My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 32 - Jaya's Motive

1st March,

The time when Arther came in the past.

In Jaya's clan mansion, in a huge room on the highest floor of the mansion. The room had an ancient touch in its decoration. A long corridor led towards the room with hanging glass chandeliers and lamps, there was a red carpet laid on the floor leading towards the room, there were some portraits hanged on both sides of the corridor this were the portraits of the previous clan heads from the founding of this clan.

The room was also very huge, it had an open balcony, with door to ceiling windows, luxurious old style carpet, couch, chairs, tables, and other furniture. it contained a bedroom, washroom, bathroom, a pool, drawing room, office, etc.

This was the room used by all the clan heads of the family, and only the clan head can live in this room. At this time, in a room that was used by the clan head for martial arts practice and meditation, there was an old woman who seemed to be in deep meditation, she is the current clan head of the Cerulean clan. The Cerulean family in the ancient time was known for their astrology, and horoscopes, they had the talents and skills of prediction. But slowly there was decreased in their popularity with the fall of the empire, even though there was no popularity in the world their future predicting capability is still good though not as good as in ancient times, there is also the problem of finding the talents in this field. The current clan head Blaire is the only one talented in these skills among the two generations and now she has seen some hope in Jaya though Jaya has not shown any sign of having the talent Blaire can see thing's others can't..

For the past few day's she was not feeling very well, she is very sensitive to impending danger. Due to the warning signs from her instincts, she has decided to make a prediction today. It was easy for her to make predictions about someone or something individual, but today she was gonna try to do something bigger which might result in a huge backlash hence she has been preparing for this for some time. She has isolated herself from the outside for some time to avoid any disturbance.

Most of the important people in the clan have already been notified about this.

As she started her prediction, in the beginning, everything was fine but slowly she saw a huge black cloud covering the world, with the black covering the world fell into a dark atmosphere. There was then a string of red color in between the blackness for an unknown period of time, at this time Blaire was already sweating profusely as she had to use a huge amount of willpower to see all this.

As the red color was increasing a was about to engulf the world there was a huge sound and then there was chaos with different types of colors opposing the red. When the colors collided they formed new colors while when they collided with the red they either got destroyed or engulfed the black but everything happening greatly affected the world.

Wherever the red and black colors passed there was nothing left and when the other passed from somewhere there were different shapes and shadows formed. The war between these colors slowly tensed and the energy generated by them disturbed even space around the world.

This resulted in the world falling apart. Seeing all this has already drained Blaire of all her energy and she started losing her consciousness, when she was at the end of her rope she saw a very small unnoticeable light dot, whichever color touched this dot was absorbed into it, seeing this she used her last bit of strength to observe the dot more closely when she was a small distance away from the dot it shined brightly and Blaire lost her consciousness.

After an unknown period of time, Blaire regained her consciousness with a splitting headache. Her entire body had lost the strength to make any movements. She sat in the meditating posture after a lot of difficulties and calmed herself, after meditating for some time she gained some strength, so she took her cane and walked out of the room, this was the first time in her entire life when she had felt so weak after making the prediction, this showed how risky her move was. But she has found something very big with this move. This was also her first time predicting the entire world and she didn't have any prior knowledge about those colors and the dot.

But whatever it represented was surely not good hence she had to find more about all this as soon as possible. She called for a maid and asked her to bring some books from the clan library. Every big clan had its own collection of books from ancient times till now. These libraries contained many books written or obtained from their ancestors, it contained knowledge about everything like war, martial arts, and many more.

The most important for the clans was their ancestral books like some martial arts techniques, medicine books, etc. The ancestral books of the Cerulean clan were based on astrology and predictions. Though they have not been studied for a long time as everyone felt them to only contain myths this was also the only thing that might have something she needed. The information about the color and the things she saw.

She also called Jaya to help her in this because she didn't want many people to know about this and in this way she might awaken Jaya's hidden talent. If she finds any clues about anything she saw she will tell Jaya about it, if not she will keep it a secret for the time being.

At this time Jaya was in the clan ground practicing her sword techniques, it was compulsory for every clan member to learn some self-defense techniques, and she was also very interested in the sword techniques. The one teaching her was the same middle-aged man who always followed her, he is a fighter trained by the clan from childhood to work as a personnel assistant and a bodyguard for Jaya, he has been with Jaya from when she was a child hence they had a father-daughter bond. His family has served Jaya's clan for many years, he was the sixth generation working for the clan. Hence the clan also trusted him very much and he was allowed to follow Jaya everywhere and know everything about her.

As they were sparing a maid came there and notified Jaya about Blaire's orders.

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