My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 635: Julius's Story, Rin's Invitation

Since then, Tsukiumihara Academy has been in complete chaos.

Fighting, fighting, fighting... The false peace was completely torn apart. Even inside the academy, the sound of swords clashing could be heard everywhere. Only by hiding in one's room could one find some peace.

On the first day of the competition system update, three masters were killed by the special master Sakutsuki, leaving 13 people.

On the second day, Archer Atalanta's team was betrayed; Berserker Hercules' team was surrounded and killed, and two people were killed. Assassin Fuma Kotaro's team was eliminated by Gawain, leaving 9 people.

On the third day, Berserker Hercules' team used up their last life; Saber Roland's team encountered the special master Draco and died. There were 7 people left.

On the fourth day, Caster Unknown's team carried out a full-scale attack, and Julius (I) personally killed the master, leaving 6 people.

Important monitoring object · Special Master: Shuoyue and Draco have the same schedule, see report 2.5.1 for details.

Important monitoring object · Hakuno Kishiba: does not actively participate in the fight, and his trajectory is fixed between the arena and his room, see report 2.5.2 for details.

Important monitoring object · Rin Tohsaka: No detailed information was captured, this person has a strong anti-reconnaissance awareness.

Report ends.

"Hmm, very detailed report, thank you for your hard work."

The cafeteria, an open area that no Master dares to go to anymore - because this is the top Boss monster spawning point of the Holy Grail War.

As a person who never smokes or drinks, Leo will return to his room before 10 o'clock at the latest every day, go to bed at 11 o'clock at night, and ensure that he gets enough sleep for 8 hours. Naturally, he will not treat his stomach badly, and will never make do with three meals a day in his room.

Since the last unlucky guy who wanted to eat breakfast ran into Leo in the cafeteria and was killed by Gawain for disturbing the master's meal, no one dared to come here to make trouble.

After all, even if there is no hostility, Leo would not mind taking some points.

"Thank you for the compliment." The dark-robed man beside Leo nodded, and then said, "There are fewer and fewer chess pieces available. Leo, if we want to defeat Shuoyue, we must do it as soon as possible..."

"Are you trying to say that the power of the master and I is not as good as that person?" Gawain shot him with a bad look, but Julius remained calm and finished the interrupted words.

"We must win over the remaining masters as soon as possible. In order to win, we should work foolproof."

Under the more cruel elimination system, in just a few days, the number of masters was less than half. In addition to Shuoyue, Hakuno, Rin, Leo, and Julius, there was only one master left alive.

And the final winner will be born among them.

In Julius's view, the best strategy is to gather superior forces and eliminate the most powerful Shuoyue group, but in the face of his suggestion, Leo just calmly put down the report.

"I know. Let's go, Gawain."



Julius frowned and was about to persuade him again, but Leo turned around and said, "Brother, how do you think I can win?"

"Shuoyue and Draco are already powerful on another level... Can they be overwhelmed by numbers alone?"

Shaking his head, the blond boy smiled and gave his answer:

"What we need is a power that can match them."


After Leo left, Julius quietly packed up the report with a gloomy face.

"Ka Ka, this kid has a good eye, and he made the same judgment as me." The servant's strange laughter echoed in his mind, "What do you think, Master, not only me, but no one is optimistic about your plan now."

The man in the dark robe was silent. If there was anything similar between him and the two brothers Leo, it was the same determination, or stubbornness.

"I have transferred all the QP and props to Leo's account. The plan chosen by Leo does not need the help of a 'person' like me."

Transferring the report to the space, Julius said calmly: "In this case, instead of staying in my room and waiting for Leo to win and take my points, it is better to increase the possibility of his victory... even if it is only a little bit."

"Why do you have to do this?" Li Shuwen asked, "Even people who live like wandering souls should have the most basic will to survive. However, your lifestyle is like firewood ready to burn out at any time."

Enduring the pain of body transformation to climb onto the Moon Spirit Crystal, hacking into the Holy Grail War System regardless of the risks, and tirelessly carrying out assassinations - just to sacrifice yourself in the end and become a stepping stone to push Leo to the throne?

"Don't you have the desire to make the Holy Grail come true?"

Faced with the servant's question, Julius once again responded with silence, but this time, his calm heart was slightly rippled.

The reason for doing so is too simple. He can recall the broken past by just touching his soul.

[Leo, I'll leave it to you. ]

Julius Belchisco Harvey was originally a "test tube baby" that was highly anticipated as the heir of the Harvey family, but it was found that he had poor abilities and defects when he was in the fetus. The adults thought he could not bring any benefits and abandoned him.

"What a failure..."

"The most perfect material actually gave birth to such garbage."

"Deprive this individual of all his rights and turn the resources to the next plan."

"As for this failed work, just let it fend for itself."

Stumbling amid countless white eyes and scorn, the young Julius encountered the brightest beam of light in the darkest moment.

That was the most beautiful woman, she looked back in the warm afternoon sun, smiled and opened her arms, warming Julius's desolate heart.

In the huge, cold Western European chaebols, only she saw Julius in her eyes and regarded him as her own child.

Without her, the individual named 'Julius' would have died in a dark corner long ago.

For Julius' childhood, the time spent with her made him feel that he was a "human".

However, this time soon ended.

Why, kill.

I want to die, kill.

Kill, kill, kill...



It's really ironic that the price for the person named 'Julius' to gain 'value' is to lose the only "humanity" that can cheer him up.

The woman who treated Leo as her child and killed Leo's mother under the order of her father, whom she had never even met, just smiled and accepted her fate until the very end.

"Leo is in your hands."

The price of keeping his oath is to kill the person who made him make the oath. Such a ridiculous life makes people want to shed dry tears.

From that moment on, Julius completely lost his soul, but he still had a life, a life that would never betray his oath until it burned out.

The motivation for doing his best to support Leo to become the winner did not come from loyalty to the Harvey family. He fought to protect the last words of Alicia, Leo's mother, who he regarded as his mother when he was young.

"So, for her, I am willing to pay any price."

After just saying this without thinking, Julius strode out of the house and dialed a communication that had never been used and could only be used for the last time.

"What's wrong with this strange number? What can I do for the kind and lovely Miss Rin?"

"...It's me."

"Hey, Julius? How did you get my number..."

"Don't hang up yet, Rin." The dark-robed man leaned against the corner of the corridor, letting the tide of darkness swallow him up.

"You also want to win the Holy Grail War, so come and help me."

"Come with us and eliminate the biggest threat."


Shuoyue's room

"What are you waiting for?"

The little girl in the red skirt hugged the pillow and looked at Shuoyue who was leaning on the recliner and reading a magic book: "If I join hands with you, a few masters can't beat us even if they come together."

"Oh?" Shuoyue's smiling voice sounded, "If the enemy is Nero, can you do it?"

"Of course."

"Wow... You are worthy of being a cute and charming villain lady." Shuoyue applauded, "But I'm different. If I can get a perfect ending, what's the harm in waiting a little longer?"

"The perfect ending you said, is it waiting to be conquered by Hakuno or Leo?" The little red dragon squinted, "You tried so hard to let me regain my strength, but if it's just to help another woman, I will bite you, okay?"

"The energy has been restored ? Then come on, face me head on!"

"You...! You know that's not what I'm talking about!"

The little red dragon flew to Shuoyue, gritting his teeth and blushing, and Shuoyue readily apologized, then skillfully stroked her blonde hair, like petting a cat, and sighed softly:

"I must get the Moon Spirit Crystal in my hands, but the real enemy is not them, but someone lurking in the dark of the Holy Grail War."

"Then again, does it mean that after I control the Moon Spirit Crystal, I have to be honest? Stay here to build infrastructure? I'm not the type to farm."

"Oh——" Draco also knew how bad Shuoyue was, "In other words, you are now selecting a suitable manager."

"That's right, my little red dragon is really smart."

"Humph." Draco closed his eyes and shrank into Shuoyue's arms, "Even if you say so, I won't be happy..."

The little dragon's tail quietly wrapped around his waist, Shuoyue raised the corners of his mouth, and a smile flashed in his fox-like eyes.

Although Draco explained that he was choosing a suitable manager between Leo and Baiye, in fact, the candidate had already been chosen by him in the first battle.

For Leo, Shuoyue just expected that as the most outstanding work of the Western European chaebol, the ideal Wang Sheng, could bring him a surprise.

With his strength growing to this point, ordinary servants can no longer satisfy Sakutsuki. Only beings comparable to gods, the highest fantasy species, or the legendary disaster incarnation (Beast) can make him feel the passion of risking his life again.

Rather than being cautious and excluding, Sakutsuki is more willing to believe that Leo can accomplish this feat for him.

As for the others except Leo and Hakuno - in the face of the real decisive battle, they are not in Sakutsuki's consideration.

No matter where you are, when a road is about to come to an end, there will always be very few people around you.

And just at this time, someone who was gorgeously forgotten by Sakutsuki initiated a communication with him.

"Rin? You suddenly came to me, what can you do~~"

"Shuoyue." Lin's tone was a little dry, but soon returned to normal, "I have something to tell you."

"Can you come to the rooftop?"

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