Chapter 558 Fate/Apocrypha

That was the moment when the Servants gathered in the sky garden for a decisive battle/that was the moment when the writer got a quiet environment.

[Come on, the kingdom is waiting for you, Master! Let me bring you a horse! There are more things in heaven and earth. Joan of Arc. Thay are dreamed of in your philosophy. 】

Red Caster Shakespeare hummed a little tune and wrote the manuscript with great enthusiasm. His quill danced on the paper like the most gorgeous dancer, and the eyes of the man who wrote the pen were reflecting all kinds of things.

"What are you and Shuo Yue doing?" The cat girl on the side crossed her shoulders and stared at the man in flashy clothes with unkind eyes, "Why do I appear here, and why - why are all the servants and masters missing? Already?"

"Really, is that what you think, the most beautiful hunter in Greece?" Shakespeare did not stop writing, he just raised his hand and pointed out the window without raising his head.

"But we clearly saw that Gungnir, who was thundering down from the sky, was going to smash the paladin who was rushing in."

"And here, look at that, the blasphemous ritual has been activated, and the seven heroic spirits have turned into shadows, pointing their weapons at the people who are saving the world!"

"Hahahaha... What a wonderful unfolding, that is an unyielding meteor! So weak and yet trying so hard, can the brilliance of a human being break through the forbidden curse of the Gods!"

"Oh, well done, my Master! With your interlocking strategies and your strength, you are overcoming obstacles, for victory, or for something other than victory!"

With a 'pop' sound, Ta Miao slapped away Shakespeare's fingering palm and frowned: "Are you crazy? There is obviously nothing here."

Atalanta was not wrong. In the keen vision of the huntress, the aerial garden was empty and dead. There was nothing at all described in Shakespeare's words.

But when Shakespeare finally looked up at her, Atalanta held her breath - the great writer's eyes were reflecting bright and bizarre colors, a forest that could almost engulf people. Luo Wanxiang.

"You...could it be...?!"

"That's it!" The poet's eye, in fine frenzy rolling. Doth glance from heaven to Earth, from Earth to heaven .)'. My eyes are in perfect condition right now! It's a source of inspiration. In other words, I'm having the most fun at this very moment!"

"You're a lunatic." It was clear that the other party was a weakling with no power, but Atalanta couldn't help but take a few steps back, shocked by the madness pursuing the story, "You actually turned yourself into a treasure. Part of the tool...?!"

"Have you finally figured it out? Little girl out of the story, it's a pity that you didn't get to see the king's new clothes!" Shakespeare laughed:

"Whether you are a Servant or a Master, you are all in the midst of my Noble Phantasm 'The time has come for the show to begin, here comes the thundering applause (First Folio)'!"

"Come on, my Noble Phantasm is opening! Sit down! No smoking, no filming, no rude and rude words! The world is in my hands, the show starts now - please give me thunderous applause!"

Having said that, the only audience for this epic stage play is Shakespeare. After giving Atalanta his shock, Shakespeare turned around and sat back on the writer's throne, turning his inspiration into words, and splashing ink without stopping. on top of the paper.

His Noble Phantasm, the First Folio, is a Noble Phantasm that changes the world. However, it does not change the world itself, but a stage Noble Phantasm that seals the world, generates a script, and then forces the story to be staged. .

For Shakespeare, there is no simpler or more luxurious cast than this. As long as the people are placed on the stage one after another, they will follow their own beliefs and ideals, conflict with each other, and burst out. There are endless sparks, even if you only catch one, it can ignite a blazing fire in your mind.

I'm so lucky - I didn't expect to experience such happiness in my second life. I couldn't have done the right thing by abandoning the red party and serving that young man.

"Caster, your legs..." Along with the strange fluctuations of magic power, Atalanta discovered that the writer's legs had dissipated completely, "I see, is this why you never leave your seat? Although the Noble Phantasm is maintained with spiritual cores, this also means that when the followers escape, it will be your death."

No one knows, and no one will express appreciation or anger. This stage builder will disappear in obscurity as the theater ends.

"It doesn't matter, Archer. For us, the most important thing is whether we can write interesting stories more interestingly. That's everything."

The collapse of death has begun. Ah, those heroes fought really fiercely. If it weren't for the magical support of the Holy Grail, I might not have been able to hold on long ago - Shakespeare sighed silently.

He believed it.

Believe in people's dreams, believe in people's ambitions, believe in people's anger.

In this world, interesting and fun things will never run out. Even if it really becomes extinct, there will be no problem as long as you provide it yourself.

The story this time is also very wonderful. Everyone is doing their best to survive and think as hard as they can. Whether it's tragedy or comedy, or anything else, documenting it all is truly a blessing.

"Whether it's a heroic spirit, a human being, a magician, or even an artificial person, the materials are the same." He tore off the full page and wrote desperately as if chasing time. The dissipation speed of the child continued to increase, his abdomen had disappeared, and the numbness spread all the way to his chest.

Even so, the writing of Red Caster did not stop. Even if half of the body is destroyed, there is no problem. The luckiest thing is that it starts to disappear from the feet. Because——as long as you still have two hands, you can continue to write the original manuscript.

"In other words, 'We are such stuff As dreams are made on' (We are such stuff As dreams are made on)' Hahahaha... I can't stop writing! Amakusa Shiro Tokisada's dream, Semiramis The dream of Jeanne d'Arc, the dream of Master Shuoyue. If you don't record these intense and illusory dreams, then you are still a writer!"

No one responded, and Shakespeare did not expect anyone to respond. He was just immersed in the dream of creation. Atalanta silently stared at the great writer, and saw the same light in his eyes as those of the heroes.

At this moment, she understood the reason why this man ascended the Throne of Heroes. Uncensored martial arts and noble conduct are certainly what heroes pursue, but using the pen as the sword and the ink as the edge to carve out all kinds of things in the world and the world of mortals, isn't that a feat?

In the blink of an eye, fame and wealth are all turned into dust. What can be passed down to future generations are the stories written by these people. Those who record what they witnessed, the heroism and courage of the heroes, are the cornerstones of the heroic spirits’ entry into the record tape. .

——But it is also destined that they are just narrators and bystanders. They write about everything in the world, but they are unable to record themselves in this exciting procession.

So, is this the reason why I am standing here, Shuo Yue?

Atalanta seemed to realize something, and at this moment, Shakespeare exerted force on his right arm, and the tip of his pen left a smooth ink mark on the page, and then was thrown away by the owner.

For writers, there is a word that is both their most hated and favorite word. Sometimes the writer doesn't even get to that stage, and sometimes the writer makes a difficult decision and says the word at the same time.

"Hahahahaha! It's over! It's over! It's over, it's over! They have a wonderful ending! This is my latest work!"

Shakespeare, who was laughing like this, had his face shattered, and divine light burst out, which was the light of the Holy Sword that unsealed the Thirteenth Constraint. The great writer saw the spectacular scene of the young knight roaring and defeating the evil dragon with the Holy Sword. While feeling excited, I couldn't help but open my arms.

"Ah, but... I also want to play the leading role——!"

The blue spirit illuminated the room, and when Atalanta's vision returned, there was no trace of Shakespeare in her eyes. There is only the original manuscript, which the discerning person would probably have given up all his property to get, and it is lying quietly on the desk.

Red Caster·Shakespeare, destroyed.

This was the first victim of this decisive battle.


"Hmm, that's it. We have been trapped in Caster's Noble Phantasm from the beginning, but he can actually reproduce the Noble Phantasm inside the Noble Phantasm."

"It's probably because of the Holy Grail. As a cauldron of miracles, Achilles should be able to achieve this level."

It was a joyous scene - Shuo Yue projected several copies of Shakespeare's original manuscript and passed it on to all the followers. Whether they were heroes who died early or knights who persisted until the end, they were inevitably impressed by Shakespeare's superb writing style. Attracted, immersed in the battles experienced, feeling the awareness and choices from different perspectives, and experiencing the persistence and decision of the heroes.

"It's been a series of difficulties. Thank you for persevering. You've done a great job."

"Teacher, I didn't expect it would be such a big blow to you after I left."

"This...cough cough cough."

"Don't worry, teacher, I won't make you sad next time - I promise it in the name of the hero Achilles."

"Huh...yeah, I'm happy, Achilles."

Achilles and Chiron looked at each other and smiled, while on the other side, Siegfried and Karna met their eyes.

"Wonderful realization, Black Saber."

"To each other, Lancer Red, it was you who turned the tide and gave them a chance."

"I lost to you in the end."

"The truly powerful one is not me, but my master Sakuyue."

"Really, then who should I turn to to wash away the shame of being a warrior?"

"Ha--that must be me, Red Lancer. If you want to challenge the Master, please step over my body first."

The words were obviously full of murderous intent, but there was a refreshing atmosphere between the two heroes, noble and powerful. This was the reason why they cherished each other.

"Really, that's why I hate warriors. All I can think about is fighting and killing."

The empress in black dress sneered at this, and she hugged the saint's arm affectionately: "You won't do this, will you, my master?"

"Ah... of course." Amakusa laughed dryly, recalling his words and actions at the last moment, he felt so embarrassed that he wanted to leave the three rooms and one living room, "By the way, Assassin..."

"What did you say?"

"Semi, Semiramis..." Amakusa changed her words calmly. Seeing this, the empress withdrew her gaze with satisfaction and nodded her head lightly. As her hair flowed, her blushing and pointed ears were revealed. It was revealed.

"My sky garden still exists. It seems that we no longer need to choose another love nest."

"Yes, that's right." To this, Amakusa could only smile bitterly.

As a saint from the Far East, what should I do if I'm kidnapped by the empress? I'm waiting online in a hurry.

Amethyst-like pupils moved slightly, so Mordred held the manuscript and excitedly pointed out something to Artoria; Astor covered his head and was half-crying, half-laughing and complaining to Sieg. Fu, and Avisbron, who was silent and hugged by the crying Roche...

Scene after scene, just watching it makes my heart warm, and I even have the urge to cry.

"That's great..."

Joan of Arc was holding the manuscript with a beautiful smile, but a certain guy's rather puzzling words made her freeze in place.

"Ah~ah~~, speaking of which, I remember that Sabi focused on this section. Let me look through it...ah, I found it."

The young gentleman in a platinum coat raised the corners of his mouth slightly, ran his fingers across the manuscript smelling of ink, coughed twice, and read out this sentence seriously:

"[But if we can meet again, I... really hope that my love can find a home.]"

Closing the manuscript, Shuo Yue suppressed a smile and looked at the stunned Jeanne.

"So, Holy Lady, am I standing in front of you now?"

From now on, you must make sure that at least one of the two people is dead.

——In the shame that almost overwhelmed her, Joan realized this truth in a painful way.

"Lord, entrust me with this body..."

"Calm down, don't release the precious phantom!" Shuo Yue was shocked, "Stop him quickly, Joan of Arc is going to release the Red Lotus Saint!"

Shuo Yue shouted, so everyone dropped what they were doing and rushed forward. They hugged their legs and blocked their waists, and finally persuaded the saint who was in an explosive mood.

"Look at the good deeds you have done." Atalanta comforted the crying saint, and glared at Shuo Yue angrily, while Shuo Yue scratched her head and smiled, her movements suddenly paused.

"Ah, it's time."

The white-gold spirit floated away, and in front of everyone, Shuo Yue's body was gradually turning into nothingness.

"What's going on?" Atalanta's pupils tightened, and Jeanne couldn't care less about the shame. The two of them rushed forward, hugging Shuo Yue from the left to the right, looking anxious, "Why do you want to leave suddenly? Got it!"

"There is always time for miracles, even the third method." Merlin, who had been silent, stepped forward, "Time is running out, last knight, if you have anything to say, please tell me quickly."

"There's nothing to say, it's just that a story has come to an end."

After touching Atalanta's animal ears and gently hugging Joan of Arc, Shuo Yue's figure flashed slightly and appeared in the center of the crowd. In his hand, the golden cup shone with brilliance.

"The Great Holy Grail..." The Empress showed no surprise on her face, "As expected, it has already fallen into your hands."

Without the support of the Great Holy Grail, Shakespeare would not be able to maintain the Noble Phantasm, and it was not until the thirteen constraints of the Holy Sword were released that the barrier was broken.

"I smell the gift!" Astolfo took Sieg's hand and ran all the way to Shuo Yue, with little stars in his eyes, "Hey, Shuo Yue has something good for us. ?"

"The evaporation of rationality is unexpectedly useful here." Shuo Yue nodded at Astolfo in a funny way, "Then let me say it bluntly. My third method is very compatible with the Great Holy Grail and does not require a heroic spirit. With the soul as the key, the filled Great Holy Grail has been activated."

"Although I need the Great Holy Grail and its energy, it is more than enough to use a small part to help the servants receive flesh and to allow the masters to realize their wishes."

"Haha, this is a good gift." Achilles immediately raised his hand, "I have long wanted to have a good time in this era!"

Shuo Yue smiled and nodded, and white-gold light enveloped Achilles. The next moment, his aura changed, from a mysterious creature to a real human being. The reborn hero bumped his fists, his expression extremely satisfied.

"Very good, now it's more fun to beat people up!"

The good fight has been fought, the road has been traveled, and at the end of the calm, the heroes finally received the reward given by another hero - no one will refuse the temptation of Second Life, even Even the most withdrawn Avisbronn couldn't stand Luo Xie's eyes and accepted the blessing of the Great Holy Grail.

Not only that, with the help of the power of the Great Holy Grail, Fiore's wish was finally realized. With the support of Chiron and Cowles, she stood on the ground with her own feet; as for the Lion Tribulation, although he He wanted to run away, but was held back by Mordred, who forcibly lifted the curse left by the demon.

"Hey, I'm the master."

"I can't help it, who made me a rebellious knight~~"

"Mordred, no matter what, cigarettes are not allowed."

"I got it..."

Ignoring the 'father and son bureau' over there, Shuo Yue called the only one who had not received a gift, Kaules, to his side. After giving such instructions, he completely let go of the suppression.

"Then, Shuo Yue, a traveler from another world, has been defeated. It's a pity that your crusade failed, but you must protect this beautiful world from now on."

"Ah, that's natural." The heroes looked at the young man who overturned the entire Holy Grail War. No matter how many grudges and disputes they had, they all smiled and waved goodbye to him.

The rainbow-blue brilliance flashed away, and the white-gold stars returned to the galaxy one by one.

"Are you just leaving like this, Shuo Yue?" Artoria suddenly spoke and stopped her Master, "But until the end, you didn't explain to me the reason for doing this. Without Shakespeare's Noble Phantasm, this would have been impossible. This battle will end with you killing all the servants."

"Then, why did you, who has always been ruthless and ruthless from the beginning, do it to this extent?"

"Do you even need to ask, my king?" His face gradually blurred, but the young man smiled, raised his hand, and pointed at Artoria, Jeanne d'Arc, Atalanta and Sieg respectively, with gentle eyes.

"You are the reason."

It was early spring, the sky was sunny and the breeze was gentle.

The last victim of the Holy Grail War, Assassin Sakutsu of the Blue, exited with the Great Holy Grail.

Everything is clear and the world is peaceful.

Congratulations, congratulations.

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