My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 614: The Dream of Scattering and Losing

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.

Today, in this dream that is neither a dream nor a memory, Hakuno finally learned the real name of his true servant, the girl in the golden red dress.

This book is first published on 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

That is the fifth emperor of Rome, a notorious tyrant whose life was decorated with conspiracy and poison.

Should I be afraid? Or should I stay away from this girl who killed her mother?

But after seeing her past, who can say anything about this emperor who has no choice?

I can only be silent and compassionate.

Keep reading.

... The glory of the past has passed, and only fragments and loss are left in the future.

After his mother was poisoned, Nero's headache became more and more serious. Although it was said that it was hysteria caused by long-term use of the silver cup, only the emperor himself knew that this was the poison that the woman had given her since she was a child to prevent her daughter from rebelling.

Perhaps the poison and the antidote were used at the same time. It was not until she died and the antidote disappeared that the toxicity that penetrated into the bone marrow began to torture the girl's already fragile spirit.

The death of a direct blood relative, the headache caused by the poison... Nero's life began to become more and more irreversible from here.

The suicide of his wife Octavia, who was forced to marry by her mother's order;

In order to consolidate his own power, he assassinated his stepbrother Brittanicus;


The picture presented in front of Hakuno was already mostly stained with blood red, and the emperor in a red skirt sat in the center of the picture, staring expressionlessly at the man whose face he could not see clearly.

[Your Majesty, you have really reached an incredible height. ]

[Ru, are you angry about what I did again? Everyone said it was a mistake. Even if you criticized me in the parliament, I have already forgiven you. I am very magnanimous. 】

【Then, please allow me to leave - to a place you cannot reach. 】

【Seneca, my teacher, I cannot understand the meaning of your words at all... What are you so angry about? But it doesn't matter, I will allow it, no matter how many times. All, all, because I am very magnanimous. 】

【But, I am the emperor who rules the world (Rome), there is no such place in this world, right? 】



【Wait, are you really going? 】

There is a place that the living cannot reach no matter what - this is something that Seneca and Nero both know well. Only the dark underworld is a place that Augustus of Rome cannot reach.

Hakuno's pupils shrank suddenly. She saw the back of the tall man, who took his life with a dagger so decisively.

[Even the only teacher, the philosopher Seneca, whom she trusted sincerely, was forced to commit suicide by her. ]

Blood was splattered, and this time, the scroll was completely dyed into a dazzling scarlet. The lonely emperor sitting in the deep palace was drowned in the bloody ocean.

Just like what they saw before when they were dragged into this place.

Bai Ye sniffed, and the more emotional Alice had already red eyes.

"Why, it turned out like this, obviously, obviously the elder sister is such a good person..."

For the innocent girl, such a story is too heavy and dark. Just when Bai Ye wanted to comfort her, a voice sounded calmly.

"All this is the inevitable result of her actions. The emperor who enjoys extremely high popularity among the citizens is only known for terror and death to his relatives."

"An emperor who treats his relatives and friends as if they were strangers... Ha."

The voice sighed so much, so sad, but couldn't help laughing for it.

"She claimed that this was love, but this love does not distinguish between the young and old, the noble and the humble, and great love is like ruthlessness."

"Like King Arthur of Britain, this is another sense of 'not understanding the human heart'."

Who is the person speaking, and why is his voice so familiar?

Why does he know so much about Nero, and even King Arthur?

Bai Ye and Alice looked in the direction of the voice, and when the figure slowly walked out of the blood-red light and came into their eyes, the curiosity quickly turned into fear, and then vented it with high-decibel screams.

"Ah ah ah ah ah——!"

"Ghost ghost ghost!"

It's no wonder that Bai Ye and Alice behaved like this, because the man standing in front of them had no head!

To be precise, his head was held in his hand, and the exposed wound on his neck was even bleeding!

This was simply a scene from a horror movie. Facing Bai Ye and Little Alice who could not hide their fear, the man scratched his head - of course he touched nothing, then he suddenly realized and pressed his head back.

With a smack, after the creepy sound of flesh and blood rubbing against each other, the man turned back to his polite appearance. He touched his chest and saluted, and his ancient Roman bachelor's robe swayed slightly, so Bai Ye finally recognized the identity of this man.

It was Seneca, Nero's teacher, the philosopher who committed suicide.

No... Is this really him?

Perhaps due to the overly strong emotional impact, Bai Ye's blocked memories are gradually surfacing. She looked at the man whose face was still blurred, with a vigilant look.

She didn't think that such a speaking style belonged to Seneca himself. What's more, how did he escape from the illusion, and why did he evaluate the famous King Arthur and the tyrant Nero from a third party's attitude?

That kind of style is more like descendants who will read through history thousands of years later and express their own thoughts on the stories of the past!

"Well, even if you lose your memory, are you still so sharp?"

‘Seneca’ noticed Bai Ye’s vigilance. He didn’t explain anything. He just pointed at the blood-stained scroll and said in a calm tone:

"No problem, just keep reading. Without the nursery rhyme's treasure, the 'Secret Garden (SG)' locked in the emperor's heart would not have been exposed so easily."

"And since it has been revealed, I invite you to witness it until the last moment."

The bloody wave was burned out by the flames, the vast sunset fell, and with the sound of the man walking from the narration to the scene, this long and short life came to an end without stopping.

"A few years after Seneca's death, there was a rebellion in Rome. Nero was deposed from the throne of emperor by the Senate and became a guilty man who was judged as a traitor to the country."

“This is where the biggest miscalculation begins.”

"She worked hard for the citizens, and the citizens welcomed her policies, so the citizens would not accept her abdication. Nero originally thought so -"

"But there was nothing, they didn't do anything."

"During the rebellion in 69 AD, he was kicked off the throne and fled from Rome. At the critical moment, he realized that he could not escape, and made up his mind to commit suicide in the wilderness... Despite this, he still shed tears several times and then stopped until the end. Then he was desperate and stabbed himself in the throat with a dagger."

Following the man's words, a red dress slowly appeared in the wilderness under the sunset. The blond girl closed her eyes tightly and lay quietly, with red lines spreading on her fair neck.

"That's...Miss Nero!"

Alice whispered, and Bai Ye couldn't help but stepped forward, but was pulled back by 'Seneca'.

The blood-colored spikes bulged and broke through the soil, and the sharpness bathed in dusk almost penetrated Kishinami Baiye.

"Be careful, girl." The mysterious man said, "If you intrude into other people's hearts without permission, no matter how good-tempered you are, you can't help but plan a famous counterattack."

"What's more, what about the coquettish and willful Emperor's lady?"

Faced with the man's joke, Bai Ye shook his head seriously: " are lying."


Bai Ye calmly took a few steps back and distanced himself from him. The memories sealed by the Forest of Namelessness surged like a tide, returning the girl's wisdom. She looked at the mysterious man with a wary face:

"You are hiding the truth. What changes have happened to Nero... I can feel through the contract that there are two consciousnesses fighting in that body."

The contract signed by Shuoyue had an effect, and Bai Ye felt the fierce confrontation on the other side of the contract. One of the consciousnesses was unabashedly hostile to her existence, while the other consciousness was guarding her with all its strength.

What should be done? How should we help that consciousness?

Alice blinked and felt something was different about the March Hare next to her - the short March of confusion and escape was over, and the quality and willpower commensurate with the King of Moon Spirits once again returned to Kishinami Hakuno .

By the way, this should be used.

In the wilderness at dusk, the brown-haired girl raised her slender wrist and activated the master's power without hesitation.

"By command, don't lose, Nero!"

"Well done!" The mysterious man made no secret of his admiration. He trusted his servant so much and believed that she was the one who protected him. There was obviously no basis for it, but this intuition and trust were exactly what he wanted as a Master. The most precious quality.

The miracle of the command spell worked, and the red streaks on his neck receded like an electric shock. Under Bai Ye's nervous gaze, Nero, who was lying on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, a bay leaf-like eye shining with joy. , the other eye as thick as blood was filled with rage.

"Have you seen this endless sunset scene?"

The fifth emperor of Rome spoke. She seemed to be completely unaware of the presence of anyone around her and was quarreling among herself.

"This is us, this is where Emperor Nero died, where Nero Claudius stabbed his own throat!"

The unhappy tone suddenly cooled down, and some were just sighs of reluctance.

"Yes, it was an ugly deathbed, listening to cheers that did not exist, hoping for salvation that did not exist, stained with blood and tears, and dying miserably."

"In this case, you should understand how unwilling we were back then -"

"Yes, I am not willing to give in. To be honest, I am really not willing to give in. When I think that such a good artist is going to die, I am so sad that I almost cry."

Nero responded to the words of the little red dragon, so calmly: "I still remember the scenery nearby, the shape of the rocks, the sound of the wind, and the decaying sunset. To this day, I still remember everything, and I remember being in this wilderness. Death, the end of a certain emperor."

"Then why reject me!" Draco's tone became more and more angry, "Why not surpass these three sunsets? You know, that person will never give up on us, as long as, as long as we return to him …”

"It shouldn't be like this, my half body, no, it's a dream born of my love." Facing the end of the scene and Draco's sadness, Nero smiled, "I am indeed a tyrant, who killed many lives and finally met an ugly death that matches it."

"This is a fact, I will not deny it, there is nothing to be ashamed of."

"I lived my way until the end, and that's enough."

Was he struck by the will contained in these words? The sticky blood in his eyes stagnated and receded, and the pure green eyes like laurel leaves regained their agility. The young emperor blinked and turned to look at Bai Ye, with a sincere smile in the depths of his eyes.

"Master, I have been grateful to you all the time. It's almost time, let's go."

The sunset in the sky was dispelled by the golden red light. Nero disappeared with Bai Ye and Alice, but ignored the mysterious man with a blurred face.

"Ah... just ran away like that." The man who played 'Seneca' chuckled, "But that's right, the aftermath is never the emperor's concern, right, another abandoned little guy."

The light of dusk condensed, outlining a young and tender figure, the dragon's tail poked out from under the skirt, shaking gently, the girl closed her eyes and fell asleep lifelessly.

Breaking away from the shadow of the imaginary number and refusing the anchoring of the main body, the former sixth beast is already a vague and scattered phantom.

"What a stubborn and hard-to-talk girl." 'Nero's teacher' came to her side, his voice helpless and doting, "But there is no way, who let someone love you so much——"

As the fingertips fell, the platinum miracle light gently covered her.

[Matter compilation, start]

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