Chapter 77 Steal the contract, strengthen physical fitness

“You guys, have you seen my second ha?”

For the first time, Situ Xue and others came to the guard’s office.

The two security guards on duty nodded.

“It ran out from here before, and we didn’t have time to react.”

“Which direction did you go?”


“The one in the black clothes just now seems to be going there too!”


Several people frowned.

“Is the boss going after the man in black?”

“What’s the use of chasing him? I may not be able to get the loan contract back?”

“The boss is usually quite stable, what’s going on today!”

“Sister Xue, the boss has never had such a situation before. There will be no accidents, right?”

“There shouldn’t be an accident. Your boss is better than everyone else and will definitely not be messy. Zhao Yang, the other two security guards are called to look for him, and when he sees the boss, he asks him to come back quickly.”


Zhao Yang nodded and called out the bodyguard secretly arranged in the house.

Go in the direction the security said.

Seeing Dai Xiaomeng, Situ Xue was still a little worried and took her back to the villa.

“Xiaomeng, don’t worry, we can’t lose your boss if we lost it. On the contrary, it’s us. Now I don’t know how many people are staring at our villa. In these critical periods, it is best not to go out, or your boss will come back. If I can’t find you, I’m afraid I will be more anxious!”

After some comfort, Dai Xiaomeng also relaxed.

But the eyes still forget to look out from time to time.

Everyone’s nervousness.

Ye Tian has caught up with the man in black who lends money at this moment.

Following the green plants on the side of the road, he sneaked up to the other side.

The man is on the phone.

“Boss, things are done, well, they are not vigilant, everything is in accordance with the normal loan agreement, they have not been in contact with this business, it is impossible to think of this loophole.

After today, as long as I do not show up, this contract will be effective forever. When the time comes, boss, don’t you just do whatever you want!

By the way, beside the woman, there is a real best product. She looks like seventeen or eighteen years old, much better than those a while ago. You will definitely be satisfied. ”

Listen and listen.

Ye Tian, ​​who had only been exploring the bottom all the time, had a fierce light in the eyes of “Three Three Zeros” at this moment.

Seventeen or eighteen years old!

Who else is there besides your own girl?

In the villa just now, Ye Tian found that although the other party was talking about the contract, his eyes were almost always looking at Dai Xiaomeng.

Then he chased it out uneasy.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually dared to hit my girl’s attention!

court death!


Ye Tian directly opened the system mall.

Agility strengthening, fifteen thousand dog god coins, exchange.

Strengthening, fifteen thousand dog god coins, exchange.

Enhance eyesight, 12 thousand dog coins, exchange.

Intellectual enhancement, fifteen thousand dog god coins, exchange!

Hearing enhancement, twelve dog god coins, exchange!

Today, the money from Situ Xue has arrived.

The Inugami City of Ye Tian System Mall has reached 2 million.

Ready to do something at the moment. Naturally, I have to learn all these cheap attributes.

With an order.

Ye Tian only felt that the whole body’s muscles and mental state had begun to undergo drastic changes.

With a little concentration, you can see ants tens of meters away and hear the crawling sound of ants.

The agility makes his whole body soft and unreasonable.

I was afraid that the other party would find that he could only follow slowly, even if he was lying on his stomach, he could move forward at a very fast speed.

Erha’s stiff short board in biological movement has completely disappeared at this moment.

There is no way to try strength.

However, the muscular sensation coming from the whole body made Ye Tian be sure that if he was full of power, even an adult would definitely not be able to hold it.

Quickly adapt to the changes in the body.

Ye Tian also silently looked for opportunities.

After a while, his spirits recovered.

Looked at the two children oncoming in the distance.

At the feet of the children, a football was kicked by them.

Plans were brewing quickly in his mind.

Ye Tian was at the moment when the man passed the two children.

Jumped out and settled down, just in front of the football rolling.

Then, his front paw slammed up.

Under the force of the football, it went directly towards the man.At the next moment, before the two children could react, Ye Tian had turned into a phantom and jumped back into the green belt.

Go crazy.

At this moment, the football just hit the man’s contract briefcase.

With a snap, the briefcase was knocked to the ground.

The man was surprised.

He turned his head back and stared at the two children.

“What are you doing!”

At the moment he yelled.

Ye Tian has jumped out of the grass.

The action of following his turn came directly from behind him to the front of the briefcase.

One paw opened the zipper.

Directly based on the breath of Lin Meng on that contract, he opened his mouth and bit the contract in his mouth.

Then, quickly jumped back to the green belt.

the whole process.

He behaved like a sophisticated instrument.

It’s not just that the action is like a ghost.

More importantly, even the psychology of ordinary people has been calculated.

For ordinary people, things in their hands are knocked out.

As long as it is not a precious item that is destroyed by a fall, the first reaction is to turn around and blame the offender.

Then I will pick things up.

Using this habitual thinking, Ye Tian stole it.

The other party is totally unconscious.

So that Ye Tian was ready to leave with the contract.

The man was still reprimanding the children viciously.

Until the two were frightened and shivered.

He turned around and picked up the briefcase with an unhappy face.

move on.

It’s just two children who have suffered and don’t know what happened.

Inexplicably intimidated.

After making sure that the child is okay.

Ye Tian speeded up and ran towards the villa.

Less than two minutes.

I already saw the three Zhao Yang who came and looked around.


“Why are you running around? Your host is in a hurry, so hurry back with me!”

Ye Tian nodded.

Biting the contract in his mouth, he ran back to the villa.

Zhao Yang looked at what it was holding in his mouth, and after a long silence, he came back to his senses.

Also hurried into the villa.

At this moment, Situ Xue and Dai Xiaomeng are pulling Ye Tian to criticize education.

“Boss, you scared me to death, don’t run around next time!”

“That is, your girl is still waiting for you to marry her. If you are going to run away, who will she marry!!”

Situ Xue also said to her.

But when she spoke, she turned the serious atmosphere into a weird one.

Dai Xiaomeng looked at Situ Xue strangely: “Sister Xue, you’re starting again! You talk nonsense again, I really ignore you!”

“That, Mr. Xue, I seemed to have seen the boss take a piece of paper back, did you see it?”

Zhao Yang entered the house and asked quickly.

“I saw it, here, boss, you said, what’s wrong with you, take a piece of paper back, it may not really be like what we said, you went to get the contract back?”

Situ Xue smiled, picked up the corner of the white paper that Ye Tian had just spit on the sofa and shook the saliva on it. Then he opened it while teasing.

Then, her face stagnated.

Can’t care about the saliva above.

The paper was suddenly spread out.

“This is really a contract!”

“My God, how did you do it, boss?”

“Mr. Xue, is this the one taken by the other party just now?”

“Otherwise, there are only two copies in total. My copy is on the table, this one, and my signature and fingerprints.

“Awesome, boss, you won’t be a contract that killed someone and got it back?”

I have to say, Situ Xue dared to say it.

But after finishing speaking, what greeted her was a round of collective eyes.

Ye Tian knew that he couldn’t explain it.

Simply stood up from Dai Xiaomeng’s arms, then jumped onto the coffee table one by one, and then flashed back to the sofa.

When everyone came back to their senses, Ye Tian had no idea when another contract was added.

It was Situ Xue’s share on the table.

“Damn, boss, when did you become so fast? When Lily usually chases you, I don’t see you have this speed!”

Ye Tian is full of black lines again.

Unable to stop, he started cursing at Situ Xue.

This evil woman can’t make her feel comfortable, and she loves to talk nonsense when she feels comfortable.

However, after the joke, Situ Xue quickly calmed down.

“Boss, you mean, you stole it back by your speed?”

Ye Tian nodded.

“The other party didn’t find it?”

Ye Tian nodded again.

“Awesome, I said how you can catch up without saying hello, it turns out that you still have this hand!!

“Not bad, right now, the other party’s contract is in our hands, let’s see how he troubles me afterwards!”

Situ Xue couldn’t help laughing.

Lin Meng who was on the side also nodded: “Moreover, the other party hasn’t noticed that the contract has disappeared until now. I just looked at his briefcase containing the contract. It seems that there are a lot of contracts.”

“Isn’t that better? When I pay back the money, if he honestly shows up to get the money, I am not the kind of unreasonable person. Humph!”

After finishing speaking, Situ Xue simply didn’t do two things at all.

Brought a lighter directly.

Burned both contracts.

“Destroy the corpse, there won’t be any handle left now!”

Ye Tian looked at the flame burning in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, the reason why he chased him out was because the other party didn’t seem to be surprised by Dai Xiaomeng, and an incident in his previous life also touched him a lot.

At that time, that friend borrowed a loan shark, but when he wanted to repay the money, he couldn’t find the other person.

Finally, after a long time, talents for loan sharks appeared.

He turned it over several times, and even sold the house before returning it.

Of course, it was because that friend was not aware of the law and didn’t ask the police for help in the first place.

But those loan sharks who dare to do so naturally have the means for them to ask for accounts.

Even if you have no chance to catch you, as long as you don’t pay the money, you will be sickened by various means.

As long as the IOU is in their hands, even if they are caught, they will not have much problem. When it is released, they will continue to engage you.

So burning IOUs now can be regarded as a solution to the worries of the future.

As for whom the other party is doing things for, Ye Tian can guess without thinking about it.

This, I’m afraid it is the real method of Murong Bo.

Everything before was prepared for this IOU.

And now.

The real game has just begun!

There was a cold color in Ye Tian’s eyes.

On Situ Xue’s side, there was a conflict with the other party before.

He can’t control too wide.

But the other party shouldn’t be absolutely wrong.

I also want to touch my sister.

Such a person can never leave him a way to survive!

Is thinking about the next plan.

Outside the villa, the doorbell rang again.

“Who is it again? Did the man in black get it back?”

Situ Xue was slightly surprised.

Get up and look at it quickly.

But found out.

Standing at the door is a policeman.

At this time, Dai Xiaomeng’s phone also rang.

“Sister Xiaomeng, I, Wang Gang, I am at your door now. Is it convenient to come out?”

“Well, brother Wang, wait a moment!”

Dai Xiaomeng nodded and glanced at Ye Tian, ​​basically already guessing what the other party did.

One person and one dog came to the door.

“Little Meng, I’m sorry, I thought it was good to pick up the boss yesterday to help, but as a result, some things were not arranged and it was delayed. Look, is it convenient now?”

See Dai Xiaomeng. Wang Gang coughed briefly.

“Now, convenience is convenient, but will it take a long time?”

“It depends on the situation, but I promise you will not put your boss in any danger. No matter what the result is, I will send him back to you before 12 o’clock today!”

“In addition, the 200,000 in this card is the remuneration given by the missing child’s family. The code is six six…0 now for you!”

As Wang Gang spoke, he took out the bank card and handed it to Dai Xiaomeng.


Dai Xiaomeng lowered his body and touched Ye Tian.

“Boss, be careful yourself, pay attention to smell, don’t get your body dirty!”

Wang Gang couldn’t laugh or cry, but he could understand Dai Xiaomeng’s worries, and waited for him to give Ye Tian an explanation.

オCall Ye Tian onto the police car.

“Xiaomeng, the police car asks the boss to go, what are you going to do?”

When the police car was far away, Situ Xue couldn’t help asking.

“Yesterday the boss helped arrest a group of human traffickers. Brother Wang felt that the boss had a keen sense of smell, so let him go to help with other cases.”

“Oh, it’s incredible, our boss can now be a police dog, with a future, a future. Then this card? Did you earn it yesterday?”


“So let me just say, you girl, just wait for your boss to raise you, and see how capable people are now!”

“Sister Xue, you are talking nonsense again, I will scratch you to death!”Frolic, the two returned to the villa.

the other side. While Wang Gang drove the car, he began to tell Ye Tian about the case in a serious manner.

“Boss, the place that took you this time is a relatively sparsely populated suburban crime scene!

In order to pick you up, I spent a lot of saliva before asking my colleagues and forensic doctors who went to the police that day to go there again. What I am afraid of is that you don’t know that the smell is your own, which will affect your judgment.

You have to help, otherwise, I will be laughed to death by them!”

Ye Tian listened to him helplessly with a face full of help.

Can only nodded.

The car drove for about half an hour before we got to the place.

This is a barren mountain.

There are already many people waiting there.

Beside the crowd, the cordon was pulled up.

What everyone is discussing.

“You said, the king team is in a hurry this time, a smell that the police dog can’t detect, can a two-half do?”

“That’s not necessarily true. You also know what you did yesterday. It was the Erha that people found out.”

“What happened yesterday, can it be the same as ours?”

“It has been several days, and it has rained heavily, where is the smell left!”

“If you say it, it doesn’t count, the dog says it! Since the king team can definitely try, then everyone will cooperate, maybe there will be any new discoveries!”

Everyone’s discussion was separated by hundreds of meters.

It can be clearly transmitted into Ye Tian’s ears.

This had to make him lament the power of the system.

However, in this situation at this moment, no matter how good the hearing is, it is of little use.

Follow Wang Gang to the scene.

Everyone nodded and greeted.

Brother Wang squatted down and started to introduce Ye Tian to the scene of the crime.

“Boss, this humanoid circle is where the corpse was found at the time. After the other party killed the person, he directly left the corpse in this place. However, we found traces of dragging around, but we can only see the general direction. I don’t know where it was dragged over.

Also, this is the clothes that the deceased was wearing at the time. You can smell it and see if it’s a bit new. ”

The brief introduction is over.

Wang Gang looked at Ye Tian expectantly.

Ye Tian nodded.

But he didn’t rush to hear about the crime scene.

First, according to what Wang just said, I smelled everyone present and remembered the smell that belonged to them.

Only then entered the cordon.

Smell the place where 1.9 stayed with the body.

Determine the smell of the dead.

Then, he smelled those clothes again.

Soon, with super strong sense of smell.

In front of Ye Tian, ​​the lines of taste were outlined.

But what surprised him was.

From the clothes of the deceased, he smelled two smells that did not belong to her.

One of them is thick and the other is light.

The light one is a bit familiar.

Seems to smell it somewhere.


Ye Tian smoked his nose and started to walk in one direction.

“Hey! This Erha is really something, and I discovered the location of the drag trace we found out the first time.”

“How else would the king team pick it up all the way, let’s go, keep up!”

With that, a group of people with surprise followed Ye Tian.

As they walked around, the group of people gradually deviated from the direction pointed by the drag trace before and walked up the mountain.

“This, I can’t go wrong, it’s such a remote place. The murderer should have come by car. After dragging, he threw the corpse at the foot of the mountain. Why did he go up the mountain?”

“Don’t worry about the others, just follow!”

Wang Gang observed Ye Tian’s expression.

He glared at the speaker and said in a deep voice.

Afterwards, everyone continued to follow.

Walked tens of meters up the mountain.

Ye Tian stopped under a big tree.

Began to smell around the big tree.

In the end, it looked at a somewhat fuzzy trace on the tree trunk.

Following his sight, Wang Gang and others’ complexions changed slightly.

“Here, it seems to be blood stains!”

“Zhang Wei, take a sample!

Wang Gang finished.

A policeman with white gloves and a mask stepped forward.

Take a closer look at the traces on the trunk.

Then take out some tools to wash and brush for a while, put some powder into the clinker bag and seal it.

“Team Wang, preliminary observation, this is a bloody handprint, because the traces are too vague to tell whether it is a male or a female from the size. You can only find out if you take it back for a laboratory test.”

“En. But this is a new clue. There is a bloody handprint here, which proves that the murderer may have stayed around here. Keep your eyes sharp and see if there are other discoveries!”.

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