My Divine Diary

Chapter 888: 886 Man-made Crisis

   Chapter 890 I have brought the best World Will

   For this group of gods, Su Hao has not taken care of them for a long time and is basically in a state of stocking.

  Although he would come out and beat it from time to time, he really didn't quite understand what these gods were doing.

   After all, he doesn't have a hobby of peeping at the group chats of the gods all day long.

   And now, when I look at it, I am surprised by the operation of the gods.

   "These gods actually came up with a method of 'man-made controllable misfortune' to help traversers overcome their misfortune, and looking at their plan, it seems to be very feasible. These gods can do it, they are all rare talents."

After learning about it, Su Hao couldn't help but complain about the nearly 1,000 transmigrators who died before: "With eighteen dedicated gods taking care of them so quickly, you are too bad. When I had the help of such enthusiastic gods, why did I die so many times? It took off long ago!"

   After thinking for a while, Su Hao hid his figure and went to the sky above Cong Shuling's sister and brother, looking down from above to observe their actions.

"It seems that I have come to the final stage of the outbreak of doom. I simply stayed here for a few days, just to feel the changes in the fortune wave and the energy of the surrounding environment before and after the outbreak of doom. At the same time, let's see if 'artificial doom' is really feasible. , and how to make it through.”

   The bad luck of the five hundred years is not worth mentioning in his eyes. Even if he is allowed to pass through another world now, he can spend it casually.

   Just because since he obtained the power of blood and runes, he can obtain enough power to protect himself at the fastest speed after reincarnation.

  When danger comes, just crush everything with the power in your hand.

   But obviously these new traversers do not have the ability to grow rapidly, not only that, but they are not sensitive enough to the smell of danger.

  Only those who are truly strong with firmness of mind and calmness can have the ability to grow up.

   And Su Hao has enough patience to wait for the right person to be born.

While observing the actions of Cong Shuling's two siblings, Su Hao's brain began to think wildly, and one of the questions he thought of the most was: "The energy of the doom system will be locked according to the focus of the fortune wave. focus.

   So the question is, why can bad luck be merged with the "artificial bad luck" built by the gods?

  It stands to reason that the feedback of the doom system takes a period of time, and this period of time is not fixed, so how do the gods determine the time of the doom system, so that the "artificial doom" can be perfectly connected to the feedback of doom energy? "

   But soon he thought of the key: "I see, the reason for the convergence is 'change'.

The gods can't accurately lock the doom that is fed back. They just know the approximate time, and then create a 'dangerous event' with a prolonged period of time. When the energy is fed back, it will naturally act on this dangerous event. The shock of focus.

   When the energy is fed back, the gods who are observing at any time can detect the signs of bad luck from the surrounding clues, and thus determine the time of the 'final battle'. "

  Su Hao couldn't help showing a smile when he thought of this: "These gods are really smart beyond my expectations. The key is to have good mobility. If you train them well, they should be of great use."

   As for why the doom system is applied to the focus along the 'dangerous event', Su Hao is still thinking...

  It depends on fate.

   Besides, he didn't even understand how the doom system works, and this part of knowledge is obviously beyond the outline.


   At dusk, Cong Shuling gasped violently, carrying a blood-stained short knife, ran to the door of a large warehouse, cut off the chain with a single knife, got into it, and found a dark corner to hide.


   She worked hard to calm her breathing and heartbeat, calm herself down as soon as possible, and meet the incoming enemy in the best possible state.

   At the same time, she narrowed her eyes to observe the surrounding environment.

   This is a warehouse for storing flour in the east of the town. There are many grain storage buckets made of wood in the warehouse, which are more than three meters high. It takes about four or five adults to complete the hug.

   There are many grain storage buckets in the warehouse. One person can drill into it and turn two corners to disappear.

   A touch of white on the grain storage bucket caught her attention, and she couldn't help but twist a trace of it and put it in front of her eyes to observe.

   "This is... flour? It seems to be a warehouse for storing flour, but it looks like it has been emptied, and only the barrels and the ground still have a lot of dust that is difficult to collect."

   she thought: "Would you like to hide in a wooden barrel?"

   shook his head quickly. Although he could hide in the wooden barrel, once he was discovered, there would be no room for resistance. She was not used to putting herself as a Jedi.

"This is one of the safe places given to me after the system exploration. The escape rate is 35%. I didn't expect it to be a granary. The layout here is really complicated. I can take advantage of my flexible body and face any thief. I can deal with it calmly. As long as I make good use of the environment here, I won't let more than two thieves surround me...

   I just didn’t expect these thieves to be so powerful, and they almost fell into their hands just now. Fortunately, I had a good foundation and escaped by luck. "

"The mission requires me to kill all the members of the thieves group, and I also gave a full 500 points reward. It seems to be the last mission. However, the danger has increased exponentially, and I may have explained it if I am not careful! Points Although it is tempting, it is still important to have a small life, and I will run if I can later, and I will not be impulsive and reckless."

   She got up and slowly walked among the barrels, familiarizing herself with the environment.

   At this moment, she heard a chuckle from outside the warehouse: "I smelled the sweet smell on her body, so I hid inside, hehehe!"

   "Don't be impulsive, don't look at the other party's petiteness, but the strength is surprisingly large, and the key is very flexible, you can fall if you are not careful."

   "Indeed, look after each other and be careful."

Cong Shuling listened carefully, frowned gradually: "Oh, listen to the sound, there are at least eight people, all the thieves are chasing after me? I remember that there are only four chasing me, and it is difficult to deal with three, and I will die after eight. deal."

Just as he was about to sneak away from the small opening behind him, he just turned around and encountered a figure, his heart skipped a beat, and his scalp tingled with fright: "How could someone approach me silently without even noticing it at all? ?Danger!"

   Without even thinking about it, he slashed out with a sharp knife.


   A crisp sound rang out in the dim warehouse.

   It was obvious that Cong Shuling's opponent was also taken aback by her, and slashed with a backhand. The two knives just collided and sputtered a few flames.

   The knife was fruitless, both of them immediately backed away and fixed their eyes on the opponent.

   The person in front of me... It feels so familiar.

   When the two of them saw each other's faces, they couldn't help being stunned.



   Then the two of them looked at the machete in each other's hands in unison, and they thought a lot for a moment.

   The next moment, they said in unison: "Why are you here?"

   Both confirmed that the other was their brother (sister).

  Then the two fell into silence, full of confusion.

  ‘About the fact that my brother (sister) is a master at hiding his identity? ’

  The sound of footsteps came from outside, and the thieves came in.

   Cong Shuling's expression changed: "Let's leave here first."

   Having said that, he ran towards the small hole that he had spotted a long time ago.

"Be careful!"

   Cong Renfei's hands were quick and he grabbed Cong Shuling's collar and pulled her back. At this moment, a cold light fell in front of Cong Shuling.

   If it wasn't for Cong Renfei's pull, I'm afraid Cong Shuling would be able to receive the lunch.

   Cong Shuling also had lingering fears.

  The gods who watched the whole process carefully raised their throats, and the knife seemed to have slashed on them.

"I can't run away!" Cong Shuling instantly judged the current situation, and then glanced back, "This brother Gail seems to be a bit skilled, maybe together, there is a chance to win. If so, then give it a try first. "


   She drank lightly, stepped on her feet, splashed a lot of dust, and rushed towards the thieves in front.

  Cong Renfei did not hesitate, and rushed forward.

   The two of them cooperated, and the knife path went up and down toward the thief.


  Two cold lights flashed past.



   The knife that Cong Shuling attacked first was blocked, but Cong Renfei's next knife was not caught, a long hole was opened in her chest, and the blood instantly stained her clothes.


  The thief covered his chest and stepped back, leaning on a wooden barrel and fell to the ground.

   Cong Shuling was about to go up to make up the knife, but found that other thieves had arrived, she subconsciously took the knife and ran away.

   The chest was almost cut open, and he temporarily lost his combat effectiveness, so he didn't have to take the risk to make up for it.

   Cong Renfei did the same, and the siblings subconsciously chose the same way.

   So, the thieves and the two brothers and sisters chased and escaped in the warehouse, playing hide-and-seek in circles.

   If you happen to collide with the enemy and cannot escape, you will swing your sword to engage in a brief confrontation, and immediately flee in the other direction.

   The entire warehouse was riotous for a while, and the dust was everywhere...

   In the process of fleeing, the two brothers and sisters were inevitably injured in different degrees.

  The hearts of the gods who were observing with the soul power network were all tugged.

   God of Gold - Barry said anxiously: "Enough is enough, hurry up, start the final plan, the two worlds will bleed too much, they are much weaker, and they can't support it anymore."

   God of Bathing Light - Yi Ye stared at the current scene closely, nodded and said, "Okay, start the final plan."

   When the easy words fell.

   The two siblings heard a 'ding dong' sound from the depths of their consciousness.

   "Successfully kill a thief, reward a lottery draw. Whether to draw the lottery immediately."

   is the thief who just slashed and killed, the two brothers were overjoyed: "Draw a lottery now!"

   "Ding! Congratulations on getting a one-time powerful shield that lasts for 30 seconds and has been stored in your pocket."

  The powerful shield for thirty seconds was enough for them to cut down two thieves against the thieves' knives.

   Without hesitation, they immediately took it out and chose to use it!

   The next moment, a green shield was created out of thin air, wrapping the siblings.

   was about to turn back desperately.

   A thief raised his long sword and laughed: "I caught you, little bunny, look at my awakened soul skill 'Flaming Knife'!"

   After saying that, the thief's long sword caught fire.

   What everyone didn't expect was that the flame spread from the long knife instantly, igniting the dust in the air.


   A loud explosion blew up the entire warehouse.

   The flames and impact devoured everything in the warehouse.

  The gods were relieved and cheered instantly: "Success!"

   "Wait! Look!"

  The attention of the gods once again put their attention on the two sisters and brothers, and their scalps could not help tingling at a glance.

  I saw that after the two siblings were blown out of the warehouse, the shields on their bodies had failed. At this time, a huge beam of wood that was blown up was smashing at the two siblings, and it was very coincidental that they were one by one.

   In the weak state of the sister and brother, they were smashed, and it was estimated that they would not be saved.

  The gods: "!!"

   Just when the gods were desperate in their hearts, the sister and brother even realized their situation, and then rolled in without haste...


   Successfully dodged the collision!

  The gods watched this scene and exclaimed involuntarily: "This is the best world will I have ever brought, and will you hide by yourself? Incredible!"

   Su Hao who was in space suddenly opened his eyes and said with a smile, "The changes in the fortune wave before and after the arrival of bad luck, as well as the changes in the surrounding energy, are really interesting."

   (end of this chapter)

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