My Divine Diary

Chapter 822: 820 Are you gods?

   Chapter 825 Ecstasy

  Eternal and Barry's eyes were full of astonishment.

   Through the fading smoke and dust, they could see the headless man in the distance and still move.

   This kind of scene is still very strange to these gods.

Because the gods are powerful and immortal, they can change their bodies anytime and anywhere, but without their heads, they will lose control of their bodies in an instant, and they cannot be like the person in front of them. still not there.

   Simply put, it is outrageous.

   God of Gold - Barry couldn't help but ask: "Eternal, what is this thing?"

  Eternal glanced at him and didn't bother to pay attention to him. Ask this as if she understands.

When    Yong Shi saw that Su Hao's body was abnormal, he didn't hesitate too much, he pushed it out with a palm, and a large number of purple rays enveloped Su Hao's body.

   She intends to completely destroy this body to avoid future troubles. After seeing that the ray passed through the body smoothly and without hindrance, she felt relieved again: "The attack worked... it's not right!"

   All the purple light passed through that body, but it didn't blow up the body as expected, but as if it passed through the air, without stopping and submerging into the space barrier not far away.

"not good!"

   She realized something and immediately stacked layers of defense behind her.


  A lot of purple light bombarded her back, making her unable to resist throwing it forward.

  Barry reacted very quickly, and Shem stepped forward to catch Eternal.

   After the two stopped, they immediately looked at the body in front of them.


   The sound of crystal collisions sounded, and a large amount of pink crystals emerged from the neck of the body, forming the shape of a head.

   In the blink of an eye, the crystal receded, a big round head with beautiful hair, and a handsome face suddenly appeared in front of the two gods.

   The hearts of the two gods are a little numb. They have lived for an unknown number of years. What kind of scenes have not been seen before? Such a scene has never been seen before.

At this time, I saw this man named Jia Wei, rubbing his newborn head with his hand, and said in a very lingering tone: "You two are really amazing, you can break through my defense and put my My head exploded, I must have lost my head just now, right? This kind of picture is really bloody. Facing the gods, I can't be careless."

   The two gods could not say a word.

  Su Hao said again: "To be honest, it's really inconvenient to have no eyes, no ears, and no mouth to speak."

  Barry couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and asked, "This is not dead, what is your ability?"

   Su Hao's head suddenly split from left to right and showed it in front of the two gods: "Of course it's because I have nothing in my head, hahaha!"

   Eternal and Barry: "…"

   Really T-girl is outrageous.

  Su Hao put his heads together, showing a playful expression: "Okay, let's go here, we have to do business."

   Eternal and Barry are like enemies, and their whole body is instantly covered with various defenses, ready to meet the upcoming attack.

   I saw Su Hao slowly raise his right hand, and then snapped his fingers.


   The crisp sound of fingers snapped into the ears of the two gods, and when they didn't know the reason, there was a crisp sound like fried beans from the whole body.

   "Crack Papa~"

   Immediately followed by an indescribable severe pain, the whole body lost strength and fell softly to the ground.

   They inspected themselves a little and found that all the bones in their bodies were broken.

  Eternal life and Barry were shocked: "How could it be possible... Just a snap of our fingers, we are incapacitated through heavy defenses, how is this done?"

   The two gods hadn't completely collapsed to the ground, Su Hao had appeared behind them at some point, and opened his hands to grab the heads of the two.


   Before he could think about when Su Hao appeared behind him, he felt a surging warm current pouring into his brain.

Yong Shi and Barry came up with a thought: "Want to destroy my brain and kill me completely? No, his purpose is to learn the secrets of the gods, then he grabs our heads, this is to... Soul search! No, you must leave the body immediately!"

  Thinking of this, both of them subconsciously restrained their soul power, wrapped their will, and suddenly sprang from the top of their heads. One purple and one gold snake-like mist circled in mid-air, but they could not escape from this space.

   It was precisely at this time that Su Hao completed the record.

   He let go of his hand, and the two bodies fell one after another.


  Su Hao looked up at the two rays of light flying in the air, and asked curiously, "Are you guys out of your body?"

He checked the results of the two people's consciousness information records in the pinball space, and found that a large amount of information was indeed recorded in the small black room, but it was not the same as other consciousness information structures, nor was it in a state of movement like normal consciousness information. Like a dead thing.

   This is the first time Su Hao has encountered such a situation, but he has some guesses as to why.

"Perhaps it is because the consciousness of these two gods was separated from the body when the consciousness information was not completely recorded, resulting in the failure of the recording. Incomplete consciousness information will only be recorded in the pinball space, not with the ball. The spherical space forms the same frequency."

   However, Su Hao has recorded a large amount of consciousness information, even if he cannot record it completely, it is enough for him to decipher some basic information.

   Actually it doesn't matter if this failure, Su Hao has time to study slowly, in this world, there are also gods who can provide him with what he wants.

Su Hao just asked casually, but he didn't expect the purple light snake floating in the air to actually answer Su Hao: "You can understand that the soul is out of the body, but it is much more advanced than the out-of-body soul. This is the unique ability of our gods. No matter how strong you mortals are, you can only look up."

   Listen to the voice and tone, this is the God of the Night - Eternal.

  Su Hao just smiled: "Really?"

   Eternal asked: "What were you going to do just now? Are you searching for our souls?"

  Su Hao nodded and said, "It's similar to Soul Search. Since you don't want to tell me, then I can still use Soul Search to get the information I want."

  Barry exclaimed: "Javi, are you really not a god? I can't imagine that you, a mortal, have such abilities, even more powerful than gods."

   Eternal dissatisfaction: "Barry, why do you encourage the enemy's prestige? How can the power of the gods be understood by mortals!"

   Barry embarrassed: "Aha, that's fine."

Then Yong Shi said to Su Hao: "Jia Wei, your soul search method is indeed feasible, but unfortunately, you won't have another chance. As Barry said, you are indeed very powerful, but compared to the complete power of the gods, it is still not worth it. One mention.

  You have to know that the God of Darkness and God of Gold appearing in front of you now is just a weak will. "

  Su Hao said in surprise, "Huh? Are you just distracted? I thought it was the body of a god."

  Eternal asked again: "Javi, last two questions for you. Are you a red and gold dragon? Is your ability derived from the awakening of the legendary super mutant red and gold dragon?"

  Su Hao nodded and said, "That's right, I'm the red and gold giant dragon. My ability is called 'a hundred shots and a hundred hits'."

  Barry exclaimed again: "I actually saw the legendary creature, and it was amazing."

  Yong Shi seemed to sigh, and then said: "Javi, if you are a god, you may still be friends, but unfortunately, you and I are not the same creature, so goodbye!"

   She turned to Barry and said, "Barry, we are just a split will, do you understand what I mean?"

  Barry nodded silently: "Understood."

   The next moment, the eternal purple light snake dissipated from the inside, like turning into wind and sand, gradually drifting away.

Seeing this, Barry turned his head and said to Su Hao, "This is the method we use to dissolve and divide our will, called 'Soul Elimination'. We have an agreement between our gods and we cannot reveal each other's secrets to mortals who are not gods. So, The secrets you want to know about the gods are impossible. And...forget it, goodbye!"

   After finishing speaking, Barry's golden light snake also dissipated from the inside, turning into a little golden light and disappearing.

   The process of the two gods drifting away, Su Hao didn't know how to stop it, and he couldn't stop it at all.

  Su Hao secretly said: "It's a pity that the two excellent experimental subjects. Fortunately, most of their consciousness information has been successfully recorded, and we can try to let Xiaoguang decipher it."

   Through the conversation just now, Su Hao understood that their so-called secrets of gods are the things that gods are most reluctant to mention.

   In general, the things that are least reluctant to mention and are intentionally hidden are the ones that are most deeply remembered.

With information like   , Su Hao believed that he would be able to find clues in the recorded part of the information.

   "Let me see what the gods are!"

   The daily update volume of Dalibao is only three chapters, that is because only three chapters can be written every day ~ there is absolutely no manuscript. However, the recent big rewards from Bump, HACCT, Pa Qiuqiu, and European 56 bosses have made Dalibao a chicken blood, and the liver has come out 5 chapters...



   (end of this chapter)

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