My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 73 - Warehouse Maintenance Team.

After driving for more than 9 hours Ather was saw something other than this growing forest. From here the soil road has come to an end. Seeing this Arther was delighted to know that they were nearby the warehouse.

After reaching the end of the road he stopped the MCV and carefully observed the surrounding for any movement. After confirming that there was no danger he asked everyone on the watch to be alert while took his gun and went out.

As he carefully observed the surrounding he found some small traces which seemed to be hidden due to the sudden growth of the trees. Except for the left direction all the other sides had thick and strong growing trees which even with the stimulated growth can't be able to grow in a short time, this showed that those trees were there from the beginning.

After checking all the other directions Arther came to the only suspicious direction, left. Here there was grass and small bushes and shrubs completely blocking the left side, the height of the grass was as high as Arther's neck. Entering such an environment when he didn't know how far they were from the exact location of the warehouse and what might be inside these shrubs and grass was a high-level risk.

Even though Arther knew there might not be any animals or insects in this place, but considering this place being military property and the strategic materials in the warehouse there must be enough security measures..

After confirming that this can be the only way to the warehouse Arther went to the MCV and sat in the driver's cabin lost in his thoughts. According to his estimation, there must have been a small checkpoint nearby, if not for this dense forest he might have been able to find it out easily. And from there he can try to contact the military personnel based in the warehouse.

About the military personnel, Arther received this top-secret information when the system hacked the military sites of the country. According to the information he has there was a team of 10 people stationed here with a shift of 3months. The team consists of a captain, a vice-captain, five soldiers for security, two forest department guards, and one technical person responsible for the warehouse maintenance. All of them are well trained for forest war, to defend the warehouse. They are also well equipped and a humvee for their use. While the warehouse is fully loaded with a huge quantity of arms and ammunition they can make use of in emergency times.

Knowing this information Arther more or less had an idea of their strengths, for such a well-trained team if they engage in a fight only Arther and his father can stand against them. But even then they are destined to be defeated. Hence Arther wanted to instead try using other means, once he is allowed to take refuge there for some time he has enough confidence in stealing a few of the things in the warehouse and then escape before they notice it. This was Arther's previous plan, though this plan had many loopholes it didn't matter.

But now losing the only way to contact the team inside he had to rethink his plan. After thinking their condition out he was suddenly lightened by thought and immediately let of his previous worries. Turning off the engine and closing down the window and door he went inside the MCV.

When he checked the time it was already past 6:00 in the evening, soon the sky will start darkening and the forest will be covered in deep darkness. After stretching his body which was paining due to the continuous driving for such a long time he went to the living room.

He also called back Jack, Jessy, and Nanny who were on alert on the roof. After assuring everyone to relax and not worry about outside he went to his room to have some rest. At this time his father was already awake and his injury has also stopped bleeding. This relieved everyone's worries, Mey and Abella were cooking the dinner for everyone, and according to Arther's orders, there were mostly meat dishes with a small number of veggies. From the time they entered the graveyard and after facing the gangsters and all, everyone's nerves were tight.

But now this short period of the tranquil atmosphere has relieved most of their stress. Even for Arther this time was a rare delicacy. Even though he has survived the harsh conditions of the apocalypse and having the habit was getting least to none rest time his mind and soul might be slightly stronger than others but his body was that of a shut-in otaku. And being responsible for the life of his entire family is a great stress for him to behold of.

After washing and getting fresh he went to take a small power nap, as soon as he laid down on the soft and warm bed he was slumped into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time Arther was woken up from his sleep by the constant knocking sound at the door, after lazily waking up he went to the door and found that it was Nanny standing at the door, she came to call him for dinner.

After nodding to her he went into the room to check the time, he was surprised to find that it was already 10:00 at night. After a few minutes, he went to the living room where everyone was already waiting for the dinner to be served, when he came he had a bit of difficulty finding a place to sit. All the places were occupied by Jack, Jessy, Nanny, and his father John. While his mother and Mey were having dinner in the kitchen itself. Feeling the suddenly cramped condition in the MCV he included this issue in his note to consider during the next upgrade.

His plates were served and kept on the table, he directly took the food and went to his room to eat. While eating he was thinking about his plans and was checking the upgrade conditions of the MCV and the materials required.

While checking he found out something very important, except for the materials the system uses the stored energy for every update. This was not known by him before because the previous upgrades didn't use much energy. But for the complete upgrade of the MCV or other bigger upgrades and levels ups, a huge amount of energy must be required. With this a new task was added to his list of tasks, to find ways to earn more energy.

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