My Divine Diary

Chapter 803: 801 Soul Breaker

   Chapter 805 What a ghost dragon

   The members of the Fujin Squad who were staring at Su Hao's figure were all stunned for a moment: "What about the young dragon? Why did it suddenly disappear? It's through the crystal, right?"

   Before they could think clearly, the next second the young dragon appeared in front of them with another 'swoosh'.

   Bearded Xibo and others: "???"

   Immediately afterwards, they could see Su Hao's figure flashing back and forth in the incubation room, getting faster and faster.

   Bearded Xibo was stunned.

   What is this operation?

  Is it too fast to cause hallucinations, or is it the legendary soul art ‘flickering’?

   Bearded Xibo roared in his heart: "What the **** is this 'young dragon'? I'll go to his uncle's young dragon! I don't want to face such a young dragon even if I have ten adult dragons!"

   Since then, the bearded Sibo has cast a shadow on the creature like the young dragon.

   As the use of 'Blink' became more and more proficient, Su Hao's flashing speed accelerated, and finally he was no longer confined to the dragon's lair.


   flashed again, and he appeared above the crack of Tiandi Cliff.

  Slightly glanced and saw many dangling ropes.

   Immediately after, he activated the 'perception' rune, and within two seconds, he sensed all the blood and gas reactions within a six-kilometer range.

   And the two members of the rich gold team who slipped away were just three kilometers away.


  Su Hao suddenly disappeared in place, and turned to appear in front of the two thin guys.

   The two skinny guys were frightened by the sudden appearance of Su Hao and took off in place. They jumped back and jumped all the way. After seeing Su Hao's appearance clearly, they couldn't help but look at each other and seemed to be thinking about whether to grab them back.

  Su Hao didn't talk nonsense to these two, he raised his paw.

  'Level 2-Lightning'!


   The two fell to the ground softly, the weapons in their hands clapped and dropped.

  Su Hao took two steps closer, and two more lightning strikes made the two of them tremble, and they couldn't even hum when they opened their mouths.

   Then, one in each hand, he used blood and energy to build a balance technique, activated flash, and returned to the incubation room.

   In the shocked eyes of the bearded Xibo and others, they threw the two of them down.

   Now, Bearded Xibo and others are completely desperate, they have been wiped out, and there is no hope at all. Their lives are dark.

   At this point, it is no longer possible to look at the creature 'young dragon' with normal eyes.

   Their trip to the "Raptor of the Dragon" is even more fantastic than a fantasy novel.

   Bearded Xibo, Gea and others secretly said: "I will never do 'Dragon Raptor' again..."

  Su Hao tapped lightly and sealed the two with the Transforming Vajra Armor, then he ignored them and tried to build a 'small world'.

   "Although it's not the core rune branded on the body, it's always a little uncomfortable to use, and it lacks that smooth feeling, but slowing down a little bit can still build a perfect small world."

   After a while, a small world with a diameter of only five kilometers was completed. It was held in Su Hao's hands, and it looked like it was only the size of a basketball.

The light from the    dome crystal lamp shone down, penetrated into the small world, and was refracted by the spatial structure, allowing the small world the size of a basketball to appear.

   Then the scene that shattered the three views of the Fujin team and others appeared again.

  Su Hao casually picked up a human being wrapped in crystals and stuffed the human into the small world.

   "Stuffed... stuffed in?"

   If it weren't for the crystal armor, they would have to stare out their eyes.

   They wanted to say something at this time, but their mouths were blocked, so they couldn't say a word.

   is followed by the second one.

   When Su Hao stretched out his hand to grab it, the rich gold team member was terrified, his eyes widened, bloodshot inside, his breathing became rapid, and his throat roared something.

   That kind of fear, like being dragged into **** to be punished.

   However, panic is of no use, and it does not allow him to escape from this place by blasting a counterattack and destroying the crystal armor as in the comics. He was pushed into the small world by Su Hao very smoothly.

  Su Hao secretly said: "Now there is no way to teleport all people into the small world in one go, so I can only block them one by one, which is also troublesome. Fortunately, there are not many people!"

   However, seeing this scene in the eyes of the beard and others, they were extremely frightened. What is that little crystal ball? What scary things could be in there? Why can such a big man fit into it without hindrance...


   They never imagined that they would suffer such mental torture before dying.


   Fear comes from the unknown about the cruelty of oneself in the future. After knowing it, maybe it will not be so afraid?

  Cough! Not necessarily, after knowing something, fear will increase instead of decrease.

After Su Hao stuffed all the people into it, he came to the top of the cliff in a flash, found a place where the soil was soft, and transformed into a vajra armor. The small world is paved with a thick layer of land.

   After he placed the dozen or so humans in a rough place, he took the small world back to the cave nest.

   At this time, the cave was a mess, and the first elder brother Chipu and the second elder sister Mori were still in a drowsy state, and were tightly bound by chains.

After Su Hao untied the two young dragons, he didn't wake them up after thinking about it. He secretly said, "When Sha Duo's mother comes back, she will definitely find that the cave is abnormal. It's better to keep the status quo and explain the situation truthfully. It certainly doesn't care how I get rid of these people and where they go."

   With a decision, he no longer thinks about it, and turns into a small world.

   At this time, more than a dozen human beings wrapped in vajra armour were lying on the muddy ground. After seeing Su Hao coming in, it was like seeing a devil.

  Su Hao recorded all their consciousness information into the pinball space one by one, and then removed the crystal armor that imprisoned them.

After    was liberated, the members of Fujin's team did not impulsively seek Su Hao, but retreated, gathered together, and looked at Su Hao with a guarded attitude.

   After all, they had seen many incredible things on this young dragon with their own eyes, and they no longer had the confidence to defeat this young dragon.

   Being alive today is a gift from Barry, the **** of gold.

  Su Hao carefully looked at the group of people not far away, and found that they were slightly different from his usual humanoids.

   First of all, in terms of body shape, it looks taller and stronger, and each one is full of bulging muscles, like a strong bull;

   Followed by pale complexion, dense body hair, slightly curly brown hair, light green pupils, a sense of exoticism;

  The last is their foreheads, and there is an inconspicuous round bulge above the eyebrows, which looks like a closed third eye.

   At first glance, this kind of human is no different from the human beings he has seen before, but in subtleties, there are always many differences.

   "Another race? I just took the time to study it, and what is the difference between it and ordinary humans. However, now is not the time, wait for Xiaoguang to decipher their language."

  Su Hao's eyes finally settled on the only female soul sorcerer in the Fujin team: "Maybe I can learn something from her."

   After a while, Su Hao retracted his gaze and teleported away.

   These people are locked here, and they can't die or run away for a while. This body type looks like it's okay to be hungry for a few days, so don't worry.

After Su Hao came out of the small world where humans were imprisoned, he recreated another small base world. After going out of the cave, he found a bunch of substances suitable for transforming the source, stuffed it into the small base world, and then entered the small world to concentrate on transforming the source. Come.

   After seven or eight hours, Su Hao opened his eyes and shot a small shock wave, hitting the substance that had been transformed into a source.


After the    white light flashed, a large number of Origin Orbs burst out in the small world and spread on the ground.

   "So many Origin Orbs are enough for me to break through to Nascent Soul Realm in one breath. Next, I will use Origin Orbs to transform into a more flexible and easy-to-use 'Spirit'."

  Su Hao calculated a little and said secretly: "Mother Sha Duo is expected to come back tomorrow, and before she comes back, I should be able to break through to Nascent Soul Realm."

   In other words, after tomorrow, Su Hao will be a Nascent Soul Dragon.


   Just when Su Hao was concentrating on using the source to transform 'spirit' into his body, the first elder brother Long Chi Pu and the second elder sister Mo Li had already woken up.

  The two young dragons were stumbling around in the lair with bewildered faces.

   "What happened...what? Where's the third brother?"

   (end of this chapter)

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