My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 574 It’s over! I am surrounded by beauties

Nero Claudius.

The noble and luxurious Rose Princess, the vibrant and cheerful flower of Rome.

In front of this girl, the victor of the Holy Grail War, the contractor who tamed the beast, the young man who had won again and again in the competition of thousands of heroes... unexpectedly became more confused than ever before, and the hand that raised the fork froze in place. land.

With nervousness and hope flashing in his eyes, Shuo Yue stared intently at the beautiful girl in front of him, and tentatively said: "You..."

Your Majesty, do you still remember the Governor of the Second Singularity at the Daming Lake... well?

"Hmm?" Nero tilted his head, looking at the handsome white-haired young man with his beautiful eyes, and soon showed an innocent smile, "I understand!"

Understood? Could it be that……

She seemed to hear the pounding sound of her heart. In the sudden excitement, Shuo Yue saw Nero clasping his hands and said cheerfully:

"You want to ask Yu if you have eaten, right? Yu remembers that this is Eastern etiquette. Well, it's a pity that Yu has been so busy that he hasn't had time to eat yet!"

"So -" the red emperor blinked his eyes, not hiding the girl's cunning, "can you treat me to a meal, kindhearted person? I will be very grateful to you!"

? ? ?

Shuo Yue was stunned, but was quickly defeated by Nero's eye attack. He smiled bitterly and nodded, so Nero cheered, sat down at the double table generously, and ate Shuo Yue's half-eaten mapo tofu. Dragging it in front of him, he eagerly picked up the knife and fork.

"Yukai is moving~~"

Shuo Yue, on the other hand, made no other moves after nodding in agreement. She just stared at Nero steadily and never looked away.

He originally thought that if he wanted to meet Nero again, he would only be in Fujimaru or Ritsuka's Chaldea. At an inadvertent moment, in the shiny and clean corridor, the girl burst into his sight like a flame. Then they left in a hurry, leaving each other with only time to look back, and then they went their separate ways again.

In the final analysis, everything that happened at the second singularity was just a dream. It was just an arena built to test the contractors with the help of the Beast reborn from its original body.

As a host, Nero was obviously involved in everything from beginning to end, but he was just a bystander. Even if Shuo Yue or Lord Wu'an of Great Qin laid their eyes on her, all they saw was the dormant one. Beast shadow.

She is like a scenery board used on every stage, or a necessary but insignificant prop or bridge, carrying the joy of rushing to each other, but destined to get nothing - people will only meet for the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Moved by the story, but who cares about the magpie who helped them connect?

So, there must be some guilt hidden in my heart.

Nero Claudius is not a backdrop, nor is he an emotionless carrier - she clearly smiles more beautifully than anyone else, and blooms more passionately than anyone else. Even Shuo Yue was once ignited by her. fire of love.

But in the end, fate made her sit in the audience, watching her governor hug the beauty back amidst the cheers, and leave her life with gentleness and coldness, together with her who was not her. Businessmen do not meet each other.

It was like having a fairy tale dream. When I woke up, the familiar warmth still remained in my hands, but gradually became cold after nightfall. Both the story and the person were gradually forgotten.

Even if I see a familiar figure again, things have changed.

"You seem to be familiar with Yu's appearance. Are you a traveler who has come to the empire to pay homage to Yu Rongguang?"

Sure enough, I have no memory anymore...

Shuo Yue sighed inwardly, but did not intend to take the initiative to talk about that past incident: "Let's just treat it like this. After all, I am used to serving His Majesty the Emperor, who is as beautiful and noble as you."

"Boom, wow, I didn't expect you to be a beautiful young man who can talk sweetly!" Nero nodded very helpfully and put a full spoonful of mapo tofu into his mouth. Just as he was about to introduce himself to his family, his emerald green eyes His eyes suddenly widened, and his fair face suddenly turned red.

Spicy, so spicy!

It was like Mount Vesuvius erupted on the tip of her tongue!

The indescribable pain, which people called "spicy" in awe, exploded in his mouth. The naive Nero didn't know that what Shuo Yue ate was famous in the entire Xingyue world, and was even praised as Super spicy mapo tofu that's 'killing'!

This spiciness contains the supreme deliciousness, but those who cannot even survive the initial pain are not qualified to visit that extreme state!

But Nero couldn't care so much at this time. She only knew that she was almost dying of spicy food, so she reached out to the glass on the table. The water rippled in the glass, reflecting the girl's eager eyes.

As long as you can, reach that place——

With a 'pop' sound, Nero's hand was firmly held. At the same time, the young man raised his head, glanced at her 'coldly', waved to call the waiter, and after whispering a few instructions, Nero Under the desperate eyes, the waiter picked up the cup filled with water and turned around to walk away.

It was like a whip lashing the delicate skin, and the sudden explosion of pain made Nero's eyes well up with tears. She looked at the handsome white-haired young man and felt that he was as cruel as an evil ghost at this time.

Was he using this method to poison Yu? What a cunning and insidious plan!

Nero wanted to struggle, but the spicy taste in her mouth roughly took away her strength. She wanted to draw her sword, but fighting was prohibited in Tsukiumihara Academy. Even if a war started, she was just a servant without a master, and even the magic power consumption was Be careful with your budget, let alone fight in such adverse circumstances.

Could it be that...Yu was going to die here in such a heroic way?

Just when Nero looked desperate, the waiter who took away her water glass turned back. On his tray, there were several bottles of milky white drinks neatly placed.


"Capsaicin is not soluble in water. Drinking water will only cause the capsaicin to spread in all directions, making it more painful." Shuo Yue glanced at the idiot emperor, took the milk, pried open the lid with one hand, and handed the bottle to her mouth. "Milk neutralizes capsaicin and relieves pain."

Without hesitation, Nero Cherry opened her mouth slightly, and without even having to do anything, the milk poured into her mouth, filling her mouth just right, soothing the burning spicy taste.


Letting out a long sigh of relief, Nero leaned back on the chair, his face full of joy of surviving the disaster, while Shuo Yue stared at her red lips, and after a long while he looked back with difficulty, and asked casually: "Speaking of which, I'm very curious. , who is the master who can summon you?"

who is it? Yu didn't know, but what he saw when he opened his eyes was another Master, a little girl who couldn't rest assured...

Nero was about to answer this, but suddenly his mind changed. Instead of confessing, he hummed: "The one who can control Yu, the most famous sword, is of course the most outstanding and pure master in Yuehaiyuan."

Really... Shuo Yue did not doubt that he was there, and he pondered and deleted the possibility that Draco was Nero's master.

After all, the so-called most outstanding and noblest Master... no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for her to be that bad girl who is gloomy and quite difficult to talk to!

Perhaps because of insufficient favorability, Nero was still wary of this young man: "Speaking of which, I don't know what your name is yet. You are also a servant, so who is your master?"

"Hey, let's abide by the principle of equal exchange." Shuo Yue said with a smile, "Since I've treated you to dinner, it's natural for you to tell me information, but there is a charge for additional information."

"Hmm, so this is the price..." Nero dug out a spoonful of tofu with some depression, and it was unexpectedly delicious with milk. "Okay, I will forgive you for trying to poison the emperor! From now on Just call me Saber from now on!”

Poison the emperor?

The corner of Shuo Yue's mouth twitched. This style of talking to himself was really in line with Nero's willful character: "Well, then just call me Shuo Yue, dear Miss Saber."

"Oh, Shuoyue, although it feels a bit random, it sounds surprisingly good." Nero shook his head, his golden hair swaying, "Hmm, Yu Zhen is becoming more and more attracted to you!"

"Then do you want me to take you back, Saber?"

"It's better to skip it, Shuo Yue. Although you are my favorite type, it's the finals after all, so it's better to be serious."

Putting down his knife and fork, Nero warned with a serious look: "If we become opponents, then Yu's sword will not be merciful!"

"Really? I believe it anyway."


After a free meal, Nero hummed a song and left the cafeteria in a good mood, while Shuo Yue snapped her fingers and signaled the waiter to clean the battlefield, while she walked around the campus, hoping to capture that Apply red shadow.

Along the way, I saw too many familiar faces, too many unexpected heroes, and even good opponents whose souls resonated with them even across time and space.

Hundreds of heroic spirits gathered here. This was a miracle that could not be replicated in any orthodox Holy Grail War. If someone raised the flagon, someone would cheer and follow; if someone beat the beat and sang, someone would dance with the song - even if In the future, they are destined to fight each other to the death.

This is the romance of the Holy Grail War, the color that always shines in addition to the main colors of blood and killing.

But... still couldn't find the little red dragon.

Walking all the way to the rooftop, the young man who wore Akahara's formal attire and returned to Yuehaiyuan's school uniform leaned against the wall of the rooftop, blowing the evening breeze. Finding nothing, he could only temporarily suppress Draco's matter and continue to think about being raped. Something Nero interrupted.

If Assassin represents 'wrath' among the seven deadly sins, then as Archer, which of the seven deadly sins has he acquired?

Perhaps there was a will in the dark that did not allow him to delve into the mystery. Amidst the footsteps, another familiar figure climbed onto the rooftop.

"...After a rough inspection, compared to the qualifiers, there are basically no significant changes in the school's structure."

The girl, with one hand on her waist and patrolling back and forth like a stag, caught a glimpse of the young man leaning on the rooftop, and her eyes lit up slightly.

"Eh, wait? That's you over there, yes, that's you."

What the hell, what’s going on, what are you doing, little girl?

Even if he returns to his youthful form and his appearance has changed, it’s not like he can’t be recognized, Tohsaka Rin!

Shuo Yue stared blankly, watching the girl with black twin tails approach, stretched out her slender index finger, and touched his cheek.

"Speaking of which, I haven't reviewed the role yet."

The tactile receptors on the face traced the direction of the girl's fingertips, just like flirting between lovers. The girl's fingers playfully traced Shuo Yue's cheek, and even pinched it gently.

"Eh? It's very warm. It's better than expected for an NPC." After reaching the back, Rin simply moved his hands up and down, touching Shuo Yue's whole body. "This face looks like that of the guy from the qualifiers." , but there is no Master's aura... Is he really dead? I really didn't expect that the Moon Spirit Crystal can use the Master's data to create characters. If you look carefully..."

Not knowing what she thought of, Lin's face turned slightly red. She looked at Shuo Yue's face carefully and whispered:

"Surprisingly, it's my type."

Doesn’t this line sound a bit familiar... Could it be that I have inherited Emiya’s unique female-hard-feelings from past generations... Should I perform a high-jumping performance to add to the fun...

Shuo Yue's expression became more and more speechless. Just when he was thinking about whether to stop him or not, another girl's surprised voice happened to sound.

"Rin, and Sakuzuki...what are you two doing?"

With flowing brown hair, Bai Ye seemed to have trotted up all the way. She gasped softly and looked at the two people on the rooftop in shock. At this time, Rin was putting her hands on Shuoyue's waist. Looking at that posture, she was like Like the prelude to some big action movie...

"Wait, it's not what you think!" Rin was shocked. She looked at Bai Ye and then at Shuo Yue who rolled her eyes. For a moment, she just felt that she couldn't argue and was about to cry.

"Are you a Servant? Is that child a Master? Wait, wait, that means that I, who just carefully touched your body for investigation, what the hell is it--oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo of of of"""

Amid Lin's shameful cries, Shuo Yue looked up at the sky with empty eyes.

Draco, Nero, Tohsaka Rin, even Kishinami Hakuno...

It's over, I'm surrounded by beautiful women!

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