My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 677 Red Dragon attacks Uruk City!

"You just left like that?"

At Gilgamesh's request, the Moon did not teleport directly, but floated up to Kusa City, and then headed towards Uruk. And Jin Shanshan, whose soul should have returned to the body, used some treasure to follow the Moon, and did not fall behind no matter how fast the Moon moved.

Before the wise king woke up from the throne of Uruk, Gilgamesh still had some time to be curious.

"As the only living human in the underworld, I thought you were willing to accompany the goddess in the dark underground out of kindness and compassion, but now it seems... Is it possible that I was wrong? The reason you coexist with the goddess is actually out of coercion and exploitation?"

"Can I understand that this is the new boss's interrogation of the employee who jumped ship?"

"Don't think too much, idiot, it's just an inquiry out of interest." After a pause, Jin Shanshan added, "Of course, if you don't want to say it, I'm not a devil, and I don't have the mood to continue asking."

... You obviously want to know, right?

Even though he knew that he was not the same person as the tyrant Shan in the Fourth Holy Grail War, it was not until this moment that Shuoyue realized that the Sky Wedge in front of him had lost the arrogance and indulgence of his youth. He really chose to step down from the altar and stand with the humans living in Mesopotamia, saying goodbye to the gods forever.

Persecuting Jin Shanshan was already an instinct engraved in his body, but in the face of the oldest hero king, he had to respect him.

"Since it is the king's request, how can I keep silent?" Facing the whistling hurricane, the young man smiled slightly. "But, after all, a goddess who is so high up in the sky doesn't need human kindness and compassion?"

"If a creature that can be easily crushed to death sympathizes with her, the goddess will surely be troubled."

"Roar, how dare you say that?" Although it was a humble tone, Gilgamesh felt the arrogance hidden in it, "So, what is the reason for you to choose the underworld?"

"At first it was simply ill-intentioned, but after that, there was a sense of mission."

Shuoyue did not hide anything, he just followed his mood and said generously: "It is true that the goddess has the responsibility to guard the underworld, and she also has reasons to watch over civilization in her own way. But humans, I am also qualified to pull her from darkness to light."

"This has nothing to do with qualifications, you guy." Gilgamesh raised his lips, "This is clearly your arrogance. That's a god. If she gets angry, the entire Kusa city will fall into the abyss of death."

"Ah, are you afraid? As the wedge of heaven, you lead humans to bid farewell to God, and you are afraid of the wrath of God?"

"Humph, what a joke!" The wise king crossed his arms and responded proudly, "Of course I am afraid! I am afraid of the unreasonableness of the gods, the destruction of my capital, and the death of my people because of my willfulness!"

So frankly, he admitted his weakness as a human being.

"But if you hesitate just because you are afraid, then what kind of hero or king are you! I might as well entrust the throne to the right person and go back to farming honestly. At least I can feed a few people!"

"Really? Hahaha..." Shuoyue was stunned for a moment, then covered his face with his palms, and laughter flowed out from between his fingers uncontrollably, "Sure enough, this is Gilgamesh, this is what a hero king should be like!"

Faced with the sudden excitement of the young man, Gilgamesh just raised his eyebrows, not surprised: "Sure enough, you have seen me somewhere before, right? ?”

“Yes, although it can’t be called a pleasant memory, don’t you have clairvoyance, so you can tell with just one look.”

“No, forget it.” The wise king shook his head without thinking, “Are you the kind of person who would be happy to look at your own dark history?”

“It turns out that the king also knows how unbearable his second-year syndrome was…” Shuoyue narrowed his eyes and couldn’t help complaining, “I was badly tricked by you at the beginning.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, I can’t imagine you being at a disadvantage.” The wise king was unmoved, “What’s more, the diamonds polished by my own hands are worth a lot of money. You should feel honored to receive a treasure worth a fortune, idiot!"

"Tsk... this inexplicable name is really unpleasant."

"Oh? So that's how it is. You are the kind of person who would seriously express dissatisfaction over such a small matter." Looking at Shuoyue, whose face was full of resistance, Gilgamesh couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "In that case, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot! Huhahaha..."

Shuoyue was also convinced by this king of bad taste. When it comes to teasing people, he is as troublesome as Mordred. Little Jack is not as naughty as him: "Please spare me. I have been called enough names. .”

“Then it doesn’t matter if I add one more.”

“…Is this how the king treats those with whom he has a close relationship?”

“Hmph, you dare to say that, idiot! The relationship between you and me is at most a tiny step forward from the southern foot of the Eastern Taurus Mountains to the Persian Gulf!”

“Yes, yes, anyway, my heart is as broad as the Tigris River, whatever you say, Jin Shanshan.”

“Hmph…Hahahahaha, this intelligence and pettiness also make me very satisfied! Okay, I approve!”

“Who asked you to agree to this kind of thing? !”

While the two of them were quarreling with each other, they had unknowingly crossed a long distance. After climbing over the mountains, the majestic city of Uruk was in sight.

"Well, that's strange." Gilgamesh stopped laughing. He was gradually regaining his grace as a wise king. When the city wall resisting monsters came into view, the king frowned in displeasure, "The cow guarding the north wall Where are Wakamaru and Mou Qing?"

Looking further away, not only were the two generals missing on the city wall, but also the burly armored guardian in front of the city wall had also disappeared.

"Even Leonidas is not here? Damn it, what's going on?" The wise king was completely unhappy. "If the monsters choose to invade at this moment, wouldn't Uruk be doomed? Hey! What happened to these Servants? To be so unreliable, I was only away for just one day...well..."

"Have you come to your senses, King Wise?" A young man's voice joked from the side, "As the king of Uruk, the magician who summoned seven followers, and the absolute core of the city of Uruk, he died on his throne. Something like that—it would be really strange if my subordinates were indifferent."


Gilgamesh cursed in a low voice, not knowing whether he was cursing himself or including others: "I am just one person, but the city of Uruk houses more than a few thousand people. If If the city wall is broken, even killing them won’t be enough to repay it!”

"Hey, hey, it's obviously the king's own willfulness that caused the chaos. How can you blame the followers..."

"I summoned my Servant to guard Uruk, not to simply serve me." Gilgamesh looked at Shuo Yue with his cold snake eyes, "What I want to see is Even if the king is gone, Uruk can still function as usual, instead of being like this, where even the city walls have given up defense because of the king’s unexpected death!”

Perhaps the followers thought that with their extreme speed, they could reach the north wall again when the crisis came, or perhaps because of the sudden death of the Master and the chaotic atmosphere in the city, the heroes also lost their sense of proportion... But no matter what Reasons, even the wise king was not prepared to accept.

"In the final analysis, it was the long guard that led to slackness! It seems that before the real battle begins, I need to train these guys hard!"

"Wow, you are worthy of being a king. He is so resolute and resolute..." Shuo Yue answered casually with false eyes, "Then before the actual combat exercise begins, can you find a place for me, a temporary worker? By the way, I want to eat butter cake for dinner today..."

"What are you talking about, idiot." Gilgamesh looked over with doubtful eyes, "Aren't you a member of Uruk now?"

"Huh?!" A bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, and Shuo Yue's eyes widened, "Wait a minute, I can be considered an insider after all, right?"

"As long as you agree to help, I will tell you the secret that makes even the goddess of the underworld nervous."

"Besides, I'm just a house builder, I don't have the power like them..."

"Aren't you curious about what the goddess of the underworld did when she came to Uruk?"

"Hmm, there is an old acquaintance of mine among the servants, and he and I have a life-long friendship..."

"I understand, don't you just want to add money? I will give it to you. How about you choose any treasure from the King's Treasure?"

"OK, deal! King Xian, when will we start?"

"...An instant answer? I'm starting to wonder if I've been blackmailed by you, right?"

"What about this, hey?"

So, just a few minutes later, the scouts stationed on the Uruk city wall widened their eyes and saw dust and smoke billowing from the distance.

"Enemy, enemy attack——!"

The alarm bell rang, and the soldiers woke up from their long torpor, cheered up one by one, and prepared for battle.

Who is the enemy? Where? How many are there?

The entire city wall was waiting for news from the scouts. However, it fell into a strange and long silence, until the dust and smoke in the distance got closer and closer. In the trembling and shrinking pupils of the soldiers, the enemy's scaly claws were engraved.

The bright red color was smeared like blood, accompanied by the opening and closing of thousands of iron scales, making a deafening roar. The dizzying arrogance of iron light flowed past, and along with the sound of heavy footsteps, His hard body scraped against the earth and mountains, leaving hideous scars along the way.

Under the small and fearful gaze of humans, the red creature spread its steel-like wings, its long and graceful dragon tail swayed, and roared.

"That's a dragon!"

The trembling voice of people desperately swallowing their saliva could only then be heard on the city wall, commenting on the fear in people's hearts.

"A red dragon is attacking the city wall!"

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