My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 67 - A New Day.

Arther went out to check on them after hearing the gunshots, when he came to the living room all of them came inside, all of their clothes had blood stains and their faces were pale, Mey and John supported Nanny and took her to the bunk bedroom to sleep, Jessy and Abella also came in following Jack and went to their bedroom. After sending both of them in the room Jack returned to the living room and handed over the weapons to Arther, without much questioning Arther took the guns and kept them in the storage after Arther closed the storage door the bloodstains on the guns and the bag automatically disappeared.

After that Arther took the submachine gun and went outside and closed the MCV door and windows to avoid the sound, in the open place 5 dead bodies lied with blood splattering everywhere while the remaining gangster was already psychologically broken down, their hands were bleeding from the place where the rope was tied due to their struggle, while few had wet pants. When Arther came to them the last bit of hope of surviving in their eyes was also lost and they gave up the struggle. After few minutes Arther came back in the MCV, washed his hands, and went to the driver's seat. To his surprise Jack was sitting in the drivers seat smoking,

"Take some rest, I will drive for the night.", Arther looked at his father for a few seconds and then nodded and went to the passenger's seat. He knew it was necessary for him to be in good condition all the time ready to face any danger, and today's night will not be that dangerous and after today's activities he was also a bit tired. So without further speaking, he silently closed his eyes and slept.

The MCV slowly started and drove off in the direction of dense forest. The road, in the beginning, is a bit more well built so it was not a problem to drive at normal speed, the shutters and windows of the MCV were completely closed so were the door, Jack also turned off all the lights inside the MCV, except for the moonlight passing through the fence and glass of the windshield there was no other light inside the MCV..

After an unknown period of time, Arther was woken up by a warm sensation on his face, when he tried to open his eyes the strong sunlight passed directly through the windshield and fell on his eyes, due to the black covering on the glass the brightness of the light was a bit reduced but it still was enough to make Arther's eyes hurt, he slowly adjusted himself on the seat and opened the window to observe the surrounding. There were trees everywhere he can see, and a mud path that seemed to have not been used for a long time as weed and grass were growing on it. The atmosphere was very refreshing, the cold air passed through the window blowing Arhter's hairs,

"Good morning.", his father looked a bit tired as he was driving for the entire night.

"Looks like we are now far away from that place, let's take some rest and check on everyone.", after checking the time Arther asked his father to stop for some time, in the forest they didn't need to follow all those rules so they directly stopped in the middle of the road for easy escape in the emergency.

It was 6 in the morning, according to Arther's experience three hours to go for the apocalypse. This was also the reason he had decided to stop here.

Both of them went to the living room, in the kitchen Mey was making breakfast. But she seemed to be in a low mood, Arther and Jack noticed this but they didn't try to help her out of it, this fear everyone needs to fight themselves. Arther directly went to take a bath while Jack went to his bedroom to check on Abella and Jessy, yesterday's events were a bit difficult for all of them, but to Arther's happiness, they dared to face it. Now they will be okay with passing time, half an hour later after Arther was done taking his bath he went to his room and changed clothes and then took the weapon's bag and came out. When he came out, John was taking bath while Abella was helping Mey in the kitchen, Jack was sleeping in his bedroom and Nanny and Jessy were sitting in the living room. The entire atmosphere in the MCV suddenly felt sad and lonely, Arther looked at everyone then took a deep breath and went out of his room holding the bag.

When Arther came coincidently John was also done bathing, he was a bit shocked seeing Arther, everyone else also noticed Arhter, and when they saw the bag in his hands they were even more shocked and scared. Yesterday's event has left a strong mark on all of them, for the whole night they kept getting nightmares, Mey was a bit better since she has seen many such bloody scenes in her experiments. But other's were not the same, under their eyes, Arther came to the living room and placed the bag on the table, Nanny and Jessy lost their sleepiness in a matter of seconds seeing the bag,

"Uncle John, you are done bathing? then I will go, oh today it is very hot I am sweating too much.", Jessy hurriedly stood up and was ready to run away, while speaking she didn't dare to look at Arther, beside her Nanny was feeling the same way and was trying to find a reason too, when Jessy was a took a few steps,

"Hey sis, wait for a few seconds. I hope you will listen.", hearing the blackmailing tone of Arther, a chill ran down Jessy's spine. She remembered the scene where Arther shot down Joseph and the gangsters, thinking about that she reminded her steps and quietly sat in her place without looking at Arther.

"Good, everyone please gather here for a few minutes discussion. And also bring the breakfast.", after a few seconds everyone was sitting in the living room except Jack, in the front of them stood Arther, all of them had their plates of breakfast which consisted of salad and sandwich.

After eating breakfast, "Ok, so now we can speak. As I have told you before today is the day, so I want everyone to be in their position. From now on I expect all of us to work as a team.", hearing this everyone got serious as they what Arther was talking about.

"After yesterday's event, I hope you have understood what will be the result of any one of our failures in doing their task.",

"But yesterday we killed someone, we are murderers.", Nanny spoke with tears welling up in her eyes.

"No, not murderers, from now on there is only one word to describe humans 'Survivors', and they have nothing else in their mind than to live. So learn to be the same, I know it will be difficult for all of you to accept what happened yesterday, you might also get nightmares for a few days, but the sooner you accept it the better for all of us. Now I want you guys to take the guns you choose for yourself from the bag, and remember to always keep them with you in any environment at any cost don't lose your weapon. I am giving you this so that you can get acquainted with them.", after speaking he opened the bag and waited for them, after hesitating for a few seconds all of them took their guns, Jessy, and Nanny took the revolvers same for Abella. To Arther's surprise, Mey chose a shotgun while John chose an M-16 rifle. Arther handed them half of the bullets accordingly and stored the rest of the guns.

After this was over when everyone was ready to leave Arther spoke again, "Mom, aunt Mey from today for the next 7 days there should be only meat in the food all the three-time for everyone. I hope you understood.", hearing this all of them were having cold sweats on their forehead. Especially Mey and Abella, in today's breakfast they didn't dare to use meat as whenever they saw the meat they remembered the bloody scenes from yesterday and felt like vomiting. Same for the others.

Before anyone could speak anything Arhter stood up and went to the driver's cabin. He knew about all this but he didn't allow them to go on like that since in the future there might be some conditions when they will have to eat anything they get to survive in worse conditions. This will be their training.

After Arther left in a few seconds, Nanny ran to the toilet followed by the sound of vomiting, after she came out Jessy followed her. While Mey and Abella were sweating profusely just thinking about cooking meat, John looking at their conditions and then shook his head, sighed, and went inside to take some rest, in these few days he has learned to use the time they get for rest and always be ready.

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