My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 30 - MCV Modification 2

Arther knew that the MCV will be his most important tool for survival and future development. So it needed to have all the required equipment and facilities which can be enough for the survival of him and his family. He also has to consider the environment of the apocalypse which the MCV will have to face and modify accordingly.

The bus he has bought was previously used for tourism hence it had a very high quality of comfort and safety systems. It had an aerodynamic dark blue colored body, two front wheels, and eight back wheels, there were passengers. It had two decks, with two automated sliding doors in front and back for entrance and exit on the first deck. The first deck contained the driver's cabin and passengers compartment, the height of the first deck was also very huge. The second deck contained seats and a table for dining and washroom. The bus has a water storage tank with a piping system and air conditioning and fragrance systems.

But there were many drawbacks in its design considering the end time which Arther wanted to change as much as possible, one of his main motive for selecting this vehicle was its spacious interior and the double decks which allows the use of all the space properly. If he were to select a truck or a cargo carrier with the same or more space he would have to build all the interior structures which might disturb the aerodynamic of the vehicle. So he had no other choice than to select this bus..

The price of a new model of this bus is 31million but since he has bought an old model with many problems and with Robert's help he has bought it for 15million along with all the other things required for modifications cost him 17million.

The biggest drawback of the bus was that it had glass windows for an all-around view but this has reduced the defensive qualities of the MCV. And the height of the ground clearance was also low. The upper deck was also covered mostly by the glass. These were the things that needed to be completely changed.

Roberts garage was not big enough to accommodate the MCV and all the required equipment hence they decided to use the same warehouse, to make all the preparations and buy everything need Jack needed some time so they decided to start the work tomorrow, and if everything goes as planned on 7th Arther can take the modified MCV with him. After confirming everything once again he went away.

The crowd in the black market never seemed to slow down even at this time of night, it can even be considered a busy time for these people. At this time Arther went around the black market to find any clue of the weapon dealer. On a corner on the street, there was a small shop that sold some cold weapons. The condition of the shop didn't look much good, but it seemed to be running well. In the entire black market, this was the only shop Arther has found which sold any type of weapons even though cold weapons. He had no other choice than to try inquiring there and also find if they can build a customized weapon for him, in the country Arther lived buying and selling hot weapons is banned and is considered illegal. One can find many cold weapons in the common market or online but they are not for use but for decoration purpose hence the thugs and gangsters mostly either use homemade weapons or they buy the weapon from shops in the black markets.

In the later years of the end time, the weapons used by most of the people were cold weapons, the best weapons to be used for anyone were naturally the bloodline weapons obtained after inheritance or weapons produced using the materials obtained from the beasts or evolved animals, and the weapons stolen from demons.

Arther wanted to find a suitable weapon for himself which he can use to practice in the beginning until he collects enough high-level material to forge a high-level weapon.

When he entered the shop there was an old man sitting behind the counter the shop had wooden shelves on the wall with, there were not many things kept on the shelves. There were some cold weapons hanged behind the counter, this was the basic samples.

"What do you want?", the old man didn't even take a look at Arther, he asked nonchalantly.

Arther didn't mind his behavior. He went to the counter and observed the weapon samples displayed. after not finding anything of his choice he went to the old man,

"Excuse me, do you also make customized weapons? I want to order one ."

The old man slowly lifted his head from whatever he was doing and observed Arther for few seconds, his eyes seemed to see through Arther.

"Yes we do, but it will take time and money."

"There is no need to worry about money, but I need it in two days."

"Sure, but you will have to pay for it. You can write down here which type of weapon you want and any other customization if any.", he passed on a register to Arther and a pen.

After filling in everything Arther waited for some time, he observed for anyone else and then asked about his main purpose that is the hot guns. He was not much hope of finding it here, he still tried once.

After the old man heard his question he didn't have any reaction he waited for some time before leading Arther inside the shop when Arther observed he thought it must be the place where the cold weapons were forged but now he knew this was a secret way. The things outside were just a camouflage main business was inside.

The inner room had more space than the outer shop, it also had few people working but there was not much notice from here which showed how experienced they were in work. There were people sorting the guns, boxes of TNT, gunpowder, grenades. All the weapons in this place were enough to equip at least fifty to a hundred people, the destruction they can bring is not small. Hot weapons can make any man's blood boil so did Arther, he was very excited to lay his hands on the weapon but he didn't dare to make any moves that can create suspicions as even though he was lead here without any question and the security seemed to lose it was not so, everyone present here is well trained in fighting and Arther even with his experience in the apocalypse can't face so many people at a time.

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