My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 85 - The Remaining Commrades.

Going to the MCV, from the storage in his room Arther took out their camping tents for his family to rest temporarily. He didn't know why but when he tried to used the fluid metal property of the MCV to repair there was no response, when he checked on the metal inside the storage it was still there. It might be due to the high level of damage or there might be some other reasons. Arther didn't dwell upon it for a long time as he had a new problem to face.

Since the vine monster was dead the danger looming around the warehouse is also over. The maintenance team members will soon come to know about it too and then they won't allow Arther to take away everything there. He also didn't completely believe in Rose as she was their comrade in arms first, so he wanted to be the first to take initiative.

Handing over the tent and some food and water to his father he gestured towards others, leaving Nanny and his mother to help his father in setting the tents he gathered everyone else. Rose hesitated for a few seconds on whether to join the discussion since she has rejected Arther's offer earlier but she also knew what this was for.

After some hesitation she bit her lower lips and joined in, she peeked a few glances at Arther standing in the main position, but to her surprise, he didn't seem to mind her presence.

This relieved her a little bit.. But she also felt a bit of guilt as her moves were similar to open betrayal with Arther.

While Rose was struck in this predicament Arther didn't mind her presence because he didn't think she can do anything against them while he was there and even if she tried to do so.... his bullets are faster than her.

"The main danger has been nullified and now this place can be considered safe for the time being. Everyone knows the target we are here for, there is no plan. Rose will help us enter the warehouse and then I will communicate with her captain and we will sign the deal. They get a safe ride to the nearest safe city out of here and we get the warehouse resources."

Hearing this everyone's mouths showed a small smile while Rose's mouth twitched, 'Doesn't he seems as if you are robbing us legally?', even though she thought so in her mind she didn't dare to speak out anything.

"And yes, no bargaining."

With this sentence, he moved towards Rose and after giving her a warning glare he moved towards the warehouse. The team consisted of John, Jessy, Mey, Rose, and Arther. Except for Rose everyone else was well equipped with guns and ammunition for any emergency.

Seeing the team marching towards the warehouse Arther's parents and Nanny who had finished setting up the tents and were cooking the food had a little worried expression but they also can't stop them from doing this since they had no other choice. Especially Nanny had a little sad look this was the first team mission outside the MCV led by Arther and she was not allowed to follow, but she knew Arther had left her here to protect his parents and their other things so she didn't felt bad.

After walking for more than 20minutes in the forest they reached the warehouse, except for the slightly yellowish wilting vines there were not many changes in the surrounding.

This was a good thing for Arther and his team. After walking to the main door of the warehouse they came to a stop, it was a 20cm thick automatic alloy door that can only be opened through the biometric system.

John moved forward and tried to pull open the door but there was not a slight movement. Seeing this Arther turned towards Rose standing behind them. Currently, she was having swings inside her mind thinking about what she was doing and what she should do. But receiving the stare from Arther she hurriedly spoke, "This is a thick alloy door which can not be opened even with explosives, only with the biometric and password one can open it."

Hearing this Arther didn't know whether to laugh or cry, if he was able to bring the MCV near the door just the fluid absorption technique of the MCV can clear out this door along with the frame.

After explaining Rose moved forward and pressed her thumb on the scanner, after scanning she entered a 10 digit code, and then with a mechanical sound of shifting gears, the door opened upwards.

The door's system was connected with emergency supplies and hence can be operated after the power cut. But the same was not true for the inside, there was complete darkness making it impossible to identify things. Arther took out a flashlight and asked Rose to lead the way.

According to their last conversation the others were possibly stuck inside the captain's room where they had gathered for a small meeting during the attack.

Walking through the corridors of the living quarters on the second floor, soon they reached the end of the corridor where a single door was located with the captain's tag on it. What made them shocked though was there were obviously traces of dried blood on the floor and walls around the door as if someone was pulled inside while bleeding. Arther gestured everyone to be alert while he asked John to move out of the warehouse and wait at the main door for any emergencies.

He then turned towards Rose and asked her to followed him, Rose was a bit confused in the beginning but as they moved forwards she found something she was able to notice before. There were very fines vines growing on the roof walls and all of them were moving towards the captain's room.

When they reached the staircase leading to the third floor their doubts were cleared as the entire staircase had obviously signed of a fight with bullet marks and was almost completely filled with thorny vines blocking the way to the third floor.

After checking on the basic conditions Arther and Rose returned back near the captain's room, gesturing at everyone to be alert he knocked at the door, but there was no response from inside even after a long time. Seeing this Arther frowned a bit and gestured towards Rose to try, at this time her heart was already beating profusely and she was praying for their well-being.

Seeing Arther's gesture she hurried towards the door and banged it a few times while calling for her teammates and captain. But there was still no response.

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