My Divine Diary

Chapter 813: 811 God of Gold - Barry

  Chapter 814 has been killed by me (thanks to HACCT for the big reward)

  Su Hao asked what the mother dragon's request was. The mother dragon's answer was beyond Su Hao's expectations: "Be cautious enough."

   What does it mean to be cautious enough?

The answer given by the mother dragon to Su Hao was simple: hide in the dark and sneak attack; kill all opponents that he perceives and doesn't know our enemies or enemies; learn to play pitiful, play dead, and then use 'hundred shots' to attack; not target food, After killing it, you are not allowed to eat it, you must escape immediately, and you cannot look back to examine the corpse...

  Su Hao: "…"

  The mother dragon Sha Duo always looks serious. Su Hao thought she was a dragon who yearned for light and had a strong sense of justice, but he didn't expect that the trick he taught Su Hao was actually like this.

  Su Hao couldn't help but ask: "Mother Sha Duo, are dragons like this?"

   Unexpectedly, the mother dragon Shaduo nodded and said, "This is the basic survival skill I learned after dealing with humans for a long time, especially when I was still very weak, it is very useful."

  The mother dragon Shaduo not only gave Su Hao a verbal instruction, but also performed a practical operation.

   She took three young dragons to find a large human pirate ship, and let the humans see the three young dragons on her back, and pretended to be injured and out of strength, flew up and stumbled, and finally had to land on a deserted island.

  The eyes of the human who saw this scene were all red, ooh ooh and chased after him...

   Then the humans who came after him were wiped out by Su Hao before they landed.

  The mother dragon was very satisfied with Su Hao's performance, and announced that Su Hao had passed her test, and instructed Su Hao to do this before continuing on the journey.


In this way, when the female dragon is flying, Su Hao will lie on the back of the female dragon quietly, either exercising his mental strength, or slowly building an 'external brain' in his body, or designing the genes of the [Prophet] sequence.

When the female dragon stopped flying and went out to hunt for a short time, Su Hao entered the small world and observed the growth of the hatched [God]. The [God] could secrete a special substance 'separation liquid' just like a female worm, and through The land obtains sufficient nutrition, and the growth pattern exceeds 99.99…% of the organisms.

   Of course, he will also take the time to enter the small world where the Fujin team is imprisoned to conduct research on soul power and soul magic.

   The Fujin Squad has been imprisoned by Su Hao for a long time. There are five human beings who can't bear the pain of this endless prison and are acting very crazy.

   First, he planned to take off his pants and do something indescribable to the only female Weiya, and then he was stopped and beaten by the bearded Sibo.

  I didn't expect that the madness in their hearts would still not be quenched. After Su Hao came in, they tried to violently kill Su Hao...

   Of course, their attack had no effect on Su Hao. Su Hao added a few programs to the little black house, turning them into 'tool people' who only knew how to eat and drink.

   Then began to design the gene sequences for these people, and cultivate spare [God] clones.

   It takes three steps to cultivate a [God] clone with these people, namely [Bone Demon] - [Life Son] - [God]. The time required is three months, which is longer than the incubation time of [God Egg].

   There are only a few more [God] clones, Su Hao wouldn't mind, in case the [God] hatched by the [God Egg] is broken, it has to be replaced.

   One day later, Su Hao, under the attention of Bearded Xibo and others, injected genetic modification fluid into these 'tool people', turning them into [Bone Demons].

   This terrified Bearded Xibo and the others.

   They didn't understand what this operation was, and they were all terrified: "This is the end of offending the gods?"

   This made them understand a truth, no matter how repressed and dissatisfied they were in their hearts, they were all held back, and a near-death struggle would not work.

   After finishing this matter, Su Hao didn't care about these people and just went about his own business normally.

   In order to let the mother dragon return to Longzhou as soon as possible, he really cleaned up those pirates who dared to attack them all the way. In his hands, the road to heaven has really become the 'road to heaven'.

   Basically wherever they go, the vicious pirates die, making the entire waterway a lot cleaner.

   As a result, a legend about the "evil dragon" gradually spread on the waterway of the Road to Paradise.

The mother dragon Shaduo was not worried because her child was killing, instead she looked like a loving mother and gave Su Hao the greatest encouragement: "Nice job, Lean Oaks, my child. You are me. The most powerful dragon other than the six dragon gods I have ever seen. Yes, even if you are only a three-month-old baby dragon, your strength exceeds that of most dragons.

   Of course, the premise is that you can follow the survival skills I instruct you, don't be arrogant... Come on Ryan Oaks, and repeat the survival skills I taught you. "

  Su Hao: "…"

   This reminds Su Hao of the distant past. The "three stricts, four diligence and five nos" taught by his father Wu Yuntian are all teachings, and the two are completely different.

   He looked at the two young dragons with big eyes and cute eyes, and was very suspicious of what they would become when they learned from the mother dragon Shado.

   Just thinking of the non-mainstream bad boy scene, Su Hao couldn't bear to look directly.

   He secretly said: "It's no wonder that the relationship between the giant dragon and the giant dragon is not very good. In addition to the strength of the individual, the most fundamental reason has been found."

   Long 1st brother Chi Pu and Long 2nd sister Molly didn't know what Su Hao was thinking, but imitated Su Hao's appearance.

  Su Hao always felt that these two young dragons were a little stupid to learn from him.


   On this day, when the mother dragon Shaduo brought Su Hao to an island for repairing, two figures in front and back quickly passed by on the sea in the far distance, heading straight for the island where Su Hao was.

   One is a man with long curly blond hair, and it is Barry, the **** of gold.

  The other was a slender woman with a cold face. She was wearing tight black clothes and was very cool. She followed Barry, the **** of gold, without saying a word.

   God of Gold - Barry suddenly said: "Bord, how long will it take to catch up with that red and gold dragon?"

   And this black-clothed woman was Bode who had been punched in the head by Su Hao before. Now, she had changed into a female body and was successfully resurrected again.

  Bode closed his eyes to perceive, and then said: "Dear Your Majesty Barry, I can perceive that the giant dragon is not far ahead, and we are about to catch up with them.

   I didn't expect this red-gold dragon to be so alert and planned to return directly to Longzhou. And the 'evil dragon legend' we heard along the way must be related to the existence behind the red and gold dragon. Your Majesty, we will soon know the truth. "

Barry showed a smile: "Legend of the Evil Dragon? Hehe, I'm getting more and more interested. The vicious pirates who died, without exception, all had their brains shattered, and some of them were powerful. Powerful seventh-level soul guards and sorcerers.

   Then, what kind of soul art can achieve this? "

Bode also smiled and said: "I died suddenly before, most likely because my brain was shattered in an instant. At that time, I didn't deploy the spirit barrier to take precautions, and I was careless. This time, I want to see him. What can we do then?"

  God of Gold - Barry and Borde at any time wearing a barrier to isolate the soul art, released by the God of Gold - Barry himself, which can make almost all 'dive-in' soul art ineffective.

   Of course, there are also various powerful protections not to mention.

   All in all, the two of them had a sense of security all over their bodies at this time.

   Even if the opposite is a main god, they cannot break through their defenses immediately, allowing them to calmly find opportunities to take the initiative to escape.


  Just like this, a god, a divine envoy, recklessly broke into Su Hao's perception domain.

Su Hao withdrew from his spiritual training, raised his head to look into the distance, and said in surprise, "Hey, two people are here, they are many times stronger than everyone they have met before. They are here for us. Is it? Or just passing by?"

   If they pass by, Su Hao will not bother to pay attention to them. If they come at them, they will be knocked over with one punch.

  Su Hao immediately woke up the sleeping mother dragon Sha Duo and said: "Mother Sha Duo, two human beings are coming and flying towards us. Let's get out of the way quickly!"

  Sado's mother didn't suspect him, so she got up immediately, picked up a young dragon with one claw, pressed against the sea, and quickly flew to the side.

   On the other side, the black-clothed woman Bod suddenly pointed in one direction and said, "Dear Your Majesty Barry, the giant dragon seems to have moved and flew over here."

  God of Gold - Barry, without saying a word, turned immediately, and at the same time increased his speed.

   At the same time when Barry, the God of Gold, turned around, Su Hao also sensed their movement trajectory and immediately judged that the two were coming towards them.

  Su Hao clenched his right claw, opened his left claw, and slammed into fists.

   The next moment, the **** of gold, Barry, and the **** envoy Bode trembled, as if they had lost all their strength, and plunged into the sea in an arc.

  Su Hao said: "Mother Sha Duo, they are coming for us. Well, now I have killed them and fell into the sea."

   This kind of thing happened a lot, and the mother Long Shado was not surprised by it, but praised: "Nice job, Ryan Oaks, worthy of my child."

   Not long after, in the central hall of an independent palace complex on another continent, a strong man like a lion king sat in the center and opened his eyes.

  's green eyes flashed a lot of incomprehension: "Just... what happened?"

   With a move of his hand, a pale golden light group emerged, and when he clicked it out, the golden light group turned into a golden snake and penetrated into the body of a beautifully dressed female soul wizard.

  The sorcerer looked at the flying golden snake with deep fear in his eyes, and then fell silently.

   A few hours later, the sorcerer slowly woke up and fell into a brief confusion. After a while, his will was completely awake.

   She knelt on the ground, looking very sluggish: "Your servant Bode, thank your Majesty Barry for your mercy!"

   God of Gold - Barry said coldly: "Can you still perceive the position of the red and gold dragon?"

  Bode closed his eyes for a long time and nodded, "Yes."

  Barry: "Let's go, meet him again, at least figure out the opponent's attack methods."

   (end of this chapter)

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