The long battle came to an end. When the goddesses mustered up their courage to move forward, they found that the battlefield was empty.

"This is really... a tragic battle."

The sun goddess Quetzal Coatl looked at the broken earth, the slowly healing ocean and the sky that still retained strange colors, dumbfounded.

"I could still detect the breath of the 'beast' a few minutes ago, but now, there is no trace at all?"

"Hey, Eleshkigal, your captive seems to be quite amazing."

The goddess of the underworld did not respond. She just pursed her lips tightly and did not speak. Her hands that clenched her robes trembled slightly, and her back was so lonely in front of the surging tide.

She could not sense the breath of the new moon.

For a moment, she even wanted to immediately remove this divine incarnation, rush to the Persian Gulf in person, and search every corner here with the power of the goddess.

But at this moment, three streams of light fell from the sky and appeared in front of the two goddesses.

"Jin Gu, and..." Quetzal looked at the two monsters whose shapes were out of tune with all the creatures in this world, but exuded the aura of the real gods, and couldn't help frowning, "Who are they?"

"They are Baal Rahmu, the eleventh son of Tiamat created by the mother."

Jin Gu, with his long green hair flying and his arms missing, explained. The two Baal Rahmu, who had brutally killed and devoured their compatriots, and whose bodies were still stained with blood and flesh, looked at the goddesses with the same contemptuous tone as always:

"When the mother is asleep, we will convey her will."

"Oh?" Ai Lei looked at the Baal Rahmu, unable to hide her disgust, "I don't remember that there was a requirement to bow down to the mother in the Three Goddesses Alliance."


In response to the goddess of the underworld, it was the long whip thrown by Baal Rahmu.

Ai Lei's face suddenly changed, and a gun cage appeared in her hand, but the next moment she felt a sharp pain in her wrist, and the gun cage flew backwards and fell into the turbulent ocean.

The blood of the goddess dripped, and Quetzal Coatl dodged and stood in front of the injured Ailei, with a blazing flame on his hand:

"What do you mean?"

"Heh..." Facing the hostile goddesses, Baal Rahmu folded his arms and sneered, disdaining to answer. In the increasingly tense atmosphere, Jingu sighed and stepped forward.

"Enough, you two, don't forget the purpose of your mother creating you."

After warning Baal Rahmu, the boy turned around and looked at the vigilant alliance of the three goddesses, and suddenly frowned:

"Mother... Where is Gorgon?"

"Put away your hypocritical title, Jingu." Ailei said coldly, "You have always been using the Warcraft Goddess."

"Hehe? Use? You think too highly of her. That woman is just a tool for the birth of the mother..."

"I said, shut up!"

The Heaven's Chain emerged and smashed towards Baal Rahmu, but was stuck by the phantom giant claws, making a clicking sound.

Jin Gu stared at the grinning Baal Rahmu, and looked away after a moment.

"Forget it, whatever you think, but now that Mother Tiamat has awakened ahead of time, everything in the Three Goddesses Alliance must return to her arms."

"Those who disobey..." Jin Gu paused and said in a deep voice, "Don't blame us for being ruthless."

Facing Jin Gu's declaration, Ai Lei and Quetzal looked at the two Baal Rahmu who were eager to try, and frowned because of their undisguised strong malice.

In the battlefield between the third magician and the beast, they were just bigger trash.

But when the evil beasts were asleep and the heroes disappeared, the Baal Rahmu with the power of the main god became the king.

What's more, Jin Gu, who is also the son of Tiamat, will not show mercy to the rebels.

The Heaven's Chain for the divine special attack is the most dangerous weapon for the gods.

"...I understand." Finally, Quetzal sighed, "Anyway, my goal has not changed from the beginning to the end. The dense forests of South America will erode Uruk bit by bit until all life is devoured."

"Thank you for your understanding, Sun Goddess." Jin Gu stopped the restless Baal Rahmu, nodded slightly, and then looked at Ai Lei, "So, what is your choice?"

Facing the provocative eyes of Baal Rahmu, the goddess of the underworld was silent for a moment, and then raised her head firmly.

"I have another question."

Jin Gu raised his eyebrows, he noticed the slight tremor in the goddess's words.

"How is he...?"

"Are you talking about your former captive?" The green-haired boy felt the severe pain in his arms, pulled the corners of his mouth, as if he wanted to laugh, but in the end, what was revealed in front of the goddesses was a solemn compassion.

"Unfortunately, after using up all his strength, he fell into his mother's sea of ​​life. He must have died."

While speaking, Jin Gu stared at Ai Lei's face, trying to find some signs from her expression, but in the end, the goddess only trembled her lips and lowered her eyes after a long time.

"I know, I will continue with the previous policy and help you... destroy Uruk."

"That's great." Jin Gu nodded with satisfaction, but at this moment, Baal Rahmu hugged his shoulders and laughed again.

"That foolish enemy may not be dead."

Looking at the goddess's eyes that suddenly lit up, Tiamat's eleventh son grinned and couldn't wait to utter malicious words.

"If you fall into the mother's sea of ​​life, you will never die again. Your soul will only be twisted in a life worse than death. Then your spirit and memory will be rewritten and you will become one of us."

Rahmu learned human language, but instead of using it to express kindness, he used it in a more vicious way, handing out a sharp knife.

"Look...he's here."


The sudden explosion of black mud dragged the goddess' hopeful eyes into hell again.

Some extremely dangerous existence was born...


"The current investigation results show that the beast tide is just a riot caused by the fear of the monsters. Now they have all dispersed. We should be able to get a chance to breathe tonight..."

"Lord Amakusa is really diligent." The red-haired ninja swam through the blood collected from the monster corpses, waved his kunai, and skillfully cut off the fur. "Even though you are on the battlefield, you still don't forget to pass on the message."

"Excessive praise, Kotaro." The white dove carrying the message spread its wings and flew into the sky, causing the breeze to blow through the white hair and fall on the young man's hunting clothes. The saint from the far east turned his head and smiled gently, "I I’m just doing what I can.”

"Having said that, I still have to thank you for your help, Lord Amakusa." Fuma Kotaro said seriously, "Without your help, it would be difficult to defend the southern region of Uruk on my own. You should obviously be at the palace to help. The king handles the news..."

Amakusa shook his head slightly: "There is no need to feel guilty. After all, no one would have expected that the monsters in the cedar forest would suddenly launch a wave of monsters. It is obvious that the damage has never been replenished, but they chose this moment to make a desperate move."

"At that time, there were still a large number of young and middle-aged people assisting in city construction. The only ones who could wield weapons on their behalf were us in the palace."

After a pause, Amakusa suddenly thought of something: "By the way, Kotaro, you were still exploring the situation on the edge of the Persian Gulf before, right? Why did you return to the southern region to assist in the battle?"

"Ah, that's because..." Fuma Kotaro recalled the scene at that time, with a bitter expression on his face, "I must be too weak."


"It's ridiculous. As a servant, I felt deeply powerless at that time."

The sky fell, and the black tide roared. In the dim world, the heroes of beasts and humans shouted loudly and fought together. Even the thunder and storm were shattered by them, falling to the sea, splashing fragmented afterimages.

Recalling the scene captured at that time, Fuma Kotaro can't help but shudder even now.

"The sage summoned by the king said, 'We are no longer useful. Instead of wasting our time here, it is better to spend our time in more useful places.' So, we fled there and returned to our own battlefield. "

"So, I still don't know who stopped the two beasts from advancing." Amakusa pondered, "The Lord's revelation tells me that that person is a comrade we are familiar with, but who exactly is..."

Fuma Kotaro blinked, his thick bangs covering his thoughtful eyes: "Could it be that it's Mr. Shuoyue?"

"Huh?" The young saint's eyes widened in surprise, "Why, why him?"

"Because you see, all of us summoned by King Gilgamesh are guarding various battlefields. We are able to move freely and have the courage to challenge two beasts alone. No matter what, you are the only one who has the courage to challenge the two beasts..."

"Impossible...absolutely impossible!" Amakusa raised her voice unconsciously, not knowing who she was refuting, "How could that person do such a thing!"

Kotaro tilted his head: "You seem to have a unique insight into Sakuyue-dono's character. Can you tell me the reason?"

Amakusa's tone was slightly choked, perhaps because of the deep impression brought about by the Holy Grail War that year. Every time Sakutsu was mentioned, his calm state of mind would fluctuate.

But even with his prejudice, based on his understanding of Shuo Yue, this kind of thing is impossible!

"That guy is the type of person who is determined to be the scale. If all mankind is placed on the scale, then he will give up the smaller side in order to save the larger scale, even if the difference is only one person. "

Recalling the cruel assassin, the young saint waved his arms and said firmly: "How could such a person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals choose to sacrifice himself for the world without asking for anything in return?"

"He will definitely use an even more unreasonable approach to get the greatest benefits with the most extreme efficiency - there is no way he will personally enter the game and let himself become a lone pawn!"

There is obviously no benefit to be gained from such behavior.

What's more, even the most powerful heroic spirits will never be spared when faced with two beasts of disaster.

How could that insidious and cunning guy put himself in such a dangerous situation?

Kotaro looked at Amakusa Shiro who suddenly became excited, thought for a while, but still did not speak.

Maybe what Mr. Amakusa said is correct, or maybe they only saw the surface of Mr. Satsuki and didn't know the true nature of this young man.

However, can someone who is recognized by so many heroes and can even have a drink and chat with King Gilgamesh really be the ruthless realist Amakusa calls him?

There must be some place that has been ignored by Amakusa-dono and even us.

And that's where that young man shines.

"It would be great if Lord Sakuyue were here." After thinking about this, Fuma Kotaro sighed softly, "Even if he is not the one who stopped the two beasts, with his strength, he can still investigate the battlefield on our behalf."

"That being said, that guy is used to being alone. Who knows where he has gone now." Amakusa rolled his eyes, "Maybe when we return to the palace, we will find him reporting the battle situation to the king. Woolen cloth."

"Hehe, hehe..." Fuma Kotaro laughed dryly, "Sometimes, I really don't know whether Amakusa-dono doubts Sakutsu-dono, or whether he trusts him unconsciously."

"How can I trust him?" Amakusa was slightly stunned. Just when he was about to refute, there was a sudden commotion in the distance.

Sizzling, sizzling, sizzling!

It was a sound like cloth being torn apart, but the blood and minced meat splattered in the forest warned everyone of the truth of this sound!


Sensing the spreading demonic energy, Amakusa waved his hand and ordered the soldiers to retreat immediately. At the same time, he clenched his sword and stood ready with Fuma Kotaro: "Send your name!"


The head of the monster rolled and landed at the feet of the two servants, but they had no time to kick it away. When a black robe surged and the twisted and blurred figure appeared in front of Amakusa and Kotaro, their Adam's apples As I scrolled, I broke out in cold sweat unconsciously.

The premonition of death exploded in my mind.

The next moment, the two servants let out a roar that broke the cauldron, and their respective Noble Phantasms bloomed with brilliant brilliance.

Then, it stopped abruptly!

The sky was soaked in blood. Under the unbelievable gaze of the soldiers, the darkness was like the open mouth of a giant beast, swallowing their general in one mouthful!

"General Amakusa!"

"General Fuma!"

"Retreat, retreat! Retreat quickly and report this matter to King Gilgamesh!"


The footsteps quickly faded away, the leaves swayed, and the hazy moonlight that appeared and appeared behind the drifting dark clouds reflected the lifeless ruins.

The goddess has long since abandoned her former temple, but this land remembers everything that happened.

Someone once injured the goddess here and let the blood of the god spill on the earth.

And now, it's time to grow...

Pure light rose quietly, and the magic array hidden underground opened silently, outlining a familiar summoning pattern.

The little girl, wearing a dark hood and a long purple ponytail hanging down to her waist, quietly opened her magical eyes.

Holding the strange-shaped sickle tightly, she stared at this strange world in confusion.

I don’t know where this place is, but I understand in my heart why I am here.

"Kill that wrong self..."

Accepting the sad fate calmly, the existence born from the flesh and blood of the goddess took steps forward and disappeared into the lush forest.


"Are you saying that the two generals mysteriously disappeared in the fir forest?"

On the throne, the wise king was silent for a long time, then raised his hand to signal the soldiers to retreat: "I understand."

After the soldiers left, Gilgamesh looked at the empty palace, and after a long time, he snorted coldly.

"Oh, the cedar indeed the place I hate the most."

The sound of shouts came from outside the palace, and the light of the bonfire was reflected on the gorgeous walls. While thinking, the wise king stood up and walked towards the outside of the palace step by step.

Since the Demon King crossed time and space, the King's clairvoyance to see into the future has lost its effectiveness.

Time and space were changed by the two intruders, and the fate of the world began to spiral out of control.

The mysterious disappearance of Amakusa Shiro Tokisada and Fuma Kotaro was the beginning of something unexpected.

And the sudden loss of contact with the cook.

——But, no matter now or in the future, something never changes.

Taking another step forward, the stars in the sky reflect the sky, the wise king raises his head, and the morning star shines in the sky.

It was as if it was foreshadowing a fateful encounter.


The hero king who commanded Uruk raised his lips:

"Can you come, Chaldea, the only candle that lights up many stars!"

Even though the future was uncertain, the monarch's heart was still filled with pride. He opened his arms as if to embrace the city and the starry sky.

"Come if you are able! Come to this land where gods and humans live together - the last Master of humans!"

Uruk is brightly lit at night, and the light strips in the sky are like eyes, overlooking the shining city indifferently.

The voice of the King of Heroes floated in the darkness, gradually becoming lighter until it disappeared.

The story just turned the page lightly, burying the blood and fire in the sand of history and being buried in the blank.

Then, apply a new color.

"Spirit transfer, preparations are complete."

"Target set, BC 2600, Uruk."

"The anti-summoning system is activated and the soul transformation begins."

"Subject name: Fujimaru Ritsuka, the whole process of soul conversion is completed."

Lying in the transfer cabin, his vision was blurred by the rising biological fluid. In a daze, Fujimaru heard the doctor's calm voice.

"Start the actual verification, designate the seventh Grand Order!"

The next moment, a familiar tunnel opened in front of him, and in the colorful illusion, time and space opened to him.

"Go to Mesopotamia, the ancient Sumerian Gods' realm in 2600 BC!"

The white light drowned everything. When his vision became clear again, all Fujimaru saw was the vast land of mountains and rivers.

And he was falling at high speed amid the sound of breaking wind!

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