My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 28 - Lottery Results.

5th March

Today was a very important day for Arther as all of his plans will depend on today's events. Today was the day for the result of lotteries he has participated in. After apocalypse this money will have no use, being in the end times he has known the value of the money he himself has used this paper money for a bonfire or as tissue paper. So he was not much greedy for the huge sum of money he was gonna receive, but for now, this useless paper was all he needs.

He woke up early morning to get fresh and opened the site of the companies holding the lottery, the results will be announced here, though he knew he will be the winner he still felt a bit nervous as this was his first time applying for such a big lottery. It was 7:00 morning now, and the time for the announcement showed 9:00. He had two hours, so he decided to take a jog. He jogged for half an hour after he returned home, at this time everyone in his home already woke up from the bed and his mother was making breakfast. It had a home-sweet-home feeling at the dining table. Arther never had the habit of waking up early so he always had his breakfast latest that time everyone has already left for their work.

Seeing Arther coming at this time everyone present was shocked.

"Umm, why are you all looking at me like this, I just woke up early today so I thought of going for a jog."

"Nothing, Arther it's just rare for you to wake up early", his sister seemed to be the most surprised as she teased him, but Arther was used to this hence he ignored her and went to the table for breakfast.

After having breakfast he took a bath and went to his room, it was 8:30 half-hour remaining for the announcement. There were comments in the forum discussing the lottery, they were either the people hired by the companies hired for advertising or participants. This was not a big event for the riches as they can spend this much money in a day, so Arther didn't need to worry about being found. And the price will be distributed directly online into his bank account with only his account id name with which he participated will be disclosed. And he has not given any other information about him to keep everything secret.

The companies holding this event were also not much interested in knowing about the winners as they have already earned a lot of money which they can use, but these companies were the poorest ones as they will never be able to use this money. And due to their low private assets and connections, they never knew about the internal news.

The next half hour felt like life for Arther, at 9:00 the site went down for few minutes which increased his tension even more as if he didn't get this money he will be in great difficulties. At 9:10 the site reopened and the company also clarified that it was crashed due to high audience and bugs. When the site reopened the result was also reposted and as he had thought Arther won on both the companies' lottery. The winning amount totaled around 24 million WC but with the tax, he will receive 23 million WC which was enough for the time being.

At 9:15 he received the message from the bank about the money he received. The number of zeroes in his bank balance made his heart race, now he can also be considered a millionaire, though not for long. He still enjoyed the feeling very much.

After rejoicing for some time he calmed down and started to work on his plans, he first contacted Robert to notify him that he will do the full payment today night and asked him to meet him at Jack's shop.

Now he can truly start preparing for his future in the end time. This time he will live a secure and happy life for sure.


The world was not affected at all by this event, what was more important for the higher figures was their safety. Most of these people had a huge amount of money which they can't use in their entire life hence they feared death the most. This was also the reason for them to use huge sums of money to build the bases. There were three main types of apocalypse bases designed by the engineers, first is the most common; nuclear underground base with the highest amount of security. The second was a natural island in the sea, and the third was a fort with a moat or a castle with huge walls.

These types of bunkers were the basic foundations of the city bases built and a small city surrounded by walls and other defensive facilities were built around them.

After the message was deciphered, there were many different meanings that can be concluded from it, such as the alien race has declared a war against them; or there is a huge danger that they wanted the human to warn about; and many more. But whatever it was the danger was sure to be huge. And the huge space distortion was also like a time bomb that can detonate at any time for the Nova planet. The danger factor was increasing day by day. And with this the feeling of insecurity for the governments and rich people. With the bases being built there is already small conflict between countries for the resources. This has divided the regions into smaller parts with the base as their center. These bases will soon become the hope for human survival.

Hence the scientists, engineers, architects, and many more experts from other fields were working together to find ways to cope up with this situation. Soon though all the human knowledge will become useless against nature. Many new things will appear which will defy the laws of science.

A new age is gonna start with the end of human rule over the planet.

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