My Divine Diary

Chapter 883: 881 I want to escape from here

  Chapter 884 Defending the points battle

   After Azhi woke up, Su Hao paid attention to it for a while and then ignored it.

   Let him pay attention to one person all day, for a month or two, and he also said that he couldn't do it. This is the use of the gods.

   After seeing the performance of the two gods Barry and Zhu Xia, Su Hao felt a little relieved.

   With these two gods so caring, Azhi should be able to hold on longer.

   "This time I should be able to carefully observe the increase in the wave, whether it was affected by us."

   Then he ignored Azhi and turned to studying the wave of luck.

   After a month and a half, the wave was interrupted.

  Su Hao was stunned for a moment, then turned to the pinball space to see that the second transmigrator was already lying dead.

  Su Hao: "…"

   This is too fast! He remembered that the two gods mobilized the power of the masses to protect the second traveler together.

   "Azhi looks fine, why is he so impatient."

  Su Hao pulled the gods into heaven and asked directly, "The second world will die again, what's going on?"

   Times Except for the **** of gold - Barry and the **** of recovery - Zushi Xia, the other gods didn't react. After hearing Su Hao's words, they were all stunned.

   "Die again?"

  Finally focused on Barry and Zhu Xia.

  Barry and Zhu Xia looked at each other, both wanting the other to speak.

In the end, Zhu Xia said: "Cough, that's all an accident. It was all good before, but the world's will didn't know what was going on, it quietly ran out of the small town, and then plunged into the mountain forest, as if there was something serious behind it. Things are chasing him. We are very worried about his danger. Seeing this, we immediately influenced him through the spirit power network and asked a few people to persuade him to come back.

   Unexpectedly, the will of the world seemed to be afraid, and when he saw someone looking for him, he ran faster, and finally stumbled accidentally, hit his head on a sharp stone, and died..."

  The gods: "…"

   This is even more outrageous than the plot written in the book.

  God of Bathing Light - Yi curiously asked: "Life is good, why did he run? Did you do something to him? Or, what did you do?"

After   Zushi Xia explained the process of his protection, he said of course: "My Lord Barry and I have provided the highest level of protection for the will of the world. If he didn't suddenly run out of the city, it would not be a problem to live in peace for decades."

  God of Redemption - Baishen laughed and said: "Two fools, you are frightening the will of the world, hahaha. They are also two talents."

  Zushi Xia asked, "Why did you say this?"

  Baishen used himself as Azhi's point of view, vividly described Azhi's 'horrific' encounter, and then smiled: "If you change it, don't you think such a scene is very scary? What would you do?"

   Baishen said this, and the gods suddenly realized.

   Soon, the sound of the failure of the mission came, and each **** deducted 100 points.

  Su Hao said: "In the future, if the mission fails, each person will be deducted 100 points. However, the mission reward will be adjusted slightly for you. As long as you can ensure that the world will survive for one year, you will be rewarded with 5,000 points. So, keep working hard!"

   God of Suppression-Nati asked curiously: "Lord Lei An, will the will of the world always be reborn? Is he also from Baigar?"

   "Hey - Niupi!" The other gods didn't expect that this guy Nati would actually ask, and couldn't help but take a breath of air, and couldn't help but admire him greatly.

   "This stupid golden dragon, I didn't expect to be quite brave."

Su Hao said, "The will of the world is not from Baigar's origin, it is something you can't understand. He will always change his superficial will and seek ways to grow until he finds a suitable expressive will and fully grows. For you, the world will The sooner you grow up, the more you gain and the sooner you get the freedom you want.

   So, go for it, gods! Freedom is something you need to fight for yourself. "

   Su Hao said again: "In one to two months, the will of the third world will be born, it depends on your performance."

   finished and left.

   Through the observation of Azhi, he has found that the influence of the three of them will indeed accumulate, and then vent to the new transmigrator.

   But the energy is also gradual, not exaggerated to the extent that it cannot be resisted.

  Su Hao secretly said: "In the end, this Azhi is too bad, the next one."


   The third traverser was a second-rate master with great strength. He died because of the unfortunate defeat of a vendetta in the rivers and lakes.

   'Just a little bit', just a little bit again!

  He thought of his pain and thought that when he practiced, he was always perfunctory, unable to do his best diligently, and always "almost got it", and when it came to the real battle, it was "just a little bit" and could not win.

   "Since God has given me another chance, I must..."

   Four months later, the third traveler accidentally fell into the river and drowned due to overwork.

  The gods summed up the reason after the event: the overwork caused cramps in the legs and feet, and they were unable to swim to the shore on their own. When the gods dispatched the rescue, it happened that a ferocious big fish swam in the river and dragged it away. Everything is too much, enough is enough.


The fourth traverser made his debut. He was drugged to death by an adulterer and a prostitute. He betrayed him with his wife who had just passed the door. He seemed extremely resentful. Looking at the people around, they all feel that something is not right. Especially looking at those loving couples, I always feel that they betrayed each other in the end. Because of this, he also developed the habit of watching couples quarrel, and secretly gloating in his heart.

   "It's fine for me to be alone all my life. There is no expectation, no harm, and no betrayal."

Three months later, when I was passing by a street, I ran into a couple arguing upstairs. I stopped to watch and eat melons. Suddenly, a kitchen knife flew out of the window. He twitched and died in a moment.

  The gods summed up the reason afterwards: it is wrong to watch the fun... It is necessary to guide the will of the world to have a bright and brave heart.


   The fifth transmigrator came soon, and died bravely in the past life after breaking through theft. After waking up, his courage increased greatly: "Sure enough, the righteous brave can be favored by the gods, and my courageous actions have also awakened me again. I have decided that I will become the embodiment of justice from now on."

When the    gods heard the declaration of the fifth traverser, they suddenly felt bad and started emergency measures, which almost eliminated the injustice around the fifth traverser.

   Three months later, the gods looked at a harmonious town scene and were very satisfied with their masterpiece, thinking that there would be absolutely no problems.

   Until the fifth passer-by was at an intersection and saw a dog attacking a pig, he bravely stepped forward: "Wu that dog thief, let go of that sow!"

   then fought with the dog and chased him for two kilometers at the end, his heart twitched and he died suddenly of shock.

  The gods summed up the reason afterwards: Animals can't have incest... No, the will of the world lacks the guidance of the correct concept of courage, and courage needs to be used together with wisdom.


  The sixth was killed by something falling from the sky.

  The gods concluded: The will of the world, please be firmer!


   The seventh ate oleander and died.

  The gods summed up: I beg, no points...


  The gods said that they have lived for an unknown number of years, but they have never seen such an outrageous thing.

   They even changed the name of the mission to "Defend the World's Will", and later changed it to "Defend the Points" to inspire their determination to defend the world's will.

   However, to no avail. No matter how they tried, they could not save the life of the World Will, and the World Will would always die because of various coincidences.

   As if, their eighteen gods were in charge of protecting the will of the world, and there was another group of people hiding in another place, trying to put him to death.

   Obviously, those unknown people are a hundred times more powerful than them.

  The gods suddenly felt powerless, and they no longer knew how to protect a person.

God of Order - Hongguang couldn't help complaining: "I can't bear it anymore, even if he is the will of the world, I have to say, these world wills are simply too stupid, what qualifications do they have to become the world will? I don’t know how many times stronger than them. One by one rushing to death, this is the first time I have seen them.”

  Nati: "Hello, what do you mean, Your Excellency Hongguang?"

  Red Light: "I'm praising you."

   God of Redemption - Baishen suddenly said: "Otherwise, let's send our 'Brave' believers to protect them personally!"

   "Makes sense!"

  In their opinion, the strong person who eats the fruit of soul power will definitely be able to protect the safety of a mere child.

   Four months later, the brave man slept at night and had nightmares, and mashed the traveler into flesh.

  The gods: "…"

  God of Redemption-Baishen continued to come up with ideas: "Since external protection doesn't work, why don't you send a suitable soul power fruit over there!"

   "Makes sense!"

  Finally... This world will live for a year!

  The gods finally got 5,000 points to fill the previous hole.

  However, after becoming stronger, the world's will and self-confidence mysteriously increased, and when he was only seven years old, he went to sea to explore the world of the brave, and the people around him couldn't stop him.

   Three months later, while fighting with a group of pirates, he fell into the sea and was swallowed by sea beasts.

  The gods: "What should I do? What can I do to save you, my world will."

Su Hao also said speechlessly, "These traversers are too weak in their minds! I thought that Lan Zixing would be the hometown of qualified traversers, but now it looks like this is not the case at all. His perception is too weak and his mind is immature, making it difficult to become a qualified transmigrator."

   I was thinking about finding a suitable partner through the traverser, but now it doesn't seem so easy. Whether the traverser can survive smoothly is a problem.

After learning about this, Yashan suggested: "Boss Wei, the people on the Blue Purple Star are too narrow, and they are inherently insufficient. If it is replaced by a person who has been influenced by a lot of novels and movies, the survival rate may be much higher. Why don't we revise the blue purple star first, let this planet reach the information age, and cultivate a group of available talents?"

  Su Hao thought it was very reasonable, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. I still have some people in my hands. I'll try a few more times."

   After failing so many times, Su Hao didn't expect too much from this group of transmigrators.

   But he still decided to try: "A different way of thinking may be feasible. At the same time as throwing the traverser, implant the 'invincible system' into him, and use the system to restrict his actions to ensure that he will not die too soon."

   (end of this chapter)

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