My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 171 170 Soul Sword, Judgment

Chapter 171 170. Soul Sword, Judgment

Oleg growled, holding the encapsulator to his chest, and hid in a relatively intact wall shelter on the second floor of the ruins shop.

On the other side, Su Hong had no time to care about Helena. At this moment, he focused all his attention on the place where the soul fluctuation occurred.

The Holy Candle Eye was activated, and his eyes seemed to be ignited with flames. His eyes pierced through the wind and snow, penetrated the heavy reinforced concrete, and saw the monster hiding in the ruins.

Thick blood mist gushed out from the window of the ruins, and a monster with purple-red brain tissue exposed and a skinny body climbed out with difficulty.

Seeing this, the surrounding Dawn Cultists retreated in fear and scattered, and even the human centipede chasing Su Hong immediately stopped approaching and slowly retreated.

"This blasphemous servant is going to use a big move?!"

Su Hong was instantly alert, and he controlled the shadow blade to cut towards the giant brain monster.

The giant brain monster raised its heavy head, aimed its dark eyes at Su Hong, and suddenly screamed.


The shadow of the soul giant smashed the ruins, and the monster was suspended in the air. The spiritual fluctuations and sound waves condensed into a materialized blood mist tide, which rushed towards Su Hong.

"Boom!" The terrifying sound wave instantly blew through the eardrum. He only heard a buzzing roar, and the cochlea was left with only chaotic tinnitus, and he could no longer hear other sounds.

The majestic spirit pressed on the nerves and blood vessels, and the sky and the earth spun in an instant, and he saw stars. He fell to the ground, covering his head, feeling a headache that exploded, and bleeding from all seven orifices. The blood blurred his vision.

"Ah ah ah!!!" Screams came one after another, and the soul tsunami was set off, crushing Su Hong in an even more terrifying posture.

But at this time, the game prompt he had been waiting for finally appeared.

"Under mental attack, will judgement is in progress."

Instantly, the endless snowstorm, the fighting crowd, the defeated corpse army... everything was slowed down.

The pain of the soul and the body disappeared, Su Hong felt like his soul was out of his body, floating in the air, opposite him, was the giant brain monster that had also entered this mysterious state.

The pink power of Slaanesh lingered in the world, and was sucked into the bodies of Su Hong and the monster with the ups and downs of breathing. Gradually, hallucinations arose, and countless charming demons sat on the high platform and laughed secretly. The faces of the demons seemed to be far away, but they seemed to be close at hand.

The demons incarnated as charming women and came in groups. Seeing that they were about to sink into the abyss of desire, Su Hong fixed his eyes, and the heart of steel took effect, and his consciousness was instantly pulled back to reality.

The demon screamed in disappointment, raised the knife, fork and sickle, and rushed towards the giant brain monster.

"Ah!!!" The giant brain monster screamed, but this time with fear.

It fell from midair to the ground, and the giant brain kept twitching, as if it had suffered extremely serious injuries.

"The judgment was successful. The weak-willed have been backfired by the soul."

"The soul has received feedback and has temporarily obtained the identity of the judge."

"Judge, please raise the sword and judge the weak."

After the game prompts, Su Hong's exhausted soul seemed to be dripped with nectar, and his vitality revived. A powerful soul power that did not belong to him temporarily became a part of him.

He stood up, and thousands of lights covered his body and gushed into the sky. He felt that his soul became bigger and bigger, gradually separated from his body, standing in the wind and snow, like a giant knight projected from the kingdom of God, raising the sword of the soul.

"What is this?!"

The reversal between Su Hong and the giant brain monster only took a few seconds. From the perspective of the Dawn Cultists, the giant brain monster that originally suppressed Su Hong fell to the ground inexplicably, while Su Hong's breath suddenly soared, and his soul was actually separated from his body, standing like a giant above the city, looking down at everyone.

The soul sword in his hand seemed to have become the legendary sword of Damocles, hanging high above everyone's head, making everyone tense, terrified, and stiff and unable to move.

"Is this the judgment of will?"

Su Hong muttered, holding the hilt tightly with both hands, and the illusory sword blade pierced through the wind and snow and fell to the ground.


The soul giant blade set off a mental storm and ravaged the battlefield. The Dawn believers screamed one after another, their souls were severely damaged and died suddenly. The giant brain monster that was originally attacked by the soul screamed and could not bear the mental pressure. Its head exploded and red and white things splashed out.

Countless disaster blood mists gushed out from the Dawn believers and the giant brain monsters, gathering into streams of blood and merging into Su Hong's body.

His internal breath changed, and the disaster level continued to break through.

[Disaster Level: Level 37]

The trial ended, the soul giant disappeared, and Su Hong's condition improved a little, but he did not dare to stay there. He summoned a blizzard to roll up the remaining few living corpse ghosts and Li Qingzhen, and hurriedly flew to Xie Dong's shelter.

In fact, the momentum of the Will Judgment just now seemed huge, but in fact it was completely useless to the two blasphemous servants who had reached the fourth level of the Undead.

He could only take advantage of the time when the two blasphemous servants had not yet recovered and quickly escape.

"Mr. Scott, that attack just now... what kind of disaster power was it?"

Li Qingzhen was completely shocked by the scene just now, and it took a long time for him to recover.

He had only seen such a terrifying momentum in the battle between the Crown Prince and the King.

Su Hong coughed a few times, "I was injured a little, it is not advisable to stay for long."

The Will Judgment trick is really powerful for bluffing. It is obviously only the power of the third level of the Undead, but the momentum is comparable to that of the King.

He seemed to have discovered another use for the Judgment of Will by accident.

The talent of 1% fusion of affinity, apart from other things, is at least top-notch in terms of weirdness.

He took the encapsulator back from Oleg, hung it on his waist, and said jokingly: "Helena, I thought you were going to run away."

To be honest, it was really surprising that Helena didn't run away. In his cognition, things like artificial intelligence should be quite cold-blooded.

It seems that Helena was affected by the mind body more deeply than he thought.

After this battle, his trust in Helena increased a lot.

Not to mention comrades, at least they can be regarded as friends.


Helena: "Helena's mission is to assist the manager in managing and protecting the shelter. In order to rebuild the shelter, protecting the manager is also part of the mission. The manager does not need to thank you."

"Okay, whatever you say is what it is."

Su Hong noticed that Helena's title for him changed from Mr. Scott to manager.

But he didn't have the energy to pay attention to these small details at the moment. The blasphemous servants were still chasing them from behind. Before they reached the shelter, the crisis was still there.


On the messy battlefield, the bodies of the Dawn Cultists and the corpses of the ghouls lay crookedly on the ground. The tall and thin giant stood in place, and a human head composed entirely of tumors gradually grew on his right shoulder.

This man was the blasphemer Thrall.

"Is this the little mouse that killed Melanie?"

"Haha, it's really powerful."

"But you are destined not to escape." Thrall's tone was indifferent, revealing a sense of certainty.

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