My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 712 Farewell to Jin Shanshan

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"Welcome to Uruk. We are people who fight for survival, and we will do anything to help. I have memorized your faces, and I hope I can still live and see you again."

Waving goodbye to the enthusiastic soldier uncle, Fujimaru retracted his gaze and sighed with lingering fear.

"I almost thought I was going to try to sneak in again and then encounter a battle..."

When bypassing the battle line and arriving at the gate of Uruk, the dead memories began to attack Fujimaru, making him hold his breath all the time, fearing that there was a beast that was strengthened three times waiting for him under the city wall.

City wall, never night, Gawain.jpg

Fortunately, this time they were led by an expert, and they passed the city gate safely.

"Don't worry. Before we set off, I asked the person in charge of the sacrificial site for a seal." Merlin smiled and shook the necklace in his hand, "We entered Uruk with a legitimate identity, so there is no need to worry about any problems."

Crack, crack, crack.

There was a hamster-like gnawing sound beside her. When she found that everyone was looking at her, Anna blushed slightly, pulled off her hood, and hid herself.

Looking at the half-eaten snack in her hand, Fujimaru understood and looked away: "However, I didn't expect the people of Uruk to be so enthusiastic and even gave Anna snacks."

"Are petite girls really more popular?" A white-haired sage sighed pretentiously, "If I had known that I would disguise myself in this form when I appeared in the world..."

"No matter how you disguise yourself, you can't hide your hopeless soul."

"Even if you put it conservatively, Merlin is like a magician who condenses all the dishonesty in the world into an individual."

Anna and Shuoyue criticized Merlin unceremoniously. The two looked at each other, the former quickly looked away, and the latter turned his eyes, noticed the curiosity hidden in the boy's eyes, and smiled understandingly.

"Speaking of which, Merlin, how did you meet Anna?"

Merlin glanced at Anna, and when he saw that the girl didn't say anything, he patted his chest and said, "I met Anna and got to know her when I got lost in this forest two days ago. She looked panicked as if she was being chased by someone, so I took in the homeless girl out of kindness."

It seemed that someone was chasing her...Shuoyue's expression froze, and in response to Merlin's words, Anna tucked in the brim of her hat, and her soft muttering came from under the hood.

"I was completely deceived... If I didn't want to see that woman again, I wouldn't have agreed to the contract with this liar."

Merlin, as if he didn't see or hear anything, led the way with a smile:

"We'll reach the downtown area in a few steps, don't be too surprised when we get there."

"What's there to be surprised about? It's just the ancient city of Uruk." The doctor firmly opposed Merlin's policy, "Since it's a civilization that just emerged during the Age of Gods, it must be a very barbaric city... Guga!"

When Fujimaru's shared vision was transmitted back to the control room, Dr. Roman screamed incompetently.

"What, what is this!"

If you can't see the whole picture from a distance, now that you have personally stepped into Uruk and looked around, you can personally experience the vastness and prosperity of this city.

"New arrivals, new arrivals~! Autumn beer has arrived in large quantities~~!"

"The latest work of Atelier Dumuzi, which the king also loves! Only now can you taste this ultimate beer foam!"

"Currency exchange, currency exchange please come here~! Now only one [Silver of Sheep] can be exchanged for five [Silver of Fish], and one [Silver of Wheat] can be exchanged for three [Silver of Turtle]!"

"Everyone! The western region is recruiting people to carry clay! No, wait, the military school is also short of manpower! If this goes on, the guns sent to the north wall will become branches! People who have experience in making weapons, come to the military school! We'll talk about building arrow towers later, later!"

"Hey, flower shop~, this is Merulu's flower shop! Although everyone is tired of fighting day and night, don't forget to add some color to life! Whether it's a celebration or a gift for your wife, you can come and consult about anything~!"

The scorching sound waves rushed over like people's enthusiasm, holding hands, singing and dancing around Fujimaru and his group. Although it was wartime, the city was lively and bustling. None of the citizens were depressed. Smoke was rising from the production of weapons and the sound of smelting and forging was heard day and night everywhere.

The firelight in the middle of the night illuminated the sky red. People walked on the crisscrossing roads with smiles on their faces. This bustle that even modern cities could hardly have made Fujimaru and Anna, who were visiting for the first time, and everyone in the control room stunned.

"Good..." Anna opened her mouth slightly.

"Good..." The doctor widened his eyes.

"It's so lively!?" Fujimaru exclaimed.

"Of course, this is the current situation of Uruk, the oldest fortress city of mankind." Shuoyue looked around, revealing a bit of nostalgia in his eyes, "Although everyone is nervous and in a hurry, they have not forgotten to smile... This city is not filled with despair, but the will to fight and the vitality to survive."

"Not only that... How can there be such an orderly street!" The doctor in the control room retrieved various data, but still found it unbelievable, "Look at the map over there, the areas are clearly divided according to the duties, and the transportation network is well connected. The military industry, construction, commerce, and life have been redesigned to meet all needs-"

"What kind of ancient settlement is this? This is a perfect "battle city" that can also work in modern times!"

After exchanging glances with Da Vinci, the doctor came to the conclusion with certainty: "This is definitely not a product that can be bred in this era. Someone must have received information from the future and built such a huge network... But even if it is a person in the future, this plan is too complete and advanced!"

"Even Da Vinci himself, it would take nearly a month to design such a city." The 'all-powerful man' next to the doctor spread his hands, "After all, there are too many aspects involved."

"Who exactly created this 'miracle'..." Fujimaru muttered to himself, and laughter came from behind.

"Oh my, if this continues, some people will be embarrassed, right?" Merlin poked the white-haired and golden-eyed young man with a mischievous expression, "The last Knight of the Round Table?"

"When faced with the praise of my friends, I will only accept it with gratitude." Shuoyue seemed very calm. Only when Fujimaru and Anna looked at him in shock did he reveal a snicker at the corner of his mouth, "Compared to the icing on the cake of some guys, perhaps my timely help is more worthy of overwhelming praise?"

"Of course, I didn't expect that this place was designed by Shuoyue!" Roman was very face-saving and flattering, "This is a unique masterpiece, a city that can be proud of no matter which country it is located in!"

"Hey, don't treat me differently like this, I will cry if this continues."


"Read it."

"It's not a sin for a man to cry."

"I will turn my back..."

Faced with Merlin's accusation, everyone was very indifferent Ignoring it, Fujimaru looked at the scene of ancient Babylon curiously, and couldn't help but sigh: "The country is well-organized, the people are safe and happy... It's worthy of being Uruk under the rule of King Gilgamesh."

As soon as the voice fell, Fujimaru found that the people around him looked at him in unison, with strange eyes. Merlin opened his mouth to speak, and Shuoyue raised his hand, signaling everyone not to chat for the time being:

"If the rules have not changed before I leave, King Gilgamesh will end his government instructions in half an hour. If you don't want to queue up for a number tomorrow, it's best to rush into the palace when this nightmare is working hard today."

"You're right, King Gilgamesh is very busy." The white-haired nightmare smiled, "So Fujimaru, let's talk about the king while we walk. Although I really want to take you to see the city of Uruk, before that, let's meet the person in charge of the human side of this singularity first."


King Gilgamesh, what kind of person is he?

Walking on the street leading straight to the palace, Shuoyue's eyes flickered as he listened silently to Merlin's nonsense:

"He is an outstanding tyrant among the ancient kings. He cut off relations with the gods just because they were too arrogant! He took all the beauties in the country and the treasures in the world for himself! If you agree with the king's opinion, you will die, and if you disagree, you will also die. He is such an unreasonable king!"

"What is so scary..." As if he was listening to a ghost story, Roman swallowed his saliva and shouted, "This is a completely bad guy! The information we investigated is completely It's not like that!"

Accompanied by Da Vinci's clear voice, the introduction from Chaldea sounded: "Hero King Gilgamesh is a hero born between gods and humans. He was approachable and sensible in his childhood, but he showed completely opposite characteristics in his youth and became a tyrant that people were helpless... That's what Merlin said."

After walking through rows of fully armed guards, Fujimaru could already see the lights in the palace that never went out, and Da Vinci's personal narration continued.

"In order to admonish him like this, the gods created Enkidu who appeared in front of us. Of course, now he is called Kingu. And Enkidu and Gilgamesh are said to have fought for three days and three nights in front of the temple, but for some reason, they became close friends-"

[In short, he made bold statements, claiming that the treasures he owned were the prototypes of various treasures, and was the most arrogant and cruel tyrant on the surface of the earth. This is King, the guy someone wanted to see. 】

Shuoyue heard this in his heart, he raised his head, and looked upwards as if he had sensed something.

There was someone sitting on the throne, holding a clay tablet, with a face full of irritability of "don't get close to me".

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar Xian Wang Shan, the young man smiled silently.

[Look, he is right in front of him. ]

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