My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 63 - First Fight 2

Inside the church, Joseph and other gang members were confused and dumbfounded, they thought Arther might try to open the door or call for help but after calling once he left.

"Boss looks like that guy was here just to pray.", the man behind Joseph spoke in a low voice.

"Hmm, I also think so, but since this is the case they might not be many people. Two of you guys go out and check on them, and try to act a bit modest.", Joseph didn't seem to be in any mood to let Arther and others leave so easily.

Arther was in an angry mood as he went to the driver's seat, being an apocalypse survivor for him human life was nothing.. But he also can't force them to do so. Since they were not going to do anything here he decided to leave, when he was starting the MCV, the main door of the church opened and two men walked out, one of them walked to the front of the MCV while the second stopped at the driver door and knocked on it. Seeing their actions Arther knew very well what they were up to, but he didn't show any opposition and acted along.

The man outside was already impatient as he knocked on the door again a bit harder, Arther opened the window and looked at the man without any expression. The man was a bit surprised seeing the inside of the MCV.

When Arther opened the window Joseph who was standing in his window was also able to have a glance of the inside of the driver's cabin, seeing the advanced-looking dashboard a hint of greed flashed through his eyes. Without further ado, he ordered a few of his men to block the road ahead a bit farther away from where Arther can't see. After getting a confirmation of the task from his men's Joseph sent a gang member to try out Arther.

While Arther was talking with the man, he observed the other man who was standing in front of the MCV who seemed to be holding their path forward. Seeing this Arther felt like a joke but he didn't act against this, when he was getting bored and impatient and was about to ask these men to leave another man ran out of the church, he first whispered something in the mam's ears who was speaking to Arther and then looked inside the MCV, he ignored Arther and didn't even try to hide the greed in his eyes. Seeing this Arther's expression didn't change much,

"Hey, can I know what are you here for? and is there any dead in the vehicle, if so we can help you digging the grave and other work.",

hearing this, Arther stared at the men for a few seconds before speaking, "No, I was just passing by, hope I didn't disturb you guys.", Arther didn't let them know about the others in the MCV. He showed as if he was alone,

Hearing what Arther said a smile appeared on their face, the man hurriedly gestured the other men to leave while he looked at Arther one last time before leaving, before leaving he left a sentence, "Since you don't any work for us, leave, have a happy journey." when the man turned towards the church the grin on his face grew wider as he ran to the church.

Arther watched his back when the man went far away Arther closed the window and started the MCV. He was confused a bit about these people's behavior since when he acted as being alone he thought these guys might make some moves against him but instead they left so easily. After thinking about it for some time he shook his head with disappointment and drove the MCV forward.

When the MCV started moving his father also entered the cabin again, this time the atmosphere in the cabin was a bit odd. After a silence of few seconds, his father looked at Arther, "It's better we didn't harm those people, look they didn't hurt us anyways.", Arther saw coming a long time ago when his father came in with a proud expression. Even though he wanted to talk back he didn't have any reason to do so. Hence he remained silent, they drove for a few minutes, for the whole time Arther had to listen to his father's bickering, he was already getting out of patience.

There was a turn ahead of the road, until now everyone in the MCV was also relaxed. As soon as Arther took the turn, ahead of them there were many wooden benches thrown on the road, behind the benches and chairs were two vans blocking the road, these vans were used for carrying the dead bodies. As soon as Arther saw this his bored expressionless face lightened up, a wide smile grew on his face. Without any delay, he put the breaks, the MCV came to a sudden halt making his father fall off his seat, "What the...., what are you doing.", his father tried to sit back in the seat and scold at Arhter when his attention was attracted by the road ahead.

On the road on both sides, there were many men with ferocious expression holding handmade weapons standing behind the bloakage, as soon as the MCV stopped they ran to surround the MCV while a car drove from the roadside to black their escape. Everything happened in a matter of seconds that Jack didn't have any time to react. But Arther was experienced in such situations and immediately took out the gun and opened the insurance but didn't show it to anyone, he also gestured to his father to remain quiet.

His father understood it immediately and slowly stood up and went out of the cabin, he directly went to the inside of MCV and after calming down everyone he took Uncle John with him to the upper deck, while going up he changed his gun with an M-16 rifle, he went to the backside of the deck while left John in the front. Both of them were ready to act anytime.

Outside the MCV, the gangsters had already surrounded the MCV, after a few seconds Joseph walked out of one of the vans in the front while the previous man followed. When he came to the front of the MCV Arther also noticed him and knew that this guy was the leader, Joseph walked to the bench and then slowly took out the revolver from his back. He did not have a good aim hence he walked this closer, and he also didn't want to use the revolver since every time he takes the gun out the other party accepts defeat. The fear of muzzle is not what anyone can win over. He aimed the revolver at the driver's seat side of the windshield, "Boy, I know you are alone, so you better come out and hand over the keys of the vehicle to me, I will let you live.",

Hearing this Arther didn't show any reaction, "Dad, did you hear that? even now do you want to keep these guys alive.", this time Arther made an open announcement in the MCV letting everyone inside hear.

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