My Divine Diary

Chapter 863: 861 "Soul Cultivation Record"

   Chapter 865 The Great Demon King Lei An

   The progress of soul power research was smoother than Su Hao imagined.

   As time went by, the boys also gradually advanced to the 'primitive spirit realm', reaching the level of the soul out of the body.

  Su Hao also changed their bodies one by one.

   The second guy who broke through the Primordial Spirit Realm, his body was replaced by A Ze's original body, but his brain was replaced by Su Hao's spiritual brain.

   The third guy who broke through the Primordial Spirit Realm, the replacement body belongs to the second guy…

   and so on.

  So, after the boys of the 'Star Expedition Team' gathered together, they were completely dumbfounded.

   Except for Azer, the people are still those people, familiar faces, but everyone has changed…

  You are me, I am him!

   A sense of confusion of faces came to the face, if the brains of the boys were not what they used to be, they would not be able to remember each other at all.

   "Damn it, how could I use your body? It's too ugly, not one-tenth as handsome as my original body. How about I change it? I'll give your body back to you."

   "Fuck off, my body isn't yours, why should I give it to you?"

   "I'll go. The body I've replaced is absolutely amazing. I actually have a herniated disc, cervical spondylosis, and knee pain. I don't know if it's okay to ask the gods to cure me."

   "Mine is even worse. I have a long bag on my butt. I can't sit down at all.

   "Don't you have soul power? Govern yourself with your soul power."

   "Can soul power heal diseases? Nope. Who can volunteer for me?"

   "Hahaha, I'm quite satisfied with this body in general. Except for the younger brother, there are no other flaws."

   "Isn't this a defect?"


   A group of older spiritual guys are dissatisfied with their body after the replacement on the surface, but they are actually happy in their hearts, of course, except for those who are particularly unlucky, but overall it is good.

These guys are somewhat dissatisfied with their own bodies, and even have low self-esteem. After changing each other, although they are still flawed, most of them are very happy to get rid of the source of low self-esteem. More importantly, they have changed After the body, everyone obtained an invincible brain, which directly raised their life level by countless levels.

   At this moment, someone suddenly asked: "By the way, do you know the divine name of His Majesty the God? I have believed in His Majesty since then, until my life is extinguished forever."

   Everyone shook their heads: "I don't know."

Then someone pointed to the double-sword seal on his forehead and said, "I heard Mr. Feng Cheng say that this is the seal of the gods alone. And I have seen a person with a double-ring seal. Perhaps His Majesty's seal is the double-ring seal. Do you think His Majesty's name will be 'Reincarnation'?"

   At this time, A Ze suddenly said: "Don't blindly guess the title of His Majesty the gods. If he wants us to know, he will definitely tell us, and this topic will stop there."


   After changing the bodies of all the boys, Su Hao kept an eye on the boys.

   There are a total of 60 people, each of whom has successfully replaced the body and obtained a qualitative transformation. No one has failed, and nothing has been found wrong.

   The whole process is extremely smooth and natural, as if life was born from nature, as it should be.

   Of course, Su Hao was still able to stabilize: "No rush, no rush, wait, there are many flaws, only time can reveal them. As long as they are exposed, I can solve them!"

   Does Su Hao lack time to observe?

There is no shortage of   , so why worry.

   After another three years, Su Hao finally found a defect in the boys that was not a defect: the spiritual brain lacked the replenishment and renewal of spiritual power, and was gradually 'aging'.

  This kind of aging is very slow. According to the current usage status of the guys, it will completely collapse and lose its effect after about five hundred years. But such a flaw is nothing to Su Hao. He can quickly update his spiritual brain with a single thought.

   As for the rest, nothing unusual.

   Even the problem of 'extended thinking' that comes with soul power was solved by his "Soul Cultivation Record" antenna soul power.

On this day, Su Hao gathered all the boys together and said, "Our experiment this time is over, now, go back to your world and start a splendid life that belongs to you! As long as you live the way you want, it will be a success! "

   The boys bowed down: "Follow your will, Your Majesty."

   Soon, the wind achievement teleported all these guys away.

The    test base has returned to its former calm again.

  Feng Cheng asked curiously: "Boss Wei, how is your experiment going?"

  Su Hao: "It's going well, but it still takes a while to observe. I've put all your spiritual boys back, and let them toss as much as they want. I'll take this opportunity to observe their follow-up developments. How is your planet transformed?"

Feng Chengdao: "It's still going well, I've already cast the 'Reconstruction Small Cube', and I'm waiting for the drastic changes in the environment to subside and reach a new balance, it will take about a hundred years, and now the boss of Yashan and I are dealing with the different conditions of each planet. , to design a plan for the future direction of development.

For example, 'Magic World', 'Technology World', 'Xiu Xian World', Prop World', Game World', Martial Arts World', Body Development World', Rune World', Ghost World', Zhu Huoren World', Elf World' 'Orc World'... This is just a big category, and there are more subdivisions to ensure that civilizations on each planet are different.

   Of course, the race of the Doji is different from what we have encountered before. We are trying to modify various races that can adapt to the new environment from the genetic level..."

  Fengcheng and Yashan were afraid that Su Hao wouldn't ask about their work progress, so when he asked, he couldn't help pouring out their achievements and planned goals all at once.

  Su Hao laughed: "Not bad, the two of you are really reliable."

   Not to mention the waiting time of a hundred years, it is hundreds of thousands of years. For Su Hao, it is nothing.

   The time span of what he will do next will be extremely long, and the initial estimate will be based on ten thousand years.

   Moreover, he who has acquired soul power in this life also has absolute confidence and can live for a long, long time.

  Su Hao said again: "Fengcheng, if you encounter any difficulties, you can come to me at any time."

   "Good Boss Wei."

Su Hao knows that creating an ecological civilization sounds simple, but it's actually not that easy, not to mention the 'world settings' that Fengcheng and the others are so excited to make, it's already very good to be able to successfully complete one or two. .

  Although the three of them seem to be very powerful, after all, the knowledge they have is still very limited, far from reaching the level of 'omnipotent'.

Su Hao secretly said: "This time, the creation of the world is to be regarded as the smelting of one's own knowledge. All these scattered and disorganized knowledge are integrated into one place and pushed to another level. In the process of creating the world, Many deficiencies will inevitably be exposed, and I will solve the problems one by one. In this way, my knowledge system can be continuously deepened in the 'application-correction'. It can be said to serve multiple purposes."

   His consciousness returned to the body of the young dragon, opened his eyes, got up and paced around.

   In other words, it can no longer be regarded as a young dragon, but a young giant dragon.

This is a huge beast 15 meters long. Its abdomen has turned golden, and the red on both sides has deepened. When it reaches the back, it is already dark red and black. The scales are neatly arranged, shining like metal The luster of his forehead rose into the sky with two long and sharp dragon horns.

   A ferocious aura came over him.

   The body of this giant dragon, even though Su Hao has been there for more than 20 years, he still doesn't quite get used to it.

   is too large and too bulky, and it is more convenient to use a light humanoid.

   He stretched out his paw and touched his chin, and said to himself, "It's better to take advantage of this time to relax, and then take advantage of the leisure time to transform this dragon body into a human form!"

Just as he was about to act, he suddenly thought of the mother dragon Shaduo and the two young dragons, and couldn't help but secretly said: "I haven't looked for the mother dragon Shaduo for a long time, I don't know how they are now, why don't you go around and change the dragon's body after coming back? Right."

  Thinking of this, Su Hao closed his eyes, controlled a [God] clone, transformed into a young dragon, and searched for the positioning stone stored beside the mother dragon.


   The next moment, he found himself in the lair of a giant dragon, which was the small lair world he created for the mother dragon Shado.

   With a swept away, he immediately saw the mother dragon Shado lying on the side and sleeping.

   The other two young dragons were nowhere to be seen.

   Mother Long Shaduo suddenly woke up when she heard the movement, turned her head to look at Su Hao, got up immediately, her face full of alertness.

  Su Hao: "Mother Sha Duo, I'm Lei An, long time no see."

  Mother Long Shado's eyes widened in vain, with an unbelievable look: "Are you, Lei An, my child Lei An?"

  Su Hao: "It's me."

  The mother dragon Shaduo rushed over, stared at Su Hao carefully in a circle, and then hugged Su Hao, the corners of her eyes were filled with tears, but she resisted it and did not fall.

  Su Hao asked curiously, "Mother Sha Duo, what about Chi Pu and Molly? Haven't seen them yet?"

The mother dragon Shado was excited and sad: "Chipu and Molly left a long time ago. After they learned to fly, they left. I don't know where they went, and they never came back. Chip said he Going to roam the world, to learn more skills, and to find the gods that you captured, your brother Chipu thinks his brother Lei An, you are the great devil, he is inspired to defeat you and save the gods..."

  Su Hao: "…"

   (end of this chapter)

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