My Divine Diary

Chapter 856: 854 Civilization Games (Congratulations to Shenxiu Zhuyun Erbao

   Chapter 856 Civilization Game (Congratulations to Shenxiu Zhuyun Erbao was born ^_^)

  The gods stopped very close to the red giant star because they sensed Su Hao's breath.

  When they all stopped, they came to Su Hao's side, and followed Su Hao's way to stare at the red giant.

  Su Hao asked in surprise: "What are you doing when you stop? Hurry up and go home!"

  God of Order-Red Light couldn't help but ask: "Lord Lei An, what are you doing here, why don't you go?"

  Su Hao asked: "I'm not of the same species as you guys, and this is not my hometown. What am I going to do?"

   The gods had nothing to say.

Seeing that the gods didn't move, Su Hao said, "Stop grinding and chirping, open your heart to embrace your hometown, hurry up, who am I, and I can still trick you? Don't worry, I haven't done it myself yet. As for your ten-color board, I don't want to let you die."

   All the gods suddenly said: "It makes sense."

   Without any doubts in his heart, he boldly flew to the red giant.

  When they approached the red giant star cautiously, they didn't feel the violent heat breath that belonged to the star, only the violent energy storm rushed in, but it didn't cause any damage to their ten-color plate.

   On the contrary, the closer you get, the more you can feel the agitation of Baigar, who is blocked in the body, and at the same time have an inexplicable sense of security.

   It wasn't until they landed on the Red Giant Star that they didn't realize that they were scorched, and only then did they confirm that what Su Hao told them was true.

  This is really the hometown where Baigar was born.

   Your own body was actually born in such a place like doomsday purgatory? This kind of place filled with strong light, shock waves, and flame storms can actually give birth to life...

   This journey of 'homecoming' refreshed the gods' understanding of the universe once again.

   When all the gods entered the Red Giant Star smoothly, Su Hao showed a satisfied smile.

   He flew back to the previous planet, placed a positioning stone in a suitable position to facilitate going back and forth, and then teleported back to the small world, and his consciousness entered the pinball space.

   "The gods have successfully entered the interior of the red giant star. These eighteen gods are now my detectors on the red giant star. Then I need to write a good detection program. Efficiency is the first."


After the    gods entered the red giant star, they formed a team in a tacit understanding, and did not rashly disperse their actions, vigilantly observed the stereotyped scene of destruction around them.

   After entering the red giant star, they began to explore. They found that the environment was filled with massive light-like particles, which allowed them to replenish their soul power as much as they wanted. Staying in such an environment can be said to be inexhaustible.

   However, according to Lei An, there is no rich and varied 'information' here, and if you stay for a long time, you may fall into dullness...

   From the perspective of soul power, it is a treasure land, but from the perspective of thinking, it is a graveyard.

  The gods were so amazed at everything around them that they couldn't help but communicate.

"The soul power here is too much! It's inexhaustible, and it feels like a fairy when you take a sip. Our gods always want to devour each other to obtain each other's soul power, but I didn't expect that such things as soul power, There are so many in Baijar's hometown, there is no need to devour other Baijars at all."

God of Beauty - Fur said: "I didn't expect that I would one day be able to enter a star, such an unimaginably huge planet, a pearl in the universe. To be honest, I had the idea of ​​ending myself, thinking if I don't want to live one day in the future , I would choose to cut myself off, and the way I chose to cut myself was to rush into the stars and witness the beauty of the stars with my own eyes, who would have known that the stars turned out to be Baigar's hometown."

   "Lord Lei An is really too mysterious. Whenever I think I know him, I find that I know a lot of loneliness."

   "By the way, do you think Lei An can enter this red giant star? Seeing how he doesn't want to come in by himself, I guess he can't."

   "So what? What do you want to express?"

   "Hey, is it possible, we're actually free already."

   "Haha, your idea is very good, you can try it, I agree and support it 100,000 times."

   "What are we going to do next? Just hang out on this massive star?"

   "I try it myself? I'm crazy to try it myself."

   "According to Lei An, we should wait for the guidance of the assistant."

   "Have you noticed that in fact, although the soul power of this place recovers very quickly, it is not very comfortable to stay in?"

  The gods carefully felt it and agreed: "Listen to you, it is true."

"Maybe it's better to change the place. Just like the Doji, although there are lakes, deserts, grasslands, forests and oceans on the Doji, and human beings were born from the Doji, not every place is suitable for human life. Our position may be just right. Is it an unsuitable place for Baigar to live?"

   "That makes sense, then let's change places!"


   Just when the gods gathered together and chose a direction to explore at will.

   All the gods received a prompt from the assistant: "The first task has been generated: Find the gathering place of the Baigar ethnic group within half a year."

  The gods looked at each other in dismay, and it was inevitable that there would be some apprehension in their hearts when they saw the "compatriots".

   The most important thing is that they are the 'robbers' who occupy Baigar's body. If they are discovered by relatives and friends of the body, it will not be directly cool.

  The gods summed up and decided to divide them into six groups, with the six main gods as captains, exploring in six directions, and using the 'communication' function to keep in touch and report the situation.

  Everything went as Su Hao thought.

   "It's not too long before I completely crack the mystery of obtaining soul power."

At this moment, Yashan and Fengcheng came to report to Su Hao: "Boss Wei, you asked us to search for stars within 10,000 light-years. We have already searched all the stars, and we haven't found anything similar to Baijar on other stars. life form.”

  Su Hao said: "Okay, I understand."

   The reason why he asked Yashan and the others to search for other stars was to confirm whether Baigar on this red giant star was born from this red giant star.

  Because there is also a possibility that Baigar was born from other stars, and then drifted in space to this red giant star, and then reproduced here, just like a human "colonial star".

   Now after getting the reply from Yashan, Su Hao got the final confirmation: Baijar was born on this old star - the red giant star.

Su Hao said: "Yashan, Fengcheng, I'll give you another task, find out all the habitable planets in this galaxy, then transplant all kinds of creatures from the cross star, transform the habitable planet into a habitable planet, and then develop it into a complete civilization."

  Ashan and Fengcheng are very interested in this.

   Fengcheng: "Boss Wei, are you planning to play civilization games? It's very interesting."

  Su Hao: "It's not. It's mainly used to do some experiments and research, but my plan is not perfect yet. You'll find out later."

   Yashan said with a smile: "Don't worry, Boss Wei, when you say this, many novel ideas pop up in my mind, and various civilizations have been created for you, haha!"

  Su Hao said: "By the way, don't connect the planets like the human sacred alliance in the previous life. I want all planets to remain relatively independent."

   Yashan and Feng Chengdao: "I understand Boss Wei."

  The matter of planetary civilization, Su Hao is not in a hurry, it needs to be used in the distant future. Besides, it is not that easy to form a civilization.

   The most important thing at the moment is to analyze the way of making soul power, complete the creation of soul power spirit brain, and then smoothly package the consciousness information into the soul power spirit brain.

   After immortality, you can do whatever you want.

   Completely fluttering.


  Time is flying fast. In less than half a year, the Eighteen Gods found Baigar's 'relative gathering place'.

   The reason for adding a 'relative' is because the Baijar race doesn't seem to be a gregarious race, but a solitary race. The place where the eighteen gods find it is only a place where the number of Baijar is relatively large.

   can barely be called a gathering place, and Su Hao also marked them with completing tasks.

   When the eighteen gods completed the task, Su Hao gave the gods the corresponding reward: unlock the second mini-game...

   Because he found that the gods liked to play games.

   When the gods were screaming excitedly, Su Hao sent the gods a second mission through his assistant: to find the non-splitting new Baigar within two years.

   Then complete the task reward: enable the assistant group chat function to reward the virtual confrontation.

  The gods: "???"

   Freshman Baigar?

   After Su Hao reminded them, they were also interested: "Yes, how is the new Baijar born? Excluding the split Baijar, is there any kind of Baijar born naturally?

  The gods summed up a little, and soon came up with a plan: Eighteen gods act alone and keep in touch at any time.

After nearly half a year of adaptation, they have already gained a great understanding of the situation on this red giant star. As long as they avoid the special explosion point of the planet's energy concentration and do not enter too deep into the planet, they don't need to worry about other fatalities. danger.

   That's right, after their observation, they found that the aborigines on this planet, these smaller Baigars, couldn't communicate normally at all.

   will not actively attack anything around.

   is like an ignorant object, wandering with the waves.

   Therefore, the gods do not need to worry about being attacked by any natural enemy.

   Do the task with passion. Already a qualified gamer.

   (end of this chapter)

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