My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 670 [Heaven's Lock] and [People's Wisdom]

What does a temple of a goddess look like?

In ancient Greek mythology, the temples of the gods are a symbol of human beings' ultimate pursuit of holiness and beauty. These temples stand on the top of the mountain, bathed in the golden light of dawn and dusk, as if they are a bridge connecting the human world and the divine world, solemn and sacred, and full of indescribable beauty and magnificence.

However, when the goddess enshrined in the temple was stained with hatred and hatred, the temple that symbolized her also fell into a gloomy color.

The purple-black veins flowed, greedily, like a venomous snake, devouring every brick and tile of the temple, and even spread to the door that was pushed open, spitting out cold snake letters to the visitors.

"Oh, this is really..."

Sighing, like a tourist visiting a haunted house, Shuoyue held his breath and blocked the disguise with the breath of A level, and quietly moved towards the depths of the temple.

The temple's bonus to the gods is much more powerful than the magician's workshop. Even Shuoyue is unwilling to fight with Gorgon in her territory.

Moreover, the purpose of his coming here is just to explore the situation. If he doesn't want to be attacked by Gorgon and the god-made weapons that claim to be her children, or even other goddesses, he should not do anything unnecessary.

Yes, don't do anything unnecessary...

At some point, the young man stopped, and his frivolous smile hidden under the mask disappeared. The intruder hidden under the cloak was silent like a sculpture, staring at the walls on both sides.

"Woo..." I don't know if it was the sobbing wind coming from the passage, or the faintly rising and falling, sad breathing.

The humans who visited the temple saw the dim stars in the sky.

It was a cocoon embedded in the wall. The dense veins were like a dry big hand, holding it tightly. Even the firefly could not escape. It was trapped in the biological fluid in the cocoon, floating lifelessly.

Shuoyue walked forward silently, clearly without leaking any breath, but something in the cocoon was agitated - a half-rotten hand slapped the cocoon, making a muffled sound.

That was a person.

The lower half of the body had been lost, and the left half was corroded to a skeleton, but it was still struggling, knocking the cocoon shell with the only intact right hand, opening its mouth, and shouting something silently.

Did he notice? A ferocious monster was sleeping beside him, and the blood vessels in its body were connected to his stumps, constantly squeezing out the remaining nutrients.

When the monster woke up completely, it would use its fangs and claws to enjoy its "father" with joy, and devour this delicious meal that was so close.

No haunted house could simulate such a scene, and it could no longer be described as fear. When people realized that their kind had become bait, fertilizer, and the cradle of other lives here, they would clearly realize a certain determination.

Unable to coexist, they will do their best to strangle each other, and only one side can survive.

"..." Even though he had expected it, even though he had seen similar images, Shuoyue's hands still trembled uncontrollably.

Then, he walked away without looking back.

This person is no longer save.

Not only him, any life trapped in the cocoon will become the nourishment of the monsters. The monster army sweeping across the north is the ugly existence that devours the corpses of the dead and bares its fangs to the living.

"This is really, it's extremely unpleasant..."

There was a faint chill in the words, but even so, the young man's eyes revealed a sense of indifference, as if he was being chased, and he hurried away.

Can't save.

Once saved, they will be exposed.

This is not my purpose.

Anyway, they will die sooner or later, whether they become the nourishment of monsters or are killed in the war.

Not to mention that after the singularity is eliminated, they will disappear along with the wrong story.

The so-called rescue is nothing but the mentality of a good person. It has no meaning and will only destroy the overall situation, leading to more sacrifices and more destruction.

So, go forward, and leave immediately after getting the information.

The slapping sound behind him gradually faded away, but Shuoyue knew that the man would never stop this action.

That was his will to survive, and also his last cry before his life dissipated.


Bang bang.

Bang bang bang.

Someone is crying, and-

"I heard it."


Smash the ugly biological eggs and rescue people or debris from the flowing liquid.

Then, those who can still survive will be given the white gold grace.

Those who are irreversible will be given the afterlife of the valley flame.

"Sorry for being late..." Shuoyue held the remains of the man who called for help from him. When he broke the follicle, the trace of life he was holding also came to an end.

But at least, he closed his eyes with a smile.

The fire of death rose up, burning the man's body. Shuoyue stood up. Behind him, the passage was like a road with flames, sending the dead to the underworld, while the living stroked their regrown limbs and cried like newborn babies.

"Let's vent the feelings of the survivors after we get home." Looking at the crowd of survivors, the hero sighed as if blaming himself for being too soft-hearted, then waved his hand and used the cold weapon to cut the unformed monsters into pieces.

"If you don't leave now, I'll leave you behind."

Just like that, they gave up their original plan and walked towards the exit with the weak people. People supported each other and followed the hero naked. Then, they saw the dawn of hope——

"Front? Just go forward? Can you go outside?"

Just at the door, they heard the child's timid voice and a gentle, young boy's response.

"That's right, there is a lake after leaving the temple. Don't follow the black cedars, but follow the ordinary cedars as markers."

It was a beautiful young man wearing a simple white robe, with long hair flowing like pine waves in the forest. In front of the hopeful children, he stood as if he were thousands of miles away, but his eyes were gentle.

"I won't know for sure after that, but if you stay by the lake for about ten days, you can still survive. It's up to you whether you want to avoid the monsters and go to the city, or whether you end up at the lake."

——Are you the companion who came to save us?

The people behind them looked at the hero who saved them, silently conveying questions, but the hero in front of them tensed up, and immediately took off the mask of bones, revealing silver hair like moonlight, and a sign full of solemnity. golden vertical pupils.

[Special Noble Phantasm: Evening Bell Cover], sealed.

[Flame of the Valley], sealed.

[Aura Blocking], seal!

At that moment, the young man suddenly turned around, and what greeted him was a bunch of golden thunder guns!


Even the instant thunder was like a bombardment in the hands of the magician. At the moment when the dust and mist rose, Shuo Yue opened his arms, and the diamond-shaped spaces one after another opened like pupils, and people fell in one after another, exclaiming, Even the children were included and disappeared.

After a brief panic, people will be surprised to find that they have crossed forests, rivers, mountains and battlefields, and returned to the territory of Uruk. On this side, the young man who only left himself in the temple clenched his fists and faced the chain of gods coming straight towards him.


The golden chain rose high, then fell fiercely, hitting Shuo Yue's shoulder, sending him flying out and embedded in the wall of the temple.

It was only then that an unhurried voice rang out from the dust in the sky, and the young man with green hair floating around and his body wrapped with terrifying magic slowly walked out.

"I really didn't expect that someone would dare to break into my mother's temple. What, is it a new familiar summoned by Uruk, or a hero who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth?"

What responded to his words were the cold stars lighting up all over the sky.


Write in consecutive layers!

"This is...!" The young man's expression changed. Even in his shock, he half-crouched on the ground almost instinctively, touching the ground with his hands. The golden ripples spread, and before thousands of weapons fell, he retaliate not to be outdone. With the same edge.

Ding ding.

Bang bang bang.

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

There was a loud sound of blows. Shuo Yue, who had the support of the third method, could make almost unlimited weapons, and the boy in front of him could actually catch up with his pace.

Shuo Yue knew that this was the young man's function coming into play. The second treasure called [People's Wisdom] allowed the young man to read the history of mankind and create various things from the earth to become his weapons. Library.

In the era of Mesopotamia, it was a torrential rain of cold weapons. In the modern future, it would be the roar of artillery fire and gunshots.

The weapons made through this Noble Phantasm are all based on the boy himself and are enchanted and strengthened. Simply put, it is the endless "knights will not die with bare hands".

If Gilgamesh's "King's Treasure" possesses all the Noble Phantasms, the original text "abandons" human wisdom, then the boy "obeys" human wisdom, but the characteristics of having various functions have not changed. The intensity is also the same.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to stand side by side with the wedge of heaven that connects gods and humans——

Even the consciousness that controls this body is no longer what it used to be.

"You are not Gil...Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk." At some point, the young man's face turned gloomy, "Who are you? Why do you have this similar power!"

Although there was contact during the meeting of the three goddesses, it was Shuo Yue who was wearing the 'Evening Bell Mask' and used her crown spirit base and breath to hide her hidden identity.

Instead of taking off the mask, the heroic magician appears.

"If you insist on describing it, just call me a fake." Facing the boy's question, the white-haired hero raised the corners of his mouth, "The most powerful faker who can surpass the prototype."

"!!!" The young man's pupils shrank, and lightning lit up in his field of vision. Then the prismatic space opened, and he continuously threw the weapons into the electric field and accelerated, repeating the process to the point that even he could not catch it. After the extreme speed, the electricity shot out!


The sound of the sonic boom was deafening, and golden arcs flashed in the torn air. The young man lowered his head sluggishly, and his brows, chest, hands, and arms were instantly pierced by the yellow cursed spear, causing his slender body to fly backwards, nailed Dead on the other wall.

"I hold a grudge very much. Although I saved the children, I personally pushed the human race into hell -" the golden eyes locked on the astonished young man. Shuo Yue said this machine with a half-smile. Real name at the moment:

"Jin Gu."

The child created by Tiamat is not the same person as the mythical god Jingu.

The young man in front of him was a weapon based on the body of Enkidu, the clay doll made by God, and the ‘Chain of Heaven’. He could be considered the successor model of the close friend of Gilgamesh.

However, Kingu, who was resurrected by the Magic King, no longer stood with humans, but became the child of the Magic Goddess Gorgon and the Original Mother Tiamat. Before Fujimaru arrived, it was he who led the Magic Army to slaughter wantonly and personally went to the battlefield to destroy human civilization.

That was no longer Enkidu.

It was a new, tender and cruel soul born from that face.

The third method resided in the eyes. Shuoyue looked at Kingu who broke free from the spear, ignored the curse of the sea god, and recovered from his injuries in the blink of an eye, and curled his lips with some regret.

Ah, I thought that this flash attack method could take away the Holy Grail held by Kingu... Sure enough, that kind of conceptual magic crystal needs to be touched in person to make it materialize?

Just destroying the body of this clay doll is not enough to get the Holy Grail that resides in the non-physical level.

Then, the battle loses its meaning.

"You guy..." But obviously, the boy, that is, Jin Gu, did not intend to let go of this guy who made him lose face. Anger flashed in his purple eyes, and he waved his arms. The chains flowing with golden light soared into the air, whistling, and smashed towards Shuoyue with a terrifying momentum.

The first treasure, [Chains of Heaven].

Those who know Gilgamesh and Enkidu must know this treasure. The divine weapon that gave Enkidu the title, and even the chains that can bind the "sky"!

Unlike the Chains of Heaven released by Angelica when he met him, even if there is no divinity in him, Shuoyue, who bears the name of "Beast Contractor", is within the special attack range of this EX-level treasure.

Once a head-on conflict occurs, even Shuoyue will be instantly destroyed on the physical level!

The chain trembled, and the sharp tip approached with a hiss. Facing such a terrifying momentum, Shuoyue did not defend himself at all. He just calmly said five words to Jin Gu.


[Detected body failure]

[Damage... will not...]



The temple was drowned by the violent explosion for the third time. Shuoyue turned his head slightly and looked at the Sky Chain that hit the temple wall with all its strength and smashed the mountain into pieces. He sneered, and then gradually fell into the shadow of the imaginary number and disappeared.

"Wait, you--!" Jin Gu covered his face with one hand, leaving only one purple eye staring at the young man disappearing in front of him, looking out of control and embarrassed, "Damn, what's going on!"

Why did this young man know this weakness?

Even I don't understand it!

Before Jin Gu recovered from the loss of control of his body, the crazy roar of the Warcraft Goddess sounded in the temple:

"What happened! Why was the cabin where the children (Warcraft) were all destroyed when I woke up from a deep sleep? Jin Gu, Jin Gu! My child, where are you... Damn, who is the murderer! I will cut him into pieces and swallow him into the snake's belly!"

That guy... did such a thing?

After realizing this fact, Jin Gu became more and more unbelievable.

Too familiar, this person broke into the Mother Temple, destroyed the production line, saved mankind, and used that name to interfere with his own state, and then left calmly... All of this, it's like he knows this place well!

A faint chill rose in his heart. Before Jin Gu could think carefully about the reason for all this, the alarm from the dark made his expression change drastically.

"This feeling... is not good, it's the mother!"

The next moment, the boy took off into the air, ignoring the angry Gorgon, and rushed towards the direction of the Persian Gulf.

Damn it, that guy didn’t run away, but instead went to such a dangerous place!

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