My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 702 Goetia: Tiamat!!!

The hero of mankind nailed the evil of mankind to the sky and the earth.

There is no need to doubt that this is an epic scene, a moment frozen in the legend.

But even if it seems eternal in the senses, time will continue to flow.

Looking around, on the battlefield, the Demon King was fixed in front of the door of time and space, unable to move; the mother goddess Tiamat was also lying on the ground, pierced by arrows.

The scene that seemed to be a great victory was far from over.

The beasts were only seriously injured, not dead.

Goetia still has the magic power to activate the Ring of Solomon, and Tiamat can also produce powerful enough followers!

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle.

The black mud was agitated, and the flesh-and-blood wings broke through the fetal membrane, breaking through the amniotic fluid from the mother's call for help, and made the first cry of birth in the world.


Unlike the ordinary Lahmu who crawled on all fours, the few Lahmu that were born after being severely injured by the mother goddess Tiamat, which absorbed all the essence of the sea of ​​life, still replaced their heads with a big mouth with exposed lips and teeth, but they had wings spread out like shells. When they lay on the ground, they became more streamlined like living things.

It was just like a disgusting, giant fly.

But flies don't have their speed and strength!

Only at that moment, Shuoyue caught the purple light rushing over.

The next moment, he found himself flying backwards, and his side abdomen had been broken at some point. If it weren't for his intuition that made him move, his heart would probably be pierced.

- Even if his mind was indeed a little relaxed, such an attack should not be underestimated.

"God-level... huh?" With his eyes that alternated between rainbow blue and purple-black, Shuoyue caught seven Lahms holding sharp claws and making cold laughs. "They are the last line of defense created by abandoning the advantage in numbers and gathering the energy of the entire sea of ​​life."

The three-star five-cost Baal Lahm, which was synthesized by tens of millions of ordinary Lahms, appeared briefly in the original work. It was created by Tiamat when she fell into the underworld and realized the crisis. It is the real eleven sons of Tiamat.

All of them are god-level power, with strength at the level of the Demon Pillar, and once relied on their strength to beat up the Chaldean servants.

"But you are not my target."

If it were any other time, Shuoyue would definitely sneer and use weapons and magic to greet these opponents fiercely, but at this moment, he only had two seriously injured beasts in his eyes.

The white-gold streamer condensed with difficulty, but still dragged the young man into the air and turned into a meteor.

"Catch up with me if you can!"

"ww efcb gavc kc pdon efcb telb rhrh j gik gip ce khq!"

Feeling the contempt and provocation of the new moon, the Baal Rahmu suddenly became manic, spread their carapace-like wings, and with just a slight flap, they set off a sonic boom cloud and shot towards the arrogant human.

From a distance, the deep purple meteors chased the white-gold fluorescent light. They cut through the sea, rushed on the horizon, and took off with the wind, drawing a chaotic trajectory. Finally, they flew into the sky as if they were desperate, as if they were going to break through the universe, leaving straight white lines in the sky!

As they flew, the claws of the Baal Rahmu flowed like liquid, turning into slender and thin whips, dancing in the air with a gleaming cold light, and when they approached the figure, they swung it down fiercely!

But it missed.

The platinum light was extremely flexible. Before the sound of the air being blown up, he had already broken through the siege of the whip and continued to "escape". After failing to hit him, the Baal Rahmu became more and more angry. They fluttered their wings in the inhuman roar and surrounded him again.

The time has come.

Shuoyue chuckled. Even though the Yueling Kingship had issued countless warnings, not only because of the impending crisis, but also because of his increasingly shaky body, when he summoned up his remaining courage and soared in the sea of ​​clouds, he still looked chic and elegant.

Breaking through the clouds, chasing the remnants of the sunset, leaving the second siege of the Baal Rahmu behind!

"A bastard is a bastard, that's all. You really bring shame to your mother!"


Shuoyue's ridicule was like a sharp knife stabbing into the heart, stirring it maliciously, causing the Baal Rahmu who had just learned some human language to fall into madness, venting their anger with wild shouts and screams. They stared at the light ball, no longer thinking about whether there would be a counterattack or an ambush, but rushed forward.

Never stop before tearing this damn human into pieces!

Pushing the flight at all costs, the Baal Rahmu approached again in an instant. No matter how Shuoyue turned back or retreated, it was useless. They screamed and swung their sharp whips with all their might.


The touch of hitting the prey came from the claws, causing the Baal Rahmu to open their mouths wide, stick out their tongues, and laugh in ecstasy, but then they heard a familiar and angry roar.


? ? ?

Coming back to their senses from the excitement, Baal Rahmu and his companions looked forward and saw the Demon King, whose gorgeous robe had been torn to pieces and whose chest was pierced by an arrow, was stuck in the door of time and space and could not move. His eyes were full of anger.


Their real target, the bruised young man, was floating in the sky. When he looked at them who were stunned, he did not conceal the amusement in his eyes.

He said: "You guys are delicious."

The simplest bad mouth, the most ultimate enjoyment.

Before the Bali Rahmu could even get a chance to win, someone was the first to get angry.

"You guys, die!"

Once again, he was stabbed in the back by friendly forces, and it was a God-level blow. The double damage from the spirit and the body made Goetia, who had not recovered his true body, even worse. If he hadn't subconsciously put on a layer of protection, the Baal Rahmu's A combined attack would disintegrate the Demon King's body.

This is a complete and utter feud.

The pain brought anger, the Demon King roared out of control, Solomon's Ring shone brightly, and the magic tide rose from where he stood, so powerful that everyone present shuddered.

Because what we have to face next is the violent anger of the Demon God King!

"Chichichichi!" The Baalrahmu knew that something was wrong. They flapped their wings and wanted to leave the battlefield. But as soon as they picked up their speed, they collided with the hard barrier, making a loud bang, and a scarlet magic circle rose. , looked at the seven large flies coldly, and then, the door to purgatory opened!

Darkness surged, flowing violently through the air, rising upwards with the screams.

From among them, countless malicious eyes slowly opened, casting greedy glances at the seven Bali Rahmu. They excitedly twisted their tentacles, impatiently waiting for the banquet to begin.

Countless hungry eyes filled with greed.

At this moment, as the door opens, an indescribable nightmare rises from the darkness, reflecting the tragic screams, revealing its hateful and terrifying outline, ravaging all the ignorant souls who dare to offend, with endless The torture destroys every poor creature's sanity and spirit.

The time has come for the stars to align.

The Great Being rises from eternal darkness.

Since then, it has been an endless period of despair...

As the Demon God King waved his hand, a sacred barrier appeared, which was well prepared to block this large-scale forbidden AOE. Shuo Yue looked at the scene of the San value dropping like crazy with a blank expression. After a long time, he lowered his head and looked at Gai. Tia couldn't hide the wonder in her eyes.

"You actually have contact with those foreign gods?"

Goetia glanced at him coldly and did not answer. Instead, she lowered her gaze and looked at the vermilion spear in the young man's hand that was about to move.

Then he raised his head and snorted arrogantly.


"Hey, hey, it took a lot of effort for me to create a wonderful environment for us to be alone." Shuo Yue threw away the demon-breaking red rose with a cry, and protested dissatisfied, "Forget it if you don't praise me, why are you still scolding me?"

This bastard who got an advantage and behaved... Goetia closed his eyes. Even though he was in such a state of embarrassment, he surprisingly had no resentment in his heart: "The beast can be defeated, but it will never be destroyed. So what if you seal me? ? At this singularity, Tiamat is almost the source of magic power. If we delay it for a while, she can even return to her full glory. "

"At that time, all human resistance and all consciousness will become meaningless."

Opening his blood-colored beast eyes, he stared at the young man indifferently: "Look at yourself again. Even if you completely liberate the third method, it will only delay it for a few minutes. While that unknown spirit child stimulates your fighting energy, It's also burning your life rapidly - even if we fall into deep sleep, you won't have much time left to live. "

"After losing you, who can stop me and Tiamat's counterattack?"

"Really?" Faced with Goetia's words, Shuo Yue smiled, "I don't think so."

His vision transcended the original beast and looked towards the other side of the battlefield. Even though he was unable to enter the battlefield due to the unnatural collision, Shuo Yue still saw familiar faces and the white-haired man who emerged from the beautiful pink petals. The sage.

The nightmare that tells the story of the king in Utopia is looking at the last knight of the Round Table with a faint smile.

Praising his feats, he also received a ray of spark from his burning hero's flame.

Fire will not go out.

As long as human history lasts long, as long as people still yearn for light and chase hope.

Then one day, no matter how tiny the flame is, it will turn into a prairie fire.

Light up the past and illuminate the future.

And why should it be me who laughs loudly in this glorious era?

"So, let us finish this good fight!" Shuo Yue grinned, and the power of the Moon Spirit shined again, grabbing a ray of colorful rainbow from the giant's sweet dream——

[Weapon detected: Sword of the God of War]

[Data transfer completed]

[Target capture, weapon opening]

[Two seconds left before launch]

"What..." Feeling the ancient concept, Goetia raised his eyes, and the colorful rainbow light lit up in his eyes. The sword was so beautiful that it seemed like an illusion, but it controlled military warfare and violence. It was being held by the young man. In the hand, raised high to the sky.

Following the summons of the Moon Spirit King, a blue arc first appeared on the sky, followed by an emerald green hexagram, a deep purple halo, three jagged red magic arrays, and the positions of gods and stars. Yes, the cosmic prism...

The complex and gorgeous array is put together like the sword of Damocles hanging in the sky, the tip of the sword pointing directly at the imprisoned beast.

This made Goetia feel threatened by death.

"It turns out to be the weapon of the original god."

"That's it. It's not the crystallization of fantasy. It's the Noble Phantasm of Heroic Spirits, Goetia!" Shuo Yue responded to Goetia's whisper, "This is the weapon owned by the ancient gods, spanning thousands of years. Pass it to me!"

"Since you are an intruder, just return to the auditorium honestly. Don't worry, I will accompany you -"

[Calibration completed, rebellious spirit son loading completed]

As a purple-black beam of light rose from the sky, the young man laughed and waved the sword in his hand:

"It's so exciting, let's go down to Hades!"

"Teardrop Photon Ray!"

It was not Chaldea's weakened attack, but the strongest light of destruction that had been inherited from the God of War and was released through the gift of the white giant!


When the colorful rainbow light hit Goetia, the demon king's body instantly began to collapse. But before 'death' came, the beast that had never shown its true body calmed down and appeared in the dazzling glare. In the light, he stared at the young man who was shouting and wielding his sword.

His victorious gesture was deeply imprinted in my heart.

"I will always remember you, the hero of miracles, Shuoyue."

Solomon's Ring glowed with difficulty, and with the change of time and space, the door connected to the Temple of Time suddenly opened, swallowing the owner who still had the arrow in his chest, avoiding the torrent of magic that followed.

Only the voice of the Demon God King was left, echoing in the sky above the singularity.

"Looking forward to seeing you again in the future."

BeastΙ·The beast of mercy, Goetia.

Exit the battlefield!

The brilliance of the Star of Tears and the Sword of the God of War gradually dimmed. With the departure of the Demon God King, the protective wall he built also disappeared. However, the seven Baal Rahmu chasing Shuo Yue had long been left empty. The body stared blankly at the dispersing rainbow in the sky, without any energy anymore.

Only meaningless breathing continues...

No one cared about their life or death. Even Jin Gu, who was standing on the edge of the battlefield, just passed by them and his eyes fell on the young man with broken arms and panting.

It was not only the followers who were not qualified to participate in the battlefield, but also him who retreated out of fear and did not appear again until this moment.

Not knowing where the impulse came from, the young man stepped into a dangerous realm and appeared in front of Shuo Yue, with an indistinguishable androgynous face full of complexity.

"Is it worth doing this?"

The young man didn't answer, he just smiled, but the smile hurt Jin Gu's heart.

He was qualified to stand with such a dazzling person and smile happily.

The clay figure thought.

However, he chose another path after all.

"I have deep respect for your behavior, but I'm sorry..." Jin Gu said softly, just about to call out the Heavenly Lock, but the next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly.


Sharp claws stabbed out from behind and penetrated Shuo Yue's heart.

That’s the eighth Baal Rahmu!

Then, the ninth one, the tenth one...the eleventh one!

Four monsters comparable to gods used their forelimbs to pierce the young man's heart, shoulders and legs.

While the seven brothers were chasing Shuo Yue, they restrained their claws and hid in an inconspicuous corner. After escaping Shuo Yue's plot, the Demon King's counterattack, and the bombardment of the War God's Sword, they finally found an opportunity and bared their fangs towards their mother's enemy.

Like a poisonous snake, one blow is fatal!

This insidious calculation is naturally worthy of praise, but when it falls in the eyes of Jin Gu, who claims to be a new human being, he cannot hide his anger.

"Even if you are an opponent, you should fight with honor and pride."

Unknowingly, Jin Gu actually recognized what Shuo Yue had done. As the Lock of Heaven sounded, a white light flashed and knocked away the two Bali Rahmu. The green-haired boy looked at his bewildered compatriots and said angrily. shouted,

"With such an ugly posture, can it be considered the new human being that mother expected!"

"Don't look so ugly anymore. I will tie him up myself and hand him over to my mother..."

Tear, tear, tear!

The splash of blood made Jin Gu's eyes widen in shock.

As if they didn't hear his order, the remaining two Bali Rahmu laughed wildly and used their forelimbs to tear Shuo Yue's soul and body apart!


"Boring, Jin Gu, boring!"

It was a child-like laughter, but it echoed with dizzying malice. Facing Jin Gu, who could be called his 'brother', Balilahmu burst into fierce ridicule. I don't know when, they Has mastered human language:

"Jin Gu, that's ridiculous, Jin Gu!"

Saying the same words over and over again, the sarcasm contained in those sentences was irritating. The green-haired boy gritted his teeth and wanted to refute, but when he looked at his dying mother, he finally endured it.

At least judging from the results, Baal Rahmu's behavior was correct.

As long as Shuo Yue, the biggest obstacle, can be removed, no one in this world can stop the recovered mother...

"This is not okay, Jin Gu."


The young man raised his surprised eyes, and what came into view was the young man whose body was clearly torn apart, but whose face was covered with blood and stains, and still had a faint smile on it.

It's like declaring nothing more than that.

As if to say everything is under control.

It's like talking about the so-called crisis, the so-called despair...

It's all just a child's trick!

"Why are you in such a hurry?" The purple-black spirit seeds spread, and when the Bali Rahmu realized the crisis, it was too late.

The madness of rebel spirits has eroded every corner of their bodies.

"Ah, ahhh, ahhhhhhhhh!!!"

Even the god-level Bali Rahmu could not escape the infection of the alien civilization. With the spread of rebellious spirits, the Bali Rahmu who tore the young body apart screamed violently. Their tenacity The surface of the creature was reduced to pieces bit by bit, but the body collided more and more, growing tumors one after another that glowed with purple and black light.

Turning around, the twisted monsters launched a frantic attack on the surviving Baal Rahmu and Jin Gu.

"Tsk, you're a bastard who's always been exposed."

The Heavenly Lock danced and slapped away the crazy compatriots. Jin Gu did not go to help the other Baal Rahmu, but immediately turned around and looked at Shuo Yue.

When this exhausted young man came into view, he couldn't help but feel stunned.

Because without anyone stopping her, Shuo Yue actually adjusted her posture and fell towards the mother goddess Tiamat!

"You guy, are you crazy?"

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