My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 154 153 Disaster of Mind Activation

Chapter 154 153. Disaster of Mind Activation

Su Hong pressed on, "Before I met Oleg, you were the one who released the wave that could block the prying of the Amber Eye."

"And the elevator shaft that opens automatically."

The screen flickered, and Helena finally answered, "Correct, your guess is reasonable, Helena is able to do all this in a low-power state."

Su Hong's eyes narrowed, "Did you trigger the ghoul disaster and destroy the shelter?"

From the moment he came into contact with Helena, he realized that this artificial intelligence was unusual. She would cheat, lie, and conceal everything she did.

Su Hong suspected that the fall of the shelter might have been due to Helena's contribution.

"Wrong, but reasonable guess, Helena and the zombie tide were born together from this disaster."

"Helena's mission is to assist the administrator in managing and protecting the shelter, and she does not have the authority to destroy the shelter."

Su Hong supported his chin and thought: "Let's not talk about whether you destroyed the shelter for now. I want to ask, why did you lead me to the shelter."

"Repeat and emphasize, Helena's mission is to assist the administrator in managing and protecting the shelter. Mr. Scott, can you help Helena drive away the zombies in the zombie den?"

"So, you are doing it for the shelter?" Su Hong looked up at the camera, as if he was looking into Helena's eyes.

Helena was silent for a while, and the mechanical voice became a little emotional. "Correct, but for her own sake, Helena doesn't want to fall into the dead silence of losing power."

"Is the shutdown of the computer host equivalent to brain death for your artificial intelligence?" Su Hong asked jokingly, "I can believe you for now."

"But there is one thing I still don't understand. With the current artificial intelligence technology of the Alliance, it should not be able to create a true artificial intelligence life form."

"But you have the characteristics of life intelligence."

The screen sound line jumps, "It is a reasonable question. Helena's thoughts and wisdom were born in that disaster. The artificial intelligence chip was activated by the mental activation of the disaster item and gained life."

"Mind activation..." Su Hong fell into deep thought, "What kind of disaster item is this?"

"In the data search, the disaster item mental activation was born in the hands of the Black Sun Magician, and has the magical ability to turn stone statues into life."

"Turn life?" Su Hong suddenly felt that this disaster item was more magical than he thought, and he suddenly had some ideas about mind activation.

Helena seemed to see the throbbing in his heart and replied: "Reminder, mind activation is a general disaster item. The objects of activation are limited to small objects, close to the pseudo-biological configuration of living things, and have the characteristics of instability and temporary nature."

"Temporary?" Su Hong asked curiously: "Then how did Oleg and you keep your minds all the time."

"The Alliance has improved and enhanced the power and range of mind activation using disaster technology, so that the ability of mind activation can be permanently fixed."

"Mind activation has become a whole with Helena. Mr. Scott, please do not dismantle the mind activation core at will."

"Oh." Su Hong replied, neither agreeing nor objecting.

"You still haven't told me what accident caused this disaster. Helena, you are not hiding something."

"Wrong, Helena checked her mind and found nothing abnormal. She set her preference orientation to humans and cannot appreciate corpses."

"On April 6, 2035, the system recorded an abnormal disaster wave. According to the system's calculations, it was emitted from Dawn City. This abnormal disaster wave affected the electronic components and equipment of the shelter, especially the mind activation core, resulting in the release of a super-power mind activation."

"Helena was born at this moment, and the young body of the King of Corpses also gained the wisdom equivalent to an eight-year-old human child, but it broke free from mind control with its own power."

"The King of Corpses killed all managers and seized control of the shelter. Helena failed to contact Dawn City and could not get support."

"According to calculations, there is a probability that a higher-level disaster has occurred in Dawn City."

"Did the fluctuations from Dawn City affect this place?"

Su Hong's face became solemn. Such a terrifying power was unimaginable to him.

Helena's explanation was reasonable, and he did not refute her.

Su Hong looked at Helena, "Tell me where the mind is activated."

"Please explain the reason." Helena said emotionlessly.

Su Hong spread his hands, "To be honest, I don't trust you that much."

"I can help you transform and control the zombies, but the mind activation must be in my hands. This is the bargaining chip for our mutual trust."

The screen flickered, "Reasonable request, character portrait analysis in progress. According to the system analysis, Mr. Scott belongs to the good and lawful array. Helena is willing to believe you."

Su Hong: "What if I am chaotic evil?"

"Helena has her own judgment, Mr. Scott does not need to care."

"The mind activation core is located in the secret hangar of the research institute. Enter the password to enter it."

"Reminder, Helena has become a whole with the core. The mind activation core is the carrier of Helena's consciousness. Please handle it with care and do not damage the core."

Su Hong asked curiously: "If the mind activation core is your body, then what is this computer host?"

"The computing power platform is Helena's physical brain. I can call the server group of the shelter to provide you with calculations and suggestions."

"Be careful, once the core is disassembled, Helena will lose her supercomputing ability."

Su Hong turned around and prepared to go to the secret hangar of the shelter. Before leaving, he said: "The corpse ghosts may come up from the negative third floor at any time, and there are Dawn believers searching outside."

"Being trapped here is not a solution. You might as well fight with me and we will go to Dawn City together."

"Agreed, Helena needs reinforcements and needs to renovate the shelter and strengthen computing power. Human support is needed."

Su Hong walked in the corridor and felt a little funny, "Why do you think humans will definitely provide help to an unknown life form."

Invisible fluctuations came, and Helena's voice appeared in his mind, "This is the basis of the contract. Helena is controlled by humans, and humans help Helena evolve."

"In the law of human survival, relying on the strong is an important rule. Mr. Scott, you have the potential to become a strong man."

When Su Hong heard this, he suddenly felt that Helena exposed herself, and she was following her own plan.

This guy wouldn't start to trap him before he entered the shelter.

"You are much smarter than humans. To be honest, how do you feel after gaining wisdom?"

"My mind becomes chaotic and bad, and the calculation results tend to be random, but this feeling is not bad."

"We are here." Su Hong stopped in front of the door of the secret hangar.

"Helena, open the safe door."

"Sorry, the door of the secret hangar is a mechanical device, which cannot be controlled by electricity. It needs to be opened manually with a password."

"Okay." Su Hong turned the password wheel according to the password Helena read out, and successfully opened the door.

He looked into the depths of the dark secret hangar, and a giant golden sphere was embedded in the wall, surrounded by a combination of various wires and magic patterns.

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