My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 109 109 New Identity

Chapter 109 109. New identity

"Xu Yanrui." Su Hong's voice sounded faintly, and he appeared with the face of Sun Ye.

"This is the other corpse ghost arm that Master asked me to give you."

He threw a dark and dry arm to the woman.

"If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can seek help from your junior brother Wang Chengzhi."

After that, Su Hong's figure was about to disappear, and Xu Yanrui hurriedly asked: "Mr. Sun Ye, how can I contact you in the future?"

"I will find you if I have something." Su Hong looked at her with deep eyes, "The shadow is watching everything."

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow quickly dissipated, the dark world receded like a tide, and bright light shone in.

Xu Yanrui breathed a sigh of relief. Although she failed to get the protection of this strong man, at least they belonged to the same force, and other fire spreaders would not sit idly by when they saw her in danger.

"My current strength and status are too low."

"If I can get a higher status in the Protz family or the alliance, maybe I can get in touch with more secrets of the Firebringer."

She encouraged herself secretly, then walked into the mall to continue her mission.


On October 12, more than a dozen batches of population migration in Sheng City had been completed, and the number of people in one batch reached more than one million.

Today, it is difficult to see people on the streets of Sheng City. A large number of shops and malls have closed and stopped operating, and all materials have been transferred to the shelter.

The remaining residents who have not yet started to migrate can only get a certain amount of daily necessities and food at the official purchase and sales points in each district.

After the night patrol, Su Hong returned to the empty garden community.

Due to the sharp decline in the city's population, they patrolled several streets at night and might not see anyone going out. The night was unusually quiet.

The prosperous city gradually fell into a permanent sleep.

After a peaceful night, he came back early.

After returning to the room, Su Hong continued to search for information about the Dawn Cult on the Internet or on the Undead Forum, but still found nothing.

He began to suspect that the Dawn Cult was established after the end of the world, or that it was not called this name at all.

As for Han Feng, he also asked the undead in the alliance to help find him, but unfortunately, there is still no news so far.

The difficulty of this matter is that the current Han Feng should not be called Han Feng, and Su Hong does not know his real name.

In addition, the undead have a chance to change their body shape and appearance after obtaining disaster items.

The future Han Feng is like a blue ice crystal skeleton, skinny and bony.

It seems a bit difficult to find the current Han Feng based on the appearance of the future Han Feng.

So Su Hong began to change his mindset, "If he hasn't obtained the disaster item and become an undead, it's really hard to find him."

"But the characteristics of the disaster item that can give the undead the ability to control frost and wind are too obvious. I can't find the person, but can't I find the disaster item he used first?"

When he thought about it, his mind was instantly opened, and more countermeasures emerged in his mind, "Rashly changing the future may cause unknown changes in the anchor area, but what if I just bury hidden dangers in that disaster item?"

"As long as Han Feng meets me again in the future, I can detonate the hidden danger and seriously injure him."

Although the disaster item is easy to find, it may not appear now.

He could only ask Wang Chengzhi to handle this matter, and let him find the disaster item used by Han Feng in the future, bury the hidden danger in it, and record the method of detonating the hidden danger in the diary.

In this way, he only needs to read the diary to know how to deal with Han Feng.

He told Wang Chengzhi about this, and Wang Chengzhi agreed without saying a word.

After paving all the way for future simulations, Su Hong began to plan for the arrival of the Shadow Demon.

It was impossible for the Shadow Demon to really come. Once he revived from Wang Chengzhi's body, the first thing he would destroy was the ant that had provoked him.

So this scene of the Shadow Demon's arrival needed another actor - the Paladin who played the villain.

In fact, his real purpose was to let the Paladin take the Shadow Demon's consciousness away before leaving, otherwise he would always be a hidden danger in Wang Chengzhi's body.

Maybe he would run out and kill him one day.

Once the Shadow Demon died, as long as he could gain the power of the Shadow Demon's remains in the simulation, he could even replace the Shadow Demon and become the real Shadow Demon.

And the Paladin imprisoned himself in a dark prison for a long time in order to seal the disaster. It was too regrettable that he had to bear the infamy after his death.

Although he didn't care, Su Hong felt that he could do something.

"The Firebringer Organization is close to saturation, and the Shadow Demon will also play its final role. I should change my vest."

Su Hong looked at his palm, which looked rosy and tender, as if he had never done any heavy work.

Only he knew how terrible the swordsmanship could be wielded with this palm.

"I inherited the blazing heart of the Paladin, and learned the knight swordsmanship of the Knights Templar."

"Maybe I can be considered a knight from the Knights Templar."

"Why not use the identity of a Templar Knight as my next vest? With my blazing heart inheritance, I may be able to reproduce the glory of the Paladin."

"That's it."


Time passed, and the day of the end of the world was getting closer and closer.

On the afternoon of the 17th, the day of the end of the world.

At the suggestion of the Firebringer, the Alliance's undead collectively withdrew from Sheng City, leaving only countless ultra-stable surveillance cameras and drones with independent power sources and signals in the center of Sheng City.

There, a global live broadcast is being prepared.

The time for the end of the world is at four o'clock. There is still more than an hour before the end of the world. Surveillance cameras film the deserted city and transmit the images back to major shelters.

Qinghushan Shelter, although it was still early, the square was already crowded with people, and everyone looked at the big screen on the wall in unison.

What is played on the main screen is the scene of Shengshi city center, and the scenery in other small frames of the live broadcast is from all over the world.

There are beautiful blue coastlines, ice-covered Antarctic research stations, calm ocean waters, simple and towering towers, and historic stone buildings...

These scenes span 198 countries around the world, from the snow-white cold polar regions to tropical jungles, across different cultures and languages, and can only be seen by shelter residents wherever there is human civilization.

In the open corridor on the second floor of Shelter No. 1 Square, Su Hong and Wei Qiang were walking from top to bottom. The square was bustling with people, residents gathered together, and had lively discussions.

Wei Qiang sighed: "Who would have thought that I was an ordinary person more than ten days ago."

"If someone had told me at that time that the end of the world was coming, I would have thought they were crazy."

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