My Divine Diary

Chapter 827: 825 ten color plate

   Chapter 828 Listen to my explanation

  Su Hao rarely procrastinates in doing things. Basically, he will do it immediately when he thinks of it.

   For example, this time, he had just obtained the location information of the two gods, so he looked for an opportunity to access the 'galaxy network', and a large number of individuals scattered out, looking for the two gods.

   As long as they find their bodies in the 'galaxy network', Su Hao can immediately teleport there and capture their bodies into the small world.

   Isn't it just letting him conduct research at will?

   After an unknown amount of time, a large number of Su Hao's personalities dived into the corresponding sea area and went deep into the trench, almost turning the designated area upside down.

   did not find any abnormal 'ten-color plates'.

  Su Hao frowned gradually.

   "Look at the God of the Night-Eternal Body hidden on the orbiting satellite again."

   However, Su Hao searched all the orbiting satellites, but found nothing on the satellites.

"Could it be that the 'Ten-color plate' looks similar to the soil, can't I ignore it? This is impossible. The information shows that the ten-color plate is a creature with colorful rays of light, and it is impossible to miss it. Then, the consciousness information I analyzed is: Wrong? It's also not right. With the reference of other consciousness information, the parsing should not go wrong.

  Then there is only one possibility: after the two gods disconnected from the avatars, they changed their hiding places very cautiously. "

   Until this time, Su Hao finally had a new understanding of the gods in this world. He was able to transform into a **** and live for so long, not just by luck.

  Su Hao said helplessly, "Forget it, let's talk about it after a while! We can't run away anyway. Wake up Yashan and Fengcheng and talk about it later."


Longzhou and Su Hao's imagination were different. When he first heard the mention of the mother Longshaduo, he thought that the so-called Longzhou was just a slightly larger island. Dragon Island' In general, all dragons live on a small island, and dragons can be seen flying everywhere.

   did not expect that this is not the case.

On the contrary, Longzhou is a huge continent, and there are many dragons living on it, but compared to the vast continent, it is very rare. The mother dragon flew three young dragons for four days, only far away. I saw two red and gold dragons flying by in the distance.

  According to the mother Longshaduo, most of the entire Longzhou is a barren plateau. Except for some special animals and plants that barely survive, it is almost a dead place.

   In the depths of this barren continent, there is a huge basin called the ancestral land of the dragons, and there is another world, full of greenery and vitality.

The terrain of the    ancestral land is very special, like a huge pit that was forcibly stepped on the plateau by giants.

   Surrounded by unattainable cliffs, almost vertical, the cliffs form a huge circle, and in the middle is a plain full of vitality. Compared with the entire barren Longzhou, it can be regarded as a miracle land.

  The giant dragon was born on this land of cliffs and plains, and has been living and multiplying here since ancient times.

The purpose of the    mother dragon's trip was to return to this ancestral land, where she believed the Duskhoof she was looking for was there.

  As the mother dragon gradually penetrated into Longzhou, the giant dragons encountered gradually became more and more.

While flying, the mother dragon Shaduo gave popular science to the three young dragons: "Did you see it, children, that kind of giant dragon with a larger size and a black body, called the black dragon, is as powerful as our golden dragon, but not as strong as our golden dragon. do not belong to the same family.

  Although they are both called giant dragons, their essence is different, and the relationship between our two tribes is not very good.

However, as long as they don't get too close to each other, the black dragon will not take the initiative to ask us for trouble, because this is an agreement made by our **** of the sky, His Majesty Nati, and the God of Thunder of the Black Dragon tribe, His Majesty Gu, no one Will go against the command of the gods.

  So children, what you need to be vigilant about is not the black dragon, but our kin, the golden dragon, because only they will provoke us for no reason. "

  The mother dragon Shaduo had just finished speaking, when a red and gold giant flew head-on in the distance, flying side by side with the mother dragon Shaduo.

   No matter how the mother dragon Shado dodged, she could not get rid of it.

The red-gold dragon cracked open its mouth and said to the mother dragon Shaduo with a smile: "Hey! Beautiful girl, I think I've seen you somewhere, I must have seen you, such a beautiful girl, I will never forget it wrong. Since it's the second time we meet, let's get to know each other and make friends!"

   Mother Long Shaduo said directly: "Sorry, I already have a husband, I don't need friends."

The red-and-gold dragon didn't mind: "What does it matter to be a friend? Also, even if the beautiful girl has a husband, I won't mind. Let me introduce myself, my name is Tabor Dawson, What about you? What's your name?"

  The mother dragon Shaduo flew to the side, obviously not wanting to pay attention to the red and gold dragon.

But he put it on like a dog's skin plaster, and he couldn't get rid of it: "Beautiful girl, where are you going in a hurry? I can chat with you, and it's on the way. Are the three cuties on your back your children? You can see that you are extraordinary, and when you grow up, you will be as beautiful and charming as you..."

  Mother Long Shado is very annoying, but with three children by herself, she can't be rough.

   At this moment, Su Hao opened his eyes and said to the mother dragon Sha Duo: "Mother Sha Duo, let me punch him! Don't worry, I won't kill him."

  The mother dragon Shado's eyes lit up: "Okay Rayan Oaks, you have learned the secret of better survival, shoot him away from afar!"

   The giant red and gold dragon looked at the young dragon on the back of the mother dragon who threatened to punch him, and immediately burst out laughing: "Pfft, little guy, do you want to punch me? Hahaha! It's so funny..."

  Su Hao raised his paw and patted it to the side lightly.


The red-gold dragon's cheeks were deeply sunken, and the entire head was slapped aside by the giant force, and then the entire dragon's body was also tilted to the side by the force of the head, and then swayed and fell to the loess mud below. on the dunes.

   "Boom", setting off a huge smoke and dust.

The mother dragon immediately flapped its wings quickly, away from here, and praised: "Nice job, Lei An, my child. You have mastered the secret of survival in the ancestral land, and it will bother you if any female dragon covets your beauty in the future. You, and if you don't want to mate with her, just beat her up like this."

   Two days later, the female dragon stopped on the edge of a cliff.

  The three young dragons jumped off the back of the mother dragon one after another, followed the mother dragon three or two steps to the edge of the cliff, and looked into the distance.

  This is the ancestral land where the dragons gather and live.

Su Hao walked to the edge of the cliff and looked into the distance. A white mist shrouded his eyes. He couldn't see how deep the basin was. In the white mist, there was a faint hint of green. Compared with the loess and sand behind him, it seemed Very alive.


"hold head high-"

  The long chants of various giant dragons loomed in the distance, looking for the sound and looking into the distance, you could also see a few small black dots hovering above the clouds.

  Su Hao's spiritual sense swept out, a large number of life sensations in front of him immediately reflected in his brain, there were giant dragons, birds, beasts...

   seems to have come to a new world.

After resting for a while, the mother dragon Shado said: "Let's go children, your father Twilighthoof is in a cliff lair not far from here, and we will see him soon. He will be very surprised when he sees you. of."

   Then the mother dragon Shado flew along the cliff with three young dragons.

   After about three hours, the mother dragon Shaduo said: "It's here, just below, let's go in."

  Su Hao could hear a suppressed excitement from the voice of the mother dragon Shado. Obviously, she was full of expectations for this sudden meeting with her husband, Twilight Hoof.

   is probably thinking of Duskhoof Sark's excited reaction after seeing her.

  The two dragons will definitely hug each other excitedly!

   After finishing speaking, the female dragon leaned down and flew down, came to the entrance of a huge cave, and flew into it familiarly.

  Su Hao's spiritual sense did perceive the figure of the giant dragon from the cave, but it was not one giant dragon, but two giant dragons. The most important thing was that the two giant dragons, one male and one female, were entangled together.

  Su Hao said in surprise, "Huh? Did Sha Duo's mother enter the wrong door?"

   But he quickly reacted: "Could it be that Sha Duo's mother's husband cheated on him? Damn it, Sha Duo's mother was with her child and came back from a long way to catch the rape, and she even caught him!"

   Soon, the mother dragon Shado broke into the depths of the doorless lair, and saw the husband, Twilighthoof Sark, whom he longed for, and a red-and-gold dragon that he had never seen before, the mother's.

   His husband, Duskhoof Sark, is having **** with this female red-gold dragon...

  Mother Long Shado was stunned, she couldn't believe what she saw with her eyes.

   The two red-and-gold giant dragons at the intersection in the cave heard the movement and couldn't help turning their heads to look.

She saw a familiar red-and-gold dragon with round eyes and a stunned look. There were three young dragons following her feet. Looking at them with interest.

  Duskhoof Sark was also stunned. He quickly reacted to what happened, screamed badly, suddenly let go of his arms, stood up and stood aside, his brain was running fast, thinking about the solution to this situation.

  The petite female dragon in Duskhoof's arms turned her head in dissatisfaction and said, "What's wrong, my dear husband, Hoof..."

   At this time, Twilight Hoof took two steps forward and said to the mother dragon Sha Duo with a serious look: "Sha Duo, listen to my explanation."

   (end of this chapter)

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