"Half a month! Just half a month ago! We slaughter 1123 brothers of the legion! Just the for you stinky ~ son! Today, we have less than 500 left! You killed more than 600 brothers in our legion alone! Look at Lao Tzu scratched you! Lao Tzu will peel your skin! "

After entering the pit, the two female soldiers tied up the black shadow, and the commander of the stone skin man at this moment was extremely excited, excited, or angry!

Catching this woman is the first skill! After returning to the main base this time, the legion leader will reward himself for upgrading to level 2 stone skin people, and he is excited! He was excited!

But his own brother, his biological father, all died under this woman's knife! There is no way he can't not be angry! The hatred of killing the father and taking the wife!

"You calm down!"

The two women who grabbed the black shadow, one of them stepped forward, put a long screwdriver against the commander's chest, and stared at his face coldly, "Don't forget the words of the legion leader!" This woman, all you men, is not allowed to touch a single hair of her! She is the Legion Commander!

"But she killed my father!" She also..." The

commander still wanted to defend again, suddenly there was a needle prick in front of him, a white light was as bright as day, the commander and the soldiers behind him screamed terribly, the woman in front of him kicked a side kick with her backfoot, right in the commander's chin, he fell on his back, his body was still in mid-air, the other woman's flying body pressed his neck on one knee, and when he opened his eyes again, the tip of a long screwdriver knife was in front of him....

"The Legion Master said that this woman is not something you men can touch!" The other woman pressed her knees against his neck, stared at him coldly, and finally asked, "Do you understand?"

"Yes! Understood, understood!

The commander nodded hard, and the woman snorted coldly and got up, "Collect the team and go back to the base." "

Three big cars turned around and drove back to the temporary base, this time it took more than half a month, chased more than 1,000 miles, and threw down the corpses of more than 600 brothers, and the hard work paid off, and finally caught this woman!

From now on, no one can threaten the Slaughter Legion!

The soldiers were also relieved, in the past half a month, they were also scared by this female killer, no one knew if their head was still on their neck in the next second.

Today I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

30 kilometers, not far away, 3 carts a few hours before departure, still 200 people in full gear, now only 55 remain.

But none of this matters, the important thing is that this woman has been caught!

The head car windshield, the fire of the temporary base has been seen in front, the driver hit 3 short sounds, 2 long sounds, and the soldiers on duty in the cockpit of the base truck returned two short sounds to signal safety.

The buddy who responded just didn't know if he was asleep, and the camp was already bleeding, but he didn't know it.

Or maybe it was a matter of angle, his cockpit was facing the direction outside the camp, and there was no loud noise in the camp, so he didn't notice it.

After getting a safety signal, the lead car driver relaxed his vigilance, lightly stepped on the clutch, shifted to 1st gear, hit the steering wheel left, prepared to find a good place to park, and the two cars behind him began to shift gears and slow down.


The driver was about to lightly press the brakes, a black dot flashed in front of the windshield in front of him, he didn't know how he was dazzled, he didn't react, and his lower abdomen under his chest suddenly felt cold!

The driver's head turned on with a yellow light, the driver subconsciously looked down, the t-shirt on his stomach was red, and he reached out to wipe a handful, it was all blood....


Terrible scream! Perhaps the force of the shout was too great, the sound vibrate, and the driver's upper body was broken from the lower abdomen and fell forward neatly! The face hit the steering wheel in front of him, his hands tried to exert himself, maybe the spinal nerves behind him were damaged, and both arms did not listen to the call...

Under the car, Liu Xiaomo's skill countdown was still 33 seconds, and he did not hesitate to rush to the bus returning to the base, slashing the long-distance bus with a two-meter air blade in one hand!

A few seconds swept to the rear of the car, split the bus up and down two sections, Liu Xiaomo jumped lightly under his feet, jumped to the front of the second bus, and the two-meter air blade cut crosswise again!

The air blade is truly the sharpest thing in the world, even if it is cutting this steel box, there is not the slightest resistance in the hand, as if cutting on the air.

"Squeak..." When

Liu Xiaomo jumped in front of the third bus, due to the break he cut, it was not completely parallel up and down, and there was a slight arc.

The neat fracture of the bus began to slowly slide down to the small angle, accompanied by a cut body and screams....

The last bus did the same, Liu Xiaomo's air blade was replaced by his right hand, starting from the driver's lower abdomen and cutting backwards, he was extremely fast, and rushed to the rear of the car in a few seconds!

At the end of the carriage, the black shadow woman who had just been caught by two women was sitting in the last row, with her arms tied and her eyes covered with black covers, and two special awakened women holding her tightly on the left and right!

The screams of the previous two cars had already been detected by the third, but they did not know where the enemy was, let alone that the enemy would attack the bus in such an incredible way.

The soldiers in the car were uneasy for a while, their hands were clenching their rifles, and some had already got up and were ready to get out of the car to fight, but it was too late, and as a milky white aura flashed in the aisle, everyone felt that their bodies were cold, and then looked down, and their bodies had begun to be misaligned.


"Be careful!"

In the last row, the two women with black shadows just noticed it, but their bodies had nowhere to hide, and they instantly felt a chill in the lower hemispheres of their chests!

Only the black shadow woman who tied her hands and covered her eyes with a black cloth, her seat was facing the aisle, it seemed to have sensed, just outside the car, Liu Xiaomo was scratching the air blade, less than 30 cm away from her, the black shadow woman suddenly knelt down on her knees, her soft body bent back, and the tip of her chest was attached to the position of the air blade above less than 3 cm, which was able to dodge the attack!

The milky white air blade slashed in front of the eyes covered with black cloth, and the ponytail at the back of the head was affected by air resistance, falling down by half a minute, and a strand of filament at the tip of the tail turned into a victim, and it was actually cut off by Qi brush.

There are 10 seconds, 9 seconds, 8 seconds left in the countdown....

Liu Xiaomo turned his back to the third bus, his chest rose and fell slightly, "squeaking" a loud sound, the bus behind him slid down along the neat fracture, half of the body poked into the rice field land, the end of the car was pestle, the front of the car drew a semicircle in the air with inertia, and "boom" smashed to Liu Xiaomo's side.

3 seconds, 2 seconds... Suddenly, Liu Xiaomo felt a fierce murderous aura behind him! He held a two-meter-long air blade with one hand and swiped it reflexively!

A petite black dot in mid-air swept in front of him, and the air blade slashed towards that black dot without hesitation!

The black dot didn't know how to dodge, Liu Xiaomo made up his mind, but at the moment when the air blade was about to touch the black spot, the air blade in his hand suddenly turned into a little milky white mist, and disappeared into invisibility in a blink of an eye....

Time's up!

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