My Divine Diary

Chapter 837: 835 Who dares to be kind?

   Chapter 837 Who dares to be kind?

   After Su Hao reached an agreement with the God of Suppression of Heaven-Nati, Su Hao sent all kinds of servants of Natty to its side at the fastest speed, and then conducted research on the body of the God of Suppression of Heaven-Nati.

   His research direction is very clear, divided into several steps:

   First, what is the ten-color plate, how is it composed, and what is the main substance that plays a role;

  Second, why the ten-color plate can carry consciousness, and how is it different from his spiritual brain;

   Third, what is the essential structure of these so-called soul power, soul art, and soul seed, and how do they work?

   Fourth, how the gods are good at encroaching on the body, searching for the soul, and how to realize the technology of avatars;

   Fifth, whether it is possible to use source transformation to obtain the ten-color palette, and how to integrate it into my current system...

   If all these problems are solved one by one, then it is equivalent to a thorough study of this so-called ten-color palette.

   However, this needs to be done step by step. The body of the God of Suppression-Nati is under his control. Whatever he does, don’t worry.

  Su Hao chatted with Nati while observing the material of the ten-color plate: "Nati, how old have you been?"

Nati shook his head and said: "I don't remember it for a long time. There was always a record, but suddenly I stopped recording it for a year, and then stopped completely, and I can't remember my age. Moreover, this is for our gods. , doesn't make sense."

  Su Hao thought from another perspective, it is true, when time is no longer valuable, no one will care about time, saying that time is precious, isn't it precisely because time is limited.

  Perhaps Su Hao won't care about the time after he gains immortality!

  Su Hao said: "Then you should still remember how you became a god! Originally a giant dragon, how did you occupy a ten-colored body and become a **** instead?"

  Nati seemed reluctant to bring up the past: "This is my secret, it doesn't matter to you."

  Su Hao shook his head and said, "You're wrong Nati. Obtaining complete information is very important to my research. Your answer will enable me to grasp the secret of the Ten-color palette as soon as possible."

Natty looked at the hot and cold eyes, and had no choice but to fall into deep memories, and after a long time said: "The ten-color board was not originally called the ten-color board, nor was it called Shenguang, it was just our gods. In order to forget the name of the past, in fact, they have a name that belongs to them, called Baigar.

   The divine light of all the gods was transformed from the body that occupied Baigar, and belonged to the same race.

  Bajar was not born from this planet, but from a distant universe. This is what Baijar said to me. At that time, we were still very good friends. "

  Su Hao said in surprise: "A good friend from a distant universe? It sounds very fantastic."

Nati nodded and said, "Yes, Baigar's hometown is not here, and I can't tell where it is. I tried to look for it, but I couldn't find anything after searching for thousands of years, so I gave up and returned here. cross star.

   By the way, this body of mine was originally a Baigar, and he has his own name, called Qiu…

   This is a secret that I have kept for countless years. It should have been buried forever like this and no longer known to the public. But since you want to know, let me just say that what happened in the past doesn't matter anymore. "

After being silent for a while, Natty seemed to organize the language, and seemed to fall into memory: "I have two brothers and a sister, and four children were born one after another. I am the youngest one. The food brought back by my parents is always eaten by my brother. The sisters took it away, and I could only get a very small amount.

   Therefore, I grew up very slowly, and I was very weak, not only physically weak, but also very weak in character, and I was also the one who was often bullied.

   One day, when my parents were out hunting, I was bullied by my brothers and sisters, and I accidentally fell out of the nest and fell off the cliff. It was after the heavy rain that a rapid river formed below. I was lucky enough to survive and was swept away by the river...

  When I was very young, I faced this cruel world alone. Once hunting a wild boar, it was arched to the brink of death by the wild boar. It was Qiu who saved me. Without Qiu, I died very early.

   Qiu at that time was my god. He saved my life, taught me powerful soul skills, and allowed me to grow up smoothly...

   I became good friends with Yau and Yau told me all about him.

   He comes from a beautiful planet in the universe. He said that he came here across countless distances to find his child. He sensed that his child was suffering extreme pain, and he wanted to come here to rescue his child..."

   Having said this, Nate paused.

  Su Hao asked in surprise: "Can Baigar be able to sense each other at such a long distance?"

Nati said: "Bajal can be split with each other and can also be integrated with each other. The children who split are their children, and there will be an inexplicable emotional resonance with each other, no matter how far apart. Of course, as long as they are willing, this resonance is can be blocked."

  Su Hao nodded and said, "Go ahead, what happened later? You killed your friend?"

  Nati nodded, his face became extremely painful, and he seemed to seek a kind of recognition and relief: "Yu gave me great power, and I helped him rescue his child. We are best friends and cooperate with each other...

   In the process of helping Qiu rescue the child, I gradually understood everything:

   The so-called powerful soul masters in this world, the source of their power, all come from Baijar. Behind those powerful beings, there is Baijar, including me, who was famous at the time.

   But I am different from them. Those powerful people imprisoned Baijar, robbed Baijar of his power roughly, and even plundered Baijar's body directly.

   And I am not the opponent of those people at all, their power is too strong, I can't help Qiu rescue his child at all.

  I hate those who imprison and plunder Baigar's body, even if they have great power.


  Su Hao touched his chin and helped him continue: "Then you couldn't hold back your thirst for power and plundered Qiu's body? Tsk tsk tsk, Nati, you are really a vile guy."

  Nati sighed: "I just wanted to get more power to help Qiu rescue his children at first, but I didn't expect it to develop like this in the end. This is not the result I wanted, but everything is irreversible."

  Su Hao asked curiously: "You were just an ordinary golden dragon with the soul power bestowed by Bai Jia at that time. Logically speaking, you are not Bai Jia's opponent at all. How can you plunder his body? It is almost impossible to succeed."

Nati overcame the entanglement in his heart and told Su Hao the truth: "This is related to Bai Jia's character, they are too kind, kind to an incomprehensible level. They are full of unimaginable things about this world and this universe. They do not have the heart to destroy everything they see, and they are full of extreme kindness towards a tree, grass and insect...

   Including me who treated him cruelly. Even if Qiu knew that I had plundered his body, he didn’t have the slightest idea of ​​hurting me. He would only tell me the pain after his body was plundered, but he wouldn’t think about hurting me.

   And this is also the reason why I was able to succeed, and also the reason why other gods were able to successfully plunder Baigar's body. Some time after I plundered Qiu's body, Qiu could break free from my captivity anytime he wanted. But he didn't because he was worried about hurting me, he just told me about his pain..."

   Ten thousand horses galloped past in Su Hao's heart, he couldn't help but exclaim: "It's outrageous."

Nati said: "Yes, Baigar's kindness makes me unable to understand... It was he who couldn't bear to hurt anything, so he asked for my help, hoping that I could rescue his child. It's just that Qiu found me, not only did he not help to him, and put him in pain."

  Su Hao asked again: "Afterwards, after you plundered his body, did you successfully rescue Qiu's child?"

Nati shook his head: "No, I have tried it, but the guy who plundered Qiu's child was the God of Thunder of the Black Dragon Clan - Gu. He also possessed a powerful power, and I had nothing to do with him. Later, Qiu's Father felt Qiu's pain and found the cross..."

  Su Hao suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened, and he said incredulously: "Then Qiu's father also crossed a long distance to the Cross Star in order to rescue Qiu, and was robbed of his body?"

Nate nodded and said: "Qiu's father is now the **** of redemption for mankind - Baishen. Then Qiu's father's father - Qiu's grandfather also came and became the **** of the earth - Vera of the mountain spirit tribe, followed by great grandfather...

  Until a **** created the ability to block Baijar's emotional resonance, no new Baijar in the universe felt the pain of his relatives and came to the Doji. It was also at that time that there was a 'the world not to give birth to new gods' agreement between our gods. "

  Su Hao couldn't help but exclaimed: "Damn it, you gods have done such a **** thing to actually take away the Baijia family."

After   Nati said it, he seemed to have achieved self-liberation, and he didn't care much about Su Hao's complaints.

  Su Hao seemed to think of something and asked curiously, "Is Qiu still alive?"

Nati nodded and said: "Qiu is still alive, but I was shielded and imprisoned. I can't completely erase Qiu's will, because Qiu's will is fused with the divine light, and forcibly erasing it will cause the entire body of Bai Jia to collapse. .

   Therefore, every moment of my life, I could feel Qiu Zai's wailing in pain. He told me that he was in great pain, and my heart was constantly suffering from remorse and self-blame. My pain was no less than that of Bhikkhu. But I can't do it! "

  Su Hao pointed directly at the core: "Since you are in remorse and pain, then leave Qiu and return him to freedom!"

  Nati immediately refused: "No, if I leave Qiu, I will no longer be a god, and I will lose everything... Now it's actually quite good."

  Su Hao looked at the colorful swatches in front of him and couldn't help laughing: "Are you seeking self-salvation? You are so shameless when you get it cheap."

  The good will suffer from eternal suppression, and the wicked will enjoy longevity and happiness.

   Kindness is so, who dares to be kind?

  Human, Dragon, Mountain Spirit…

   It's all the same!

  Su Hao is very disdainful of what the gods do. It is understandable to plunder other people's bodies for eternal life. After all, no one can resist this temptation, and he is more active than anyone else.

   But their attitude of getting immortality and pretending that they don't want to, and that they are in pain, made him very disdain.

   (end of this chapter)

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