Morning 10:00

Arther took some time to organize his thoughts, he then decided to wait till tomorrow for further planning as it was not confirmed if the events will repeat the same as they happened in his past life. He still was ready to prepare for the worst as he felt there might be changes due to his rebirth which may not be good for him.

For today he decided to enjoy the tranquility he has not gained for many years as those who lose their vigilance in the apocalypse are the first to be dead or stepped upon. Since it was vacation he didn't have anything to do for the whole day so he decided to take a look outside to know about the resources he might use for his and his family's survival.

Arther's family had four members aa a common middle-class family, his father was first an army soldier, but got retired early due to some injuries, later he received 1 acre of agricultural land in the suburbs from the government for his meritorious deeds. They used the land to grow few vegetables for daily consumption and rice once a year for selling, with other crops around the year. This house was built by Arther's grandparents, but since Arther's father was in the military at that time they stayed in the city F where he bought an apartment near the city center. They also attended their primary school in Military School.

However, after their father's retirement, they weren't able to get the government subsidies resulting in a harder life, so their father decided to shift here to stay with their grandparents and give the apartment for rent to earn some extra money. Six years after their shifting their grandfather died of old age. Two have passed after their grandmother's death the same way..

Their house is a two-story old stone constructed building with a small basement for storing grains and a backyard used by their mother for growing few spices and rearing few chickens for eggs and meat. So as of except for both the siblings' tuition fees, there are no other expenses, and the life in suburbs is also a fulfilling one.

Arther went downstairs to watch the news to see if there are any related news, his father was not there, he must have gone to spend time with his friends from the village. His mother was working in the backyard, while his sister must have gone out to hang out with her friends.

After relaxing on the sofa he switched on the TV, in the apocalypse, all the electrical appliances were destroyed due to the EMP wave caused by the light, the reason was later discovered by the scientists. There were not many channels on the TV as they were required to pay extra for each channel which Arther's father didn't think was necessary. As he went on news channel there was not much thing but what caught his attention was the headlines on international news channel showing a piece of news,

"It has been noticed by our information networks that many higher-level officials of most of the powerful countries including our prime minister and few well-known business persons and also few head butlers of the four clans with many military representatives are invited in the imperial capital for signing an important treaty related to world trade. After interviewing few government representatives they have not clarified anything and the government has also not announced officially anything about this meeting.", WNC(World News Corporation).

This confused Arther very much as most there have been decades since the last signing of such a large treaty it was the peace treaty supported by 108 of 200 countries including various superpowers. And those four clans with a history of thousands of years and immense resources in hand having the power to change the political and economic flow in any country have sent representatives to attend the meeting, as everyone is clear that they don't put such things in eyes at all. This surely has some hidden motive and the countries must have paid a huge amount or have a reason that might harm those giants for them to attend.

This world is not much different compared to Earth in terms of humans as here also humans rule the world, it is named as Nova planet, it is 10 times huge then earth with humans having an unknown amount of history. There is only one main piece of land of which 70% is divided into 200 various countries and a huge 30% is known as burning forest, not that it is burning but is a huge desert without any living activity in deeper parts, only the border area of the desert is habitable. The other entire part of the world is covered by water, a huge unexplored ocean, with few small islands.

The mainland is divided into five major regions, the central astral empire, and four regions in north, south, east, and west.

The Imperial Capital is also the center of the Astral Empire, it is also the area of the Royal family which in history ruled most of the mainland but slowly lost its power against the four clans. Only Arther knows that in the future this will again become a very huge superpower on the mainland with a well-known invincible territory. The other four regions were ruled by the four clans and other political powers.

After knocking his head for a long time, Arther didn't find any hint through the news but he was sure that the meeting had some relation with the apocalypse, as those attending the meeting are among the powers that had their base build even before common knew, the common people were kept unknown by the government and only those officials, medical staffs, and scientists of great use were secretly transferred into the inner cities secured with huge wall impossible to be built in a short time even with the help of current human technology. The base city was an impenetrable steel giant for low-level undead and beasts. However due to the huge rebellion of common people resulting in wastage of warriors and ammunitions on the people and unrest among inner-city those riches decided to provide some resources and weapons to the common people who then built the outer cities around the base, those riches allowed for it since this can act as cannon fodders for them and continues supply of manpower.

They were well prepared to face the apocalypse leaving the common people without any chance to fight for fending for themselves. This only shows that they knew about the cataclysm earlier.

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