My Divine Diary

Chapter 899: 897 is a bit sloppy

   Chapter 899 is a bit sloppy

  Time flies, twenty years pass quickly.

   With the joint efforts of the three, the production and delivery of the wave monitoring equipment was finally completed.

   This device adopts the quantum communication technology learned in the previous life. The information collected by the device will be sent back in real time and can be received and analyzed by Su Hao in real time.

   In other words, Su Hao was able to analyze the entire wave to the pot system through this equipment, of course, it was limited to the map within the stellar system.

   However, this is already a big step forward.

   After testing, Su Hao found that the equipment was running very well.

"Just wait until the wave is strong enough that it can spread to the entire Xianghu system. Now, just looking at the wave of the sister and brother, it is still very weak, and only a small area of ​​the wave can be observed, and it is impossible to check it outside. probed."

   Then a thought popped into Su Hao's mind: "Should we let Yashan and Fengcheng's main body go out for a while?"

Think about it or forget it. He doesn't lack that time. Yashan and Fengcheng are still very important to his current work. If he accidentally breaks the game, he will also disturb the consciousness information in the pinball space. Well, there is no place for regrets.

   He never thought that conscious information can be absolutely safe in the pinball space. There are too many strange things in the universe.

   Up to now, Su Hao still can't forget the shocking feeling when he saw a person turn into a pig in the source world.

   Whoever feels that he is awesome, the universe will teach him to be a man in minutes. It's better to be humble and low-key.

While Su Hao was observing the data sent back by the wave operation device, Xiaoguang sent a message that the influence of wave operation on the two siblings was about to reach another peak. will be unlucky.

  Su Hao then teleported to the cross star, his spiritual sense shrouded the entire planet, instantly found the position of the two siblings, and then flashed above them, watching intently.

   It is not to watch how the two sisters and brothers are unlucky, but the movement of various microscopic worlds around the two sisters and brothers.

  Although Su Hao couldn't tell the difference in an instant, he was able to record it in the pinball space through perception, and then use Xiaoguang's calculation to analyze the subtle differences.

   Such data, the more the better.


   At this time, the eighteen gods also focused on the expression of the will of the two worlds. The gods were not nervous, but they were very excited.

   The reason is very simple, because the next thing the two siblings will face is the most powerful dragon in the Cross Star World - the Great Demon King Chipu.

   For more than 20 years, the two brothers and sisters overcame many difficulties and moved forward step by step. After making adequate preparations, they finally stood in front of the Great Demon King Chipu.

   This is such an exciting time for the Eighteen Gods.

The **** of order - Hongguang trembled slightly: "Finally... the humiliation that my avatar received at the beginning is finally going to go back now, the will of the two worlds will definitely be able to do it. Go, defeat the evil Chi Puda Demon King, hahaha!"

   As if wishing he could rush up and kill the Great Demon King himself.

The other gods maintained a very optimistic attitude about this: "That Chipu Demon King is very strong, but he will definitely not be the opponent of the two world wills. Now the two world wills are already standing at the top of the world, and no one is there. Competitive. Even our most powerful clones are not necessarily the opponents of the will of the two worlds."

   "As long as we defeat the Great Chipu Demon King, have we completed the final mission of protecting the world's will? After all, the most powerful Chipu Great Demon King can't help the two of them. He is invincible in the world, and it can be regarded as a complete growth."

   "Yeah, we'll be free soon. Come on, the will of the world, hahaha!"

   Obviously, the gods did not know the phrase 'the world is invincible, and the enemy comes from the sky'.

   is still a little optimistic.

   Besides, the Great Demon King Chipu, the gods didn't know it was the Great Demon King appointed by Su Hao, and they had never even seen the Great Demon King Chipu attack with all his strength.

  Under the moonlight, the siblings came to the castle of the Great Demon King Chipu.

  The dragon's castle is huge and looks like a huge mountain. There are scattered lights shining from many holes. These faint holes are like a big mouth that chooses people and is addicted to blood. Once you go in, don't think about coming out again.

   The cold wind of the night whistled past the castle, making a low "woooo" sound.

  Cong Renfei swallowed fiercely: "Sister, why does this castle look so gloomy, aren't you afraid that the Great Demon King Chipu lives in such a place?"

Cong Shuling said: "Or why is it called Chipu Demon Lord? This is the most powerful and evil Demon Lord in the world, and living in such a place is the most suitable. Now, my blood can't help but boil. Just tonight we will completely remove this evil big devil."

  Cong Renfei slowly drew out a long sword that was shining with golden light: "Me too! The sword in my hand is eager for the blood of the Demon King."

  As the strength became stronger and stronger, the opponents they encountered became stronger and stronger, and the two brothers gradually stopped using 'hot weapons', unless they encountered some trash that needed to be cleaned up, and they used more long swords in their hands.

  Because the power of thermal weapons is powerful, but most of the time, there is no way to accurately hit the enemy, except for the sound, it is not very useful, and the key is expensive.

   Throwing bombs is throwing points, which is very bad.

   At this moment, they saw a huge figure flashing out of the castle, quietly floating in the sky in front of them, with wings spread, almost covering the entire sky.

The red eyes stared at the two of them, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, the two rows of sharp teeth were wide open, and a thunderous sound came from the throat: "You—are you longing for the blood of this great devil? "

   A huge chill hit, the pupils of the sister and brother shrank suddenly, the cold hairs all over their bodies stood on end, and their hearts were extremely shocked: "So fast, so strong!"

   Looking at the nearly 100-meter-long dragon floating in the sky not far in front of them, the hearts in the chests of the sister and brother couldn't help beating 'dong dong', the muscles of the whole body were tensed, and the spiritual power was ready to be released.

   They never thought that a giant dragon nearly 100 meters long could have such a fast speed, flew out of the castle in the blink of an eye, and came to them with a fluttering appearance.

   When I heard the name of Chipu Demon King before, I thought it was just a stronger red and gold dragon. When I really stood in front of this giant dragon, I realized how strong this Demon King really is.

   Ordinary people can faint immediately just by looking at their body shape. You must know that a larger adult black thunder dragon is only about thirty-five meters. They can't imagine how a red-gold dragon with a smaller theoretical size can grow into this appearance.

  Cong Renfei looked at the long sword in his hand, and then looked at the Great Demon King Chipu, and suddenly felt that this powerful divine sword bought from the mall was just a toothpick that would shine.

   They instantly lost confidence.

   Cong Renfei said softly: "Sister, we seem to be a little sloppy, or we should withdraw first."

   Cong Shuling frowned and said, "I didn't know until I hit it, maybe it's a silver wax gun head, it'll break when I poke it."

  Cong Renfei heard this, nodded and said, "That makes sense."

  The Great Demon King Chipu saw the two little guys in front of him muttering, but he ignored his question and couldn't help but turn cold, and his voice was like thunder: "You are the rumored 'Brave Heroes'! Jie ha ha ha!

   Wanted to injure the members of my Chipu Great Demon King's Legion, yet dare to step into my territory, you are - seeking death! "

   After finishing speaking, the Great Demon King Chipu opened his mouth and roared at the two brothers and sisters: "Roar—"

  The violent sound waves came out from the throat, layer upon layer, and swept towards the sister and brother. Before the attack could reach the two brothers and sisters, the solid ground was instantly shaken and shattered layer by layer, and countless stones turned into powder.

The expressions of the    siblings changed drastically, and they subconsciously used powerful defensive skills.

  Two golden lights enveloped the two of them.


   The sound wave impacted on the two of them, like the bombardment of a powerful bell hammer, and the two were thrown backwards uncontrollably.

   Cong Ren Fei and pointed forward, the Divine Sword in his hand turned into a streamer and shot towards the Great Demon King Chipu.

   Great Demon King Chipu glanced at the golden light and patted it.


  The golden light flew back with a pendulum, and the golden light quickly dissipated, returning to the appearance of a long sword.

   Cong Renfei was stunned: "My attack was blocked just like that?"

At this time, Cong Shuling's sharp attack was also ready. The thumb and thumb of the left and right hands, and the index finger and the index finger formed a diamond shape. The next moment, a bright thick golden light erupted from the center of the diamond and shot at the Great Demon King Chipu. In front of the Great Demon King Chipu.

  'Golden Sword of Destruction'!

   At the moment when the golden light appeared, a red light shield lit up in front of the Great Demon King Chipu, blocking the golden light.


  The light instantly drowned the entire sky.

  When the light faded, the hearty laughter of the Great Demon King Chipu came violently: "You guys seem to have some strength, Jie Hahaha! However, it's still far away!"

After    finished speaking, the huge figure suddenly flashed and disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of the sister and brother.



After    two muffled sounds, the sister and brother were like cannonballs, and were sent flying by the Great Demon King Chipu.

   The Great Demon King Chipu was complacent when he saw two streamers shooting from a distance in irregular arcs, he laughed: "I hope you two heroes can make me have a good night!"


   The gods watching the battle were all stunned when they saw this scene: "How could it be..."

   They never thought that this Chipu Great Demon King had such a powerful power.

  Nati, the **** of the sky who is also a red and gold dragon, widened his eyes and said, "What did this golden dragon eat to grow up?"

   Thank you, I am not reading a novel, I am giving you a gentle reward, I am asking for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month~



   (end of this chapter)

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