My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 61 - The Graveyard.

Arther drove the MCV inside the main gate, the road led directly to the church, while on both sides of the road were graves till the eyes can see. This was one of the biggest graveyards in the country, the vast area of this graveyard was also the reason why Arther had to pass through it instead of traveling from the outside.

When Arther and others drove inside, inside the church. There were food wrappers and alcohol bottles littered on the floor, while few men were lying on the chairs, they seemed to have got drunk and slept here. The sun rays passed through the small gaps built on the roof of the church for light illuminating the entire main hall.

As soon as Arther's MCV passed from nearby a man from the team inside the church noticed them, he was sitting on a higher floor of the church from where he was able to observe a long distance. Hence he was able to see the MCV from a distance away. Immediately he went to the main hall to wake up the others.

"Hey guys, wake up. There is someone coming this way.", after calling them he ran to another room inside the church. These rooms were built for the father and other church members to live.. He went to a bigger room on the upper floor, this room was well decorated with a double bed, chairs, and tables with a big window. This must be the room for an important person in the church. At this time the person staying here was the leader of these people. They are a small gang of people indulged in doing bad things for money.

The man ran to the door of the room and knocked on the big wooden door of the room. After few seconds there was a voice from the room calling him inside, following this the man entered the room. He lowered his head as he entered the room, from the corner of his eyes he saw the well-decorated luxurious room which made him feel a bit Jealous. Soon he reached in front of a bigger chair made out of stone and cushions, this chair gave the feeling of oppression to anyone in the room. On the seat sat a young man in his 30s. With huge built, black wavy hair tied in a pony behind, black tanned skin, his big well-built muscles displayed his strength.

He was holding a silver wine glass taking sips. Though he tried acting elegant his actions were a bit rusty. Beside the chairs on the table was placed a revolver, this was his assurance of remaining in this position as a leader. Along with this, there was also a battle-ax which had been rusted in many parts of the handle and blade, the ax even though rusted and old was a lot heavier than any weapon he had used, the leader named Joseph wanted to take this ax to the back market and try repairing it. He had found this axe in a locked old box hidden in this room. It was kept there along with a broken battle suit. But he was not interested in that suit. So he had decided to sell it.

As the man walked in from of Joseph, his eyes were also fixed on the ax and the revolver. Being the weakest among all of them he didn't have any hope of being a leader, but he wished to have that chance.

"Boss, there is a bus driving this way, I was not able to see clearly inside it. But there must be many people considering its size.", the man spoke in a flattering tone while lowering his head.

"NO, we are hiding here for the last 4 days but no one has come here, these people coming here at this time might not be a coincidence.", Joseph thought about it before speaking.

Being a small gang in the city they were suppressed by many stronger gangs. Due to the absence of strong backing, they were also not able to do anything big in the city. But from the time when the lockdown was announced Joseph smelled something different in the government's moves, he and his men's observed the city officials movements and found out many odd things, but the most important thing was that the control of the police over the city has loosened a bit, before any other gang can find this out Joseph along with his men's looted many small jewelry shops on the city borders, from the money they brought some weapons and his revolver from the black market. With the help of this things they were able to level up their work by looting the bigger shops inside the city. But slowly other gangs also joined in and things got messy as the police patrols were increased.

This church was the place they have been using as a hideout for the gang, and to hide all the things they looted. With this, the number of members of the gang also increased and the gang from the previous 12 members now had 30 people. All these guys included underground gangsters, thugs, pickpockets, etc. except for Joseph's brother.

Hearing what Joseph said the man was shocked, there were many people that can come here for them the police, other gang members, or their enemy gangs.

"Boss, what do we do now?", the man asked worriedly.

"No need to worry, for the time being, stay hidden. And let the boys be alert.", after speaking Joseph gestured the man to leave while he enjoyed the wine.

While drinking he was lost in thoughts, from the time he has observed the government officials he had found a secret no one else knows about the government. He had come to know about the base city being built, the bunker, and the coming danger. This was also a reason why he chose this place as it was a strong fortified structure, easy to hide, and away from the city. And also looted a large quantity of food and other things. Along with the jewelry and money.

He has not disclosed this thing to anyone as this was his trump card. And he was selfish.

He wanted to hide here for the time being till the danger government was preparing for didn't pass, but the visit of Arther and others picked his interest, as he didn't mind looting few more people. While thinking about this a grin appeared on Joseph's face as he took a sip of the wine.

What he didn't know about was this meeting of him with Arther was his biggest bad luck as after this his wife was going to divert from the past life. In Arther's past life these guys were the most unlucky ones as they were staying between an army of undead, and were eaten without bones. Not even giving any chance to turn into undead.

But this time something bad was going to happen to them.

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