Sharp debris flew all over the sky, cutting the heroes' armor and scratching their skin. However, no one paid attention to this trivial matter. The heroes raised their heads and looked expectantly at the combination of the Command Seal and Mordred. The sword with all the magic power cut through everything in the way, and with countless shattering sounds, it went straight to the young man's face.

Defeat him! Shoot him down!

The beating of the heart was so violent. Whether it was Joan of Arc or the Empress, Mordred knew in his heart that this was their last chance, a chance to defeat the Blue Fang, win the Holy Grail, or save the world.

If such attacks cannot defeat the enemy in front of them, they will be torn into pieces in endless anger and become a few withered bones frozen in the world of mental images.

No matter what the reason or ideal, at this moment, Joan of Arc and others have an unprecedented unity of wishes - to defeat Shuo Yue and break the fatal inherent barrier!

The calm face fell apart under the light of magic power. Faced with Mordred's anti-city treasure, Shuo Yue's heart was filled with warning signs, but even so, he still did not move. After the pretended cold mask was shattered, , the expression on his face was a smile.

"My king, someone claims to expel me for your safety."

"Hmph, that's ridiculous."

The aura that was colder than ice and snow fell down and was embedded in the pitch-black armor, turning into dried blood and an indestructible curse entangled with each other. The king with blond hair and golden eyes appeared next to the young man, casting a contemptuous glance at Jeanne d'Arc and the others who were stunned and speechless below, as well as the magic beam rushing towards them.

Heavy magic bursts out from the holy spear in her hand - terrifying and solemn, with a thousand times awe, extreme holiness and millions of cruelties!

For example, the endless roaring storm, and the indelible disaster.

"Released from the end, it is the fury of the storm that tears the sky and connects the ground - the shining spear of the end (Rhongomyniad)!"

The world is in turmoil. The jet-black stream of light spurts out from the tip of the spear. The red thunder carrying hope is smashed by the mighty power of the incarnation of the end. The destruction is not diminished at all. It is like an iron-blooded trial and ruling, flowing backward in the same path, like setting off A tsunami greeted Joan of Arc and others.

The end is coming!

"My flag, protect my compatriots!" Figures with the same blond hair emerged from more and more people, holding up the holy flag again to protect their comrades.


The light of the holy spear struck the golden barrier cleanly. This time, Jeanne's pupils shrank suddenly, and she clearly heard the crisp 'click' sound.

It was the sound of the wooden flagpole breaking, and it was like the souls of countless comrades emerging in a trance. They smiled, patted the girl's shoulders one after another, and told her with a smile - we can only help here.

When the anger of the Storm Spear ceased and the dark clouds on the horizon dispersed, Joan stretched out her hands in vain, but there was nothing in her hands. The white flag embroidered with fleur-de-lis fell into the air and turned into golden light fragments.

"Joan of Arc..." Semiramis's eyes widened slightly as she looked at Joan of Arc who always showed kindness and calmness.

At some point, this holy girl burst into tears.

——On the last day of the Holy Grail War, within Shuo Yue’s inherent barrier.

Joan of Arc's Noble Phantasm, Luminosite Eternelle, is broken.

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