My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 71 - Fall Of Humanity.

Along with the city F base, many other such bases built near the cities were facing the same problem.

In the cities with a big population, the conditions were even worse, the police and other security bodies being reduced by the governments the common people had no other choice than to rely on themselves. As the undead started rising the situation got worse, being unaware of the disaster the people selected to hide in their houses and wait for the rescue. No one will have the courage to face their fears after seeing the undead's strengths and the way they ate those unlucky ones alive.

The cities which underwent chaos due to the appearance of the undead started to get silent again. But till now hundreds of thousands of people were already dead and those hiding didn't have much hope for survival.


F city base.

After the psychological breakdown of the mayor, the main control panel of the base has lost the planning direction. The base was surely built according to the government's instruction but the higher-ups in charge of the base have made a few modifications according to their convenience, all the security and armed forces were divided by them with absolute control over them. The mayor's authority was the biggest not only because he was appointed to that position by the government but also due to the backing of a strong force..

Mayor's main force comprise of the army stationed in the base being lead by a lieutenant colonel. This was the best force currently stationed in the base with advanced equipment and twenty-two tanks. and other cavalries. With the help of these weapons and authority mayor and the colonel had suppressed all the other higher-ups.

But now this huge force has lost its spine with the mayor. And due to the surprise attack of the undead half of the army personnel were killed. While the lieutenant Colonel was busy along with most of his force to ensure the safety of the base.

When the higher-ups of the base got this information and the estimated time for which the base can be defended they were already preparing their escape plan. This was very simple thinking of the leaders of the modern society who have never faced such bloody battles. What they treasured most, for now, was the private money and resources they have hidden in the base.

After the plans were ready all the security forces under their association were given the instruction about the plan. The first thing was to clean the warehouse of base as much as possible along with the mayor's personal warehouse, Second was to load everything in the military vehicles without getting noticed by the army. And then take over the weapons and cavalry of the army and forge a blood path out of here.

This move was a very vicious move as except for the combat personal and few important people under these forces no one else in the base will be saved, and once the food and other resources along with the weapons were looted they will not even have a way to survive here.

This can be considered as treason against the country, but at this time seeing the condition of the other bases it was already difficult to think if there will be any country so these people didn't think twice before implementing the plan. With this betrayal, a fight began inside the base too. The army protecting the base was silently killed whenever required resulting in the fall of the base defense. While at the same time more and more undead were gathering around the base from the forest, new undead was also joining from the city.

At 3:00 in the morning, the number of the undead has reached a huge quantity, and even before the perpetrators can escape the reinforced walls of the base were broken down by the crowd and with this instigated the fall of city f and humanity.

The same scene can be seen in many places. The number of undead was not the biggest disaster for humanity with the steel wall of bullets they can be dealt off, but due to unknown reasons, all the advanced technological instruments were broken down. Most of the circuits were burned down, and the weapon systems failed down even before anyone knew about it. Without the support of huge weapons like intercontinental missiles, and the advanced computing system and aiming system for the missile launcher it was not possible to use them. This forced the human into passive defense.

All the major cities were converted into hell on the earth, with uncontrolled fires in few places, black smoke rising high in the sky. In just one night more than 60% of the human population fell, most of these people died without knowing the reason. All the government bodies lost their control over the areas, while the area under human rule kept shrinking the rule under undead kept increasing.

Till 6:00 in the morning when the first rays of the sun shined on the land most of the undead which looked very weak when risen had gained enough energy from the food. In few places of the city centers with the highest human population, there were no abnormalities, few undead and zombies showed different characteristics than the others without following the regular trends.

While all the places with the human population were slowly turned into hell, things were completely different in the deeper parts of the forests. There were no animals to been seen anywhere as if they disappeared out of the air. Same for insects and birds.

At the same time, trees were showing some abnormalities, few grew taller as high as double their maximum growth cycle, few grew huge with wider canopies. A new form of life was ushered in the forests, with the sun rays falling on them the plants and trees mutated and evolved even more rapidly.

From the air, in the atmosphere to the small grass shoots on the ground, everything seemed to have a change in this apocalypse. But every change was like an end to the human hegemony over the planet. The science and knowledge humanity has relied on till now fell short to explain all this.

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