Chapter 14 Forcibly grabbing


Dai Xiaomeng’s face turned white.

In an instant, the amount required by the landlord was at least three or four thousand.

“Auntie landlord, you also know that I don’t have much money. Didn’t I say it was okay at the time that the rent is paid every month.”

“Every month? You don’t go out to inquire about it. Whose house is paid once a month now? Don’t say so much. Either the rent will be paid or the person will leave.”

“But, when I rented this place, your house was completely an abandoned utility room. I spent more than a month of a lot of energy to tidy it up…”

“What’s wrong with the utility room? The utility room is not a house? If it weren’t for the utility room, I could rent it to you for 300 a month? Don’t look at my location!”

“Also, don’t tell me that there are some and none of these. Give the money or leave. Choose by yourself!”

Not giving the girl a chance to say more, the fat woman snorted coldly.

“But, I really don’t have that much money!”

“No money? Don’t you have friends here, just borrow some?”

With that, the fat woman looked at the two photographers again.

Because the two are using concealed cameras.

She didn’t notice it.

“Auntie landlord, they are not my friends, they just came to me for something.”

Dai Xiaomeng quickly explained.

“Then I have nothing to do. If I want to live, I must give a full half a year’s money and deposit. Or…”

While speaking, the fat woman looked at Erha next to Dai Xiaomeng.

“Your dog, looks good, you can use it to cover the rent.”

“No, my boss, how could it be used to cover the rent!”

Dai Xiaomeng hugged Erha nervously. Shaking his head violently.

“That’s not okay, that’s not okay, so what do you want? I can tell you that even if it is five hundred a month, in a lot like me, it is the only one. Let you use a dog to cover the rent, you There is still more to earn.”

“The boss is not an ordinary dog!”

“How is that? Isn’t it just a husky? In the pet market, you can buy one for one or two thousand a day. I think it is not easy for your dog to raise such a big dog, so you are allowed to use the dog as the rent, don’t Not funny!”


This time, the girl didn’t think much about it.

Firmly shook his head.

“It’s a big deal, I won’t live in the house and go back to the country!”

Seeing Dai Xiaomeng’s determination.

The fat woman frowned.

The eyeballs rolled a few times.

A few smiles suddenly appeared on his face.

“It seems that the price can’t be negotiated, but I really like your dog. So, I step back, the dog will give me, and I will exempt you from your rent for one year. How about it? You can buy a few at this price. The dog.”

“No way, no way, and, in my heart, the boss is not a dog. I will never change anyone or anything! Now, please go out.”

“It’s the other way around, my house, you let me go out? Little girl film, I think you are brave enough to talk to the old lady like this.”

“Your house, but I paid the rent. Even if I don’t live, the rent will still expire in three days. During this period, the right to the house is mine. Why don’t I have the right to let you out?”


“Good job!”

“Looking at my stomach, this fat pig makes it clear that looking at my little Meng girl is a bully, it should be like this.”

“I can’t see it, the goddess Xiaomeng is usually soft and weak, and she has a bit of personality.”

“Don’t be afraid, Little Meng, isn’t it just a house? There are several sets of my house, you can choose whatever you want to live in!”

“That’s right, I wanted to say from the beginning, this kind of house is occupied by people? I can’t help it!”

“Cameraman, are you two furnishings? Anyway, it’s your players, you just watched my goddess being bullied?”

After Dai Xiaomeng made a sound, the barrage surged.

It’s all about fighting injustice.

In the picture.

Fat women are not so easy to get rid of.

I saw her face trembling.

His eyes glared fiercely at Dai Xiaomeng.

“Little girl film, who are you going to talk to? Believe it or not, my mother let you…”

evil! !

The fat woman didn’t finish her words.

Suddenly, a low roar sounded in the room.

I don’t know when, Erha has already come to Dai Xiaomeng’s fat woman.

The front paws creep slightly, and the back stands tall.

The hair is almost upright all over the body.

The mouth near the fangs was shaking slightly in its angry eyes.

The roar that came out of the roar made people stand upright.

This vicious look ready to go.

The fat woman couldn’t help but staggered a few steps back to the door.

“You, what do you want!”

Staring at the angry Erha, the lady boss swallowed.

Then he looked at Dai Xiaomeng fiercely.

“Don’t you hurry to control your dog, if it dares to bite me, you two will never want to get out of this gate.”*

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