My Divine Diary

Chapter 872: 870 Soul Endowment System

   Chapter 874 The Tree of Talented Soul Power

   After a year of observation, Su Hao finally felt relieved.

   The 'Soul Power Automatic Granting System' achieved the effect Su Hao expected. As long as the time is boiled, the world will change into a different look.

   Ten years later, Su Hao teleported out of the small experimental world and came to the heaven channel formed by many islands.

   Found a sea area with changeable ocean currents.

"Just here! As long as the fruit trees are planted here, the fruit will be taken to a random position in the heaven's waterway by the ocean currents here. Or float in the ocean until it is picked up, or washed along the waves. Go to the various islands... Soon, this will become an adventurer's paradise, a veritable passage of paradise."

  Su Hao dived into the sea and built a huge small world on the bottom of the sea. After setting up a specific environment, he planted a small sapling with a height of 100 meters.

   This sapling is exactly what Su Hao expected to be able to bear the special soul power fruit 'the tree of innate soul power'.

The species of    saplings is the tree species with the strongest vitality in this world. It is a special fruit tree cultivated by Su Hao after modifying it with genetic technology and implanting a group of pure soul power with a special structure.

   Fruit trees bear various varieties of fruits, which are collectively called 'Soul Power Fruit' by Su Hao.

The soul power fruit mainly has two functions, one is that it contains a huge and pure soul power, which enables an ordinary person to obtain a huge amount of soul power energy in a very short period of time. The second is that it contains an 'invisible rune array', which has a special super power, such as lightning, fire, storm, corrosion, venom, split, rebound, shield, explosion, rotation, flight...

   And this 'invisible rune array' is different from the way Su Hao generates a rune array in his body.

  Su Hao's core rune array can be activated at will with blood energy, spiritual power, magic power, soul power, etc. However, the 'invisible rune array' of the soul power fruit must use the soul power attached to the fruit.

The reason    lies in the word 'invisibility'.

  Su Hao integrated the structure of the rune array into his soul power in the form of information. The soul power in the fruit naturally possesses the ability to form a specific rune array.

To put it simply: the will of the person who eats the soul power fruit will be integrated with the soul power in the fruit, and the rune information contained in the soul power will be perfectly obtained. When that person uses the soul power, he will Instinctively, the soul power is formed into the appearance of runes, forming a variety of special superpowers.

   And those who eat the fruit of soul power can use their superpowers naturally. As for why they can use it, they don't need to think about it.

   It's easy, isn't it!

   is really simple for Su Hao, but thanks to the high-quality information energy of soul power, the ability to carry huge amounts of information is the key to his ability to make soul power fruit.

   After successfully planting the 'Tree of Talented Soul Power', Su Hao wrote a side quest and released it to the gods, worth 100 points.

   "Ding dong!"

   The gods have not heard such a wonderful voice for almost two years. When they heard it at this time, it was as crisp as the soul, and the whole ten-color board was excited.

   "Mission, the mission is here! My points are here."

   But open it and take a look: "Fuck, I only have 100 points, and I have no strength in an instant."

   Recently they have obtained large sums of points, which makes them insensitive to this kind of 'teenage meat'.

   But... no matter how few points are, they are still points.

   They opened the task panel and found that it was a task to update the patch. This kind of patch task would have been there from time to time two years ago, but it has not appeared in the past two years. They thought there was no patch at all.

"Patch update task: A 'Tree of Innate Soul Power' was born on the Heaven Channel, which is born with pure soul power and a special structure. After research, it was found that this 'Tree of Innate Soul Power' could connect to the gods. Build the 'Soul Automatically Endowed System' to unlock new system functions.

  Task: Under the system prompt, fine-tune the ten-color board soul power structure and connect the 'Tree of Talent Soul Power' to the system.

   Reward: 100 points, open new system functions, and obtain the design permission of soul power fruit combination.

   Time limit: one month.

  Quest Notes: Soul Power Fruit can slightly increase the strength of mortal clones.

   Please accept the mission and complete it as soon as possible. "

   After reading the description of the mission, the eyes of the gods were straight, and they stared straight at the 'mission notes'.

   The so-called soul power fruit can improve the strength of the clone?

   This is simply awesome!

   In the past ten years, they have been bullied enough by the red-gold giant dragon who called himself the "Big Devil King Chipu".

  Think of their dignified eighteen gods, standing at the top of the world, when have they been so humiliated?

   But almost all of the former sorcerer believers have been damaged, but that abominable red and gold dragon is still screaming everywhere, 'Tremble in the shadow of the evil and great Chipu Great Demon King, chop! ’

  The more you think about it, the more angry you are!

  However, the strength of the believers is too weak, the body is too fragile, and they are imprisoned by Your Excellency Lei An, unable to go out, and there is no way to take the dragons.

   What's even more irritating is that their organized crusade team not only did not let the hateful red and gold dragon lose a single hair, but also let his name "Chipu Great Demon King" spread all over the world.

   makes their gods seem like the villains.

That's right, under the fascination of the God of Order - Red Light's points, the other seventeen gods were successfully pulled into the water by him. After being humiliated at the hands of the Chipu Demon King, they have risen to the height of the dignity of the gods, no longer. Points are not points problem.

   The dignity of the gods must be taken back from the hand of the 'Great Demon King Chipu'!

   Now hearing the so-called soul power fruit, which can break the shackles of mortal avatars and gain strength, all the gods are instantly excited.

   This is the hope of revenge!

   As for where a 'Tree of Innate Soul Power' appeared, the gods didn't bother to pay attention, because they knew that it must be a new thing created by Your Excellency Lei An, and there is no fuss.

  The gods saw the powerlessness of 100 points at first, but they were gone. They accepted the mission without saying a word, and excitedly fine-tuned the soul power structure according to the mission requirements.

   One month later, the gods successfully activated the new system and connected the 'Tree of Talented Soul Power' under the Heavenly Channel Sea area into the system.

   They opened the panel of the 'Tree of Talented Soul Power' out of curiosity.

   A game-like property interface pops up.

  "'Tree of Talented Soul Power';

  Quality: World-class divine tree;

  Special ability: produce unique soul power fruit;

  Current output: 10 pieces/year (with the growth of the 'Tree of Talented Soul Power', the output will gradually increase). "

   There is also an introduction to the soul power fruit below: "The creature that eats the soul power fruit will gain a special ability."

  Then the following lists all kinds of strange abilities, even the ability to 'make people unable to hold their urine', which amazes the gods.

   There was a lively discussion in the group.

"Pay attention to the description of the fruit delivery rules at the back. We can select the corresponding ability and deliver it to the 'Tree of Talented Soul Power', so that it will bear a specific soul power fruit. Not only that, but also the 'mixed ability'. Fruits' but we need to spend points to smelt."

   "It's true, the fruit of what ability the 'Tree of Innate Soul Power' generates is determined by our gods. This is great!"

   "If we do not actively choose the ability to deliver, the system will randomly select the ability to generate fruit.

   It seems that we have a lot of authority, but in fact, it is no different from the random system, just a personal interest.

   For example, if I were to choose, I would definitely choose all abilities such as 'when I exert force', 'successfully call out the opponent's name, stun the opponent for a second', 'strength ten times after the sage mode', etc. Hahaha! "

   "As a result, it must become very interesting on the Paradise Passage."

   "Hey, these abilities are really good. I don't understand who came up with this strange ability. To be honest, I really want to take one to taste."

   At this time, the God of Bathing Light - Yi Shi's color board flickered: "Does it mean that we can customize our favorite abilities for our clones?"

   "Your Excellency Yi is a bit whimsical. According to the above statement, fruits have the ability to shield our perception and are randomly scattered to various locations in the heaven channel. How can we find specific fruits?"

   "It's very simple, as long as the entire Paradise Channel is ours and in our hands, then all the fruits produced are ours."

   "Brilliant, this is the benefit of monopoly."

  Then the gods had a heated discussion about how to take the entire passage of heaven for themselves.

And now the Great Chipu Demon King, who has become the first tyrant of Longzhou, after repelling many crusades by the sorcerers, is preparing ambitiously to go to another continent through the passage of heaven, where they will be named 'The Great Chipu Demon King Legion'. No., spread the word to the whole world.

   "Demon King brothers, the power of that group of human beings can no longer stop the pace of our Demon Lord Legion. Follow this great Demon Lord and spread fear to every corner of the world!"


   Suddenly a dazed young red-gold giant dragon asked, "Great Demon King Chipu, aren't we saving the gods?"

   All the demon kings were silent, and turned to look at the giant dragon who was questioning.

  The Great Demon King Chipu didn't mind, he laughed loudly: "You kid is new here! Hahaha! It doesn't matter, I will stress it again now: saving the gods, this is our ultimate goal.

   But our enemies are too evil and too powerful, and with our strength, we cannot yet save our gods.

  So, what we have to do now is to endure.

   Our ultimate purpose is hidden in the seemingly evil but actually righteous purpose of "sowing fear into every corner of the world".

   Confuse our enemies, paralyze our enemies.

   And we took the opportunity to strengthen our strength, and at the moment when the powerful enemy slackened, we completed a fatal blow and rescued the gods.

   No matter how many things we have gone through, please don’t forget that our hearts are righteous. "

The    giant dragon demon kings were excited.

  The Great Demon King Chipu said loudly: "Brothers, for the final victory, can't you even endure the humiliation? Do you only have such a small amount of energy?

  Come on, brothers, demon kings, tell me loudly, you have a broad mind, you can withstand the setbacks, pain, cruelty, humiliation, blood, sacrifice in the process of victory..."


   The Great Demon King Chipu looked at a group of excited dragons flapping his wings in front of him, and secretly said: "I almost believed it myself!"

   Su Hao who saw all of this in his eyes was amazed: "I can't tell that Chi Pu has the talent to be a big devil!"

   (end of this chapter)

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