My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 13 - System.

As Arther touched the car a blue transparent screen flashed in front of him causing him to hurriedly take away his hand. This was something Arther had never experienced before. Arther watched Robert who was smiling at him, looking at his expression he doesn't seem to be able to see the screen.

Arther tried to touch to screen but his hand didn't anything. This made him even more confused, he thought he might have gone insane. He shook his head to remove the screen but it was of no use. The screen kept moving according to his eyes.

After getting no result he gave up his petty actions, he concentrated on the screen to see what was written

[A vessel is found to be in contact.]

[Scanning the vessel

Name:- N/A(+)

Level:- -10

Require to be added as system vessel for further scanning and increase in the level]

Seeing this Arther's heartbeat accelerated but he tries to calm down and went to the second floor to sit before clearing his doubts, he didn't want Robert to find out about this or anyone else.

"Robert, you continue your work I will wait on the second floor for you."

Robert had a confused expression on his face as he knew Arther very well, Arther never felt comfortable staying in someone else's home for a longer time and some time ago Arther seemed to want to talk about something very important to him and was in a hurry.

"Are you OK? you seemed to be in a hurry earlier, I can do my work later, let me come upstairs too, I will continue my work later. Let's talk about what you want."

Hearing this Arther knew his behavior was a bit odd, so as not to add any more suspicion he decided to comply with Robert for now, anyways he will need some time to earn about that screen, he might as well do it after going home.

As they went upstairs Arther was having a bit problem with walking as the screen was distracting him, "how do I close this thing?", As he thought about closing the screen was automatically closed. This surprised him further as he didn't speak anything this shows that the screen can read his thoughts and can also understand them.

After entering the second floor, Robert cleared a small part of the floor and placed an old iron folding chair for Arther, while he sat on the sofa chair, he took an opened beer can and took a sip. While looking at the somewhat lost looking Arther he had a grin and patted Arther waking him up from his thoughts,

"Arther, you don't have to be so shy, I know everyone is having a hard time in this lockdown. If you want to ask for money, I can't help you much but I do have saved few thousand WC from my garage."

Hearing what Robert said Arther felt warm inside as he knew Robert wasn't doing anything good than him, he must even be having a more tight time, but still, he can offer to lend him money showed how good a person Robert was.

But he also had a wry smile as he didn't know how Robert came to this conclusion.

"Robert I don't need the money, I wanted to know if you can help me get any heavyweight vehicle for rent before 8th March and help me modify it as I want. And the modification might need few expensive parts. Of course, I will pay for it." These parts were also a reason why Arther wanted help from Robert as being a person in this field for a long time Robert had his channels to get his hands-on many good things that Arther can't get with just spending more money. He also knew that Robert had some connection in the military workshops which were the only place from where Arther might get a hot weapon.

Hearing what Arther wanted Robert had surprised as he knew Arther's thought very well as he had met many such customers. Even in peaceful times those apocalypse and war machines and offroad enthusiasts would always try to get their vehicles modified with heavy-duty military parts and few also had the wish to have a slot for boarding heavy guns.

What made him more surprised though was that such modification might cost a few million WC which was a huge amount for any common person and he knew Arther's family conditions very well. He knew that Arther can't afford to come up with such an amount even if they sold everything his family had.

"Are you sure what you are saying, you know how much that might cost right?" he asked Arther with a doubtful expression.

Hearing what Robert asked Arther wanted to tell him about the lottery but then thought that he might not believe it. "This is not for me, I have a friend I met online, he is a doomsday enthusiast and has thus enquired about it with everyone in our online friends' circle, he has a budget of 10 million WC, and whoever finds him the deal will get 50,000 WC as a commission. He is a rich young generation.", to avoid further explanation and problems he created a lie.

Hearing Arther's reply Robert had an understanding expression. He thought for a while before showing a happy smile, he knew that if he gets this deal he will not have to worry about this lockdown and can have a good relationship with the rich guy. He also hoped that the young generation might advertise for his shop as he knew such a rich guy must have his friend circle of rich apocalypse enthusiasts.

"I do have a few vehicles in my mind that I can help him get and also modify them according to his liking. But getting any military component might be difficult as recently it has become very difficult to contact any of those people from inside. But I can try searching those components in the black market which might cost a bit higher price", Robert said as he was worried this deal might get rejected due to him not being able to get any military parts.

"Done, you will be paid 6 million for all the parts and other requirements will be stated later, and I also want to go to see the black market to see if I can get anything interesting there." Arther had no reason to deny the deal, he wanted to go to the Black market to meet a guy he knew about who can help him find those weapons he wants. But what he knew was it wasn't easy to enter the black market as only those who have a full letter from any of the old members of the market and one person can only recommend one another person in the market. Thus he wanted to use Robert as a chance to enter there.

Already had the thought to enter the Black market for a while, but he didn't know-how.

After weighing the pros and cons of this proposal of Arther, Robert knew i=that Arther was the key for this deal and a recommendation into the market was not a big deal, "Fine, tomorrow at midnight meet at the Loki's Bar."

Arther nodded and after talking for a few more minutes he left, he wanted to reach home soon and check on the screen thing and also complete yesterdays incomplete work at night.

After Arther left Robert sat there in deep thought, he for few days had a feeling that something very big is gonna happen.

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