My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 34 - Changes.

6th March,

Today Arther didn't have anything to do, the MCV modification is ongoing, the weapons have been hidden properly, he now only had to wait for the MCV to be completed and then load it with all the prepared resources and the after he convinces his family they can leave this place. His plans might seem a bit risky as when they leave there is a chance of getting caught by the police, but only Arther knew that the city F is like a time bomb that will detonate as soon as the apocalypse strikes. And at that time it will become more difficult for them to leave by crossing the city. The way he has decided to leave is by crossing the city and moving towards the mountains and forest on the opposite side. This way also needs them to pass by the cemetery.

At this time he was studying all the routes and places he needs to visit and stored the marked maps into the system. The system has completed 80% of the information collection, it will be completed till today night. Then he will not need to use the Worldnet for some information, of course, he has informed the system to remain connected with the Worldnet till it is completely lost to receive every single information that might get updated. In the end-time, he will be the only person with this information among the entire humanity.

While Arther was enjoying his free time, there were some storms in the world.


On 6th March, noon

In the space observation station, there was a huge electromagnetic wave from space which resulted in most of the satellites losing connections and leaving their orbits or becoming space garbage.

Scientists have been keenly observing space for the last few days and nothing can escape unnoticed from them, but now with the loss of the satellites, it has become very difficult for them to observe the space distortion continuously.

Because only the satellites on the side of Nova exposed to the space distortion have been affected. There are many satellites in space used as the eyes of humans and they together create a network that covers the entire planet and hence one can observe any part of the planet at any time.

But now there is a small hole in this net that can't be filled, now there will be a blind time when the space distortion can't be observed. To overcome this problem various space agencies have tried to move a few of the satellites to cover some blind regions but they can't hamper much with the orbit of the satellite to avoid any other problems.

This was just the beginning for the humans to lose their hold over the planet, this can be considered as a last warning for the humans to prepare for the coming apocalypse.

The failed satellites have converted into space debris and have entered the planet's atmosphere. Their path and area of fall can be predicted but it cannot be changed. Hence the governments have no other choice than to announce some fake reasons for this. If not announced there might be huge casualties and the governments will have to face public anger.

Soon many city officials were notified about this and they started taking action, the fire brigade, ambulance, and police were alerted about this so that they can act immediately. People from those areas were evacuated. The media also received the news sometime later and everywhere this news was circulated.

After the lockdown, this can be considered a piece of major news, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone.

Four hours after the news was released the leaders of many countries invited their press conferences and explained the reasons they have already decided. All the countries and space agencies have given the same reasons hence no one found it suspicious.

But Arther knew this was not the case as this was just the start and soon there will be many more things that these people can't find any fake reasons to hide.

While the whole world was concentrated on this situation, there were some changes in the space distortion. The space distortion was slowly reducing in size as a small black hole has been formed in its center, this black has formed a long time ago, but it was small enough to go unnoticed. From the beginning, it has been absorbing the energy, there was a huge amount of energy flowing from the other side of the space distortion continuously, the black hole absorbed the energy till it got saturated and the remaining energy was stored in the space distortion. This stored energy was the only energy observed by the scientist, due to the electromagnetic field around the black hole the energy absorbed went unnoticed.

But today it has broken its boundaries and increased in size due to the absorbed energy. This has also resulted in an increase in the absorption of energy. the stored energy is also absorbed along with the space distortion itself, thereby reducing its size.

But the amount of energy concentrated at the center of the space distortion is very huge resulting in its own gravity.


At this time many of the governments have started shifting everything into the bases being built. The construction of the bases has almost been completed. Unknown to the common people a huge danger is approaching them and the governments they rely on have silently left them behind.

The government forces have entered the bases, the wars have been ceased at the borders of many countries, the higher official of the police forces are invited into the bases, the main security of these bases will be ensured by the military and police forces were left outside to maintain the law and order. If the police forces were to disappear there will be social unrest.

Slowly the inner base cities Arther has seen in the Apocalypse started taking shape. In the depth of the oceans, there were also some changes. The water pressure has increased, the small fishes are either dead or moved to other areas. The oceans will slowly become the land of huge beasts. A no man's land.

The oceans contain the fossils of many ancients beasts and fishes which will be raised again as undead.

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