My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 698 Anticell, transmission successful

"Ignorance? Stupid?"

For a moment, the Demon King raised his lips, as if he wanted to laugh, and then he suppressed them without any warmth.

This is the first time I've heard someone say this about him.

You can say that this young man is ignorant, but he clearly knows his identity and accurately reveals his true identity and disguise.

You can say that this young man is smart, but how can anyone be so ridiculous as to insist that he is a fool when he knows that he is the Demon King, the embodiment of true wisdom?

"Look at your body. From the dead spirit that was resurrected as a corpse at the beginning, to being cast by the Holy Grail, and then stained with the sins of the dragon, it has become closer to the inhuman thing. Now that your body has collapsed, you still speak shamelessly - are you still considered human in this state!"

As Goetia spoke, the magic behind him was also stained with anger. Thunder magma as thick as a bucket rolled down. It was obviously a simple energy structure, but it fell like a meteorite, breaking up the wall of weapons and rushing straight towards the new moon on the throne.

"The inhuman who has lost human characteristics actually pointed the blade at me who has the same essence. It's a pity, it's too pity."

"It's too... stupid."

The young man raised his eyes, and the moonlight lit up wherever he looked, gently, but wrapped the thunder and annihilated it. He paused, even though he heard Goetia's sigh, but he couldn't wait for the attack that followed.

This made him very unhappy as he was ready.

So Shuoyue raised his eyebrows, and a trace of disdain naturally appeared on his face.

"Liwei, do you want to eat?"

Whether he could understand it or not, the obvious provocation was already on Goetia's face. Even so, the face of the Demon King remained calm.

This was a deeper level of contempt.

"Do you think I will fight in your domain?" He commented lightly, "It's a pity that arrogance and contempt are emotions that only humans have, and I will only act with the most perfect rationality."

"Therefore, I will continue to move forward."

After the voice fell, the Demon King finally clenched his right hand, raised his arm, and showed the rings on his five fingers openly.

In this way, summon the power of miracles.

Shuoyue only felt a jump in his eyebrows and a sharp pain in his temples. The scenery of his own mind seemed to be taken away, and he suddenly lost control.

Instead, the space under the feet of the Demon King expanded rapidly, the snow melted rapidly, and the red magic circle opened up, layer upon layer, like an overhead magic workshop, using the surging magic power as a forge to outline the four elements of earth, fire, wind and water, and condensed into four-color giant arrows with the actions of the crown magician.

They were loaded into the muzzles formed by dozens or hundreds of magic circles, ready to go.

Shuoyue's pupils shrank suddenly, even if he just looked at it, he could feel a strong sense of oppression, but the four arrows were not aimed at him, but pointed in all directions - towards this world.

Why do you have to go through so much trouble and be the enemy of the ruler who controls the great power of the world?

If you can destroy this world, who would care about an insignificant magician!

The Demon King, who saw through the essence, sneered and ruthlessly liberated the authority of magic.


In the violent roar of the four sounds, the earth suppressed the sky, the fire drowned the snow, the wind eroded the forest, and the water froze time and space.

The world uttered an endless wail.

However, no matter how overwhelmed it was, it never fell, let alone collapsed.

The silver moon and the platinum sun maintained the world, and the illusion of the imaginary world of the spirit particles condensed here, so that the mental landscape would not easily succumb.

As long as the ruler maintains the kingship, as long as Mooncell can still provide fantasy correction for the mental landscape, as long as the third magician maintains the output of magic power - then, this world will be far more solid than imagined, and even the Demon King may not be able to break it.

However, the king who ruled here sighed, as if he had made some kind of determination, he waved his hand and took the initiative to remove the defense.

Use all resources for defense?

Ridiculous, what's the point?

Goetia was far from serious, and the mother goddess Tiamat was also half asleep and half awake, but even so, the infinite sword system was about to be exhausted.

If the Demon King loses his patience and the Returning Beast senses the crisis, then the seemingly impregnable Infinite Sword System will be torn apart in an instant.

How could a mere World Egg contain the two beasts that destroy the world?

All tolerance and concessions will not bring victory. If you want to find a glimmer of victory in despair, you can only raise your sword and hold your gun tightly.

Use blood and fire to open a way out!

The world roared and tore open cracks, and the ice and snow took the initiative to open a net, leading the violent energy torrent out of this world and into the great rivers of the present bay, rolling up a huge wave, and finally dispersing.

Together with the two beasts, they glimpsed the sky outside the cage.

The ice and snow fragments drifted, like the last sigh of the stars.

"...a wise choice." After a moment of daze, Goetia thought that the Moon had finally surrendered, so she took the lead and appeared outside the World Egg. Although Tiamat was reluctant, the existence of the singularity in Mesopotamia triggered her instincts, so she also redirected the black mud to the Persian Gulf, taking herself away with her.

Then the Persian Gulf roared again, and the two beasts reappeared, and everything seemed to have returned to the starting point.

Kingu, who was anxiously waiting outside the inherent barrier, had his eyes lit up and immediately went to meet him: "Mother, and the Magic King."

The two beasts ignored him. Goetia raised her head and looked at the damaged small world and the master at the center of the world: "Since you have chosen to give up, why not dispel the great magic?"

"give up?"

Even though his territory was in ruins, the young man raised his chin and when his eyes met, he was as proud as ever.

"I never said that I wanted to give up the fight, right?"

"Fight?" Goetia was completely annoyed by this ignorant young man. He raised his voice and asked unhappily, "How stubborn do you have to be before you give up? Am I not kind enough?"

"There are too few inhuman things that can freely travel through human history. Don't force me to destroy you, idiot!"

"Stop pretending to be kind here, you hypocritical guy." Shuo Yue interrupted Goetia's words loudly, "You can't pass my test!"

Once you make up your mind, you decide to do it no matter what.

This was his fault. It was his butterfly flapping its wings that caused the two beasts to appear in advance.

Then stop them here at all costs!

An ancient book appeared in his hand. The moment it appeared, the Moon Spirit King Power trembled, and the authority hidden in the deepest part was activated.

[Detected Seraph Center Alpha, granted the highest level of authority, and retroactively cut matters]

[Judgment successful, start receiving tailoring matter data]

[Loading data...]

[Loading failed]

[Reapplying, loading data...]

Looking at the progress bar that was loading quickly but still needed time to complete, Shuo Yue raised her eyes and continued speaking with a normal expression:

"Even if it is a singularity that is destined to disappear, I have walked with heroes and accompanied goddesses here. Even though it has become a thing of the past, the nights we laughed together and toasted together were not false."

"Do you want me to watch the world be destroyed?"

"——Boring self-impression." Looking at Shuo Yue who was stalling for time, Goetia was completely disappointed. He originally thought that he would have a confidant during this long lonely journey, but now it seems that it is just wishful thinking.

With disappointment and evolved anger, the Demon King's face completely transformed into a ferocious beast shape, illuminated by the gloomy thunder light. His gaze crossed the new moon and landed on the city of Uruk thousands of miles away. Then, he flew away. rise.

"Then you should do your best to stop the mother of the origin of this world, and then no matter you win or lose, you will watch in despair as I seize the Holy Grail, destroy this singularity, and then rebuild it!"

[Loading failed]

[The seventh treaty of the Seraph Center has been triggered...switch the loading module]


[Loading successful]

[Already connected to the Backside of the Moon, Unknown Realm, and Sealed Stone Chamber]

【The white giant·▉▉▉has awakened】


[Treaty has been adopted]

[Unknown data has been read, trying to parse...]

[Database No. 1 is damaged]

[Processor No. 7 is damaged]

[Storage room No. 3 is damaged, the surface information is read successfully, and the firewall is down]

[Abandon analysis and use channel transmission...]

After a long stream of data, the destiny illustration in Shuo Yue's hand lit up, and finally, a piece of gratifying good news popped up.

[Anticell, transmission successful! 】

[Wish you good luck in martial arts]

As the purple-black light spots started from the Destiny Illustration and spread rapidly along the arm, Shuo Yue's face suddenly twitched, and then he grinned at Goetia, showing an extremely weird smile.

"Who can't tell lies? Come on, let me show you something interesting..."

That is, what? !

For a moment, Goetia's hair stood on end, causing deep consternation in his heart. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the unknown thing wrapped around Shuo Yue's arm, and his eyelids started to beat subconsciously.

There is no doubt that this is the highest level of power that this planet can contain.

But as the Demon King who accommodates all wisdom and knows everything about the earth, he doesn't know what this is!

It can only be judged that it is completely opposite to the holy sword of salvation. If the holy sword bred in the inner sea of ​​stars symbolizes hope and salvation, then these purple-black light particles contain the ultimate malice.

Devour the world, devour civilization...and ultimately, devour any intelligent life form.

What this mysterious spirit child possesses is such a terrifying nature!

"It's simply unreasonable..." With his eyes fixed on Shuo Yue's arm, Goetia even forgot to take action, only cold sweat dripped from his temples, "Am I the one who is the enemy of mankind, or is it you, bastard... "

When someone dared to stand in His way, He just laughed.

When that person exposed His identity, He was just disdainful.

Even the inherent barrier that is infinitely close to magic is just a brick for him to build a temple.

Not enough to be afraid of.

Such superficial and contemptuous thoughts were shattered by the purple-black particles clinging to the young man's hands.

Intuition, screaming a warning.

——He can kill me (me) here.


Also aware of the fatal threat, Tiamat's voice rose to another octave. Amid the death threat emerging in her heart, her mother woke up from her chaotic dream.

As the holder of the Sea of ​​Life, the threats she could feel were far more severe than Goetia's.

Not only herself, but also the world she created, will be swallowed up by this beam of spirit particles - such a premonition made Tiamat desperate and fell into a frenzy.


The black mud was churning, and the mysterious son named 'Rahmu', the so-called new human being infected by malice, was born under the catalysis of his mother. They exuded an aura that was not inferior to the servants, screamed strangely, stepped on the irritating footsteps, and pounced on the young man in the small world like an ant colony.

At the same time, the Demon King also moved. He no longer deliberately ignored the new moon, but raised his hand to summon several demon pillars, threw them into the inherent barrier, and personally gave them the protection of the crown magician, and chanted in his mouth. Under the effect of the high-speed divine words, countless magic arrays stood up to the sky, as if there was a breath of destruction spreading and sweeping.

Destroy the new moon and the threat spreading on his arm.

This is the response made by the two beasts after they noticed the crisis of the rebellious spirit particles (Anticell)!

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