My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 187 186 Missiles Attack

Chapter 187 186. Missiles Attack

"Is this the power of the first generation knights? It's too scary."

Although these knights don't know Su Hong's exact identity, the only powerful existence hidden behind the scenes in the Knights Templar is the first generation knights. It's not surprising that they regard Su Hong as the first generation knight.


In the sky, Yang Minyi only felt his eyes flicker, and he rose into the sky.

He looked down, and the gathering place of dawn on the ground became smaller and smaller. He felt a little dizzy because he was not used to the high altitude.

"Senior... Senior, I feel a little dizzy."

Su Hong's voice was accurately transmitted to Yang Minyi's ears along the wind, "It's normal to feel dizzy when flying for the first time. You won't feel dizzy after flying a few more times."

Yang Minyi smiled bitterly, "Senior, I don't have your ability to reach the sky."

While he mocked himself on the surface, he looked at the cold wind lingering around him, and his heart was shaken.

The power revealed by this senior seemed to be more powerful and terrifying than the last time. His power was like an abyss with no end in sight.

Yang Minyi was lost in thought and shock, unable to extricate himself, and was only brought back to his senses by Su Hong’s question after a while.

"Minyi, what kind of person do you think the chief is?"

"This..." Yang Minyi pondered, "She is serious and responsible, capable and skillful. Since Chief He Xuemei took office, the undead environment in the southern area has obviously improved a lot. Even many undead forces have restrained themselves because they are afraid of her methods."

"Secretly, she is called a venomous woman by some opposition undeads. It is enough to see that the chief's actions have touched the core interests of many traditional undead forces."

He suddenly changed the subject, "But what's strange is that the chief is at the age of the most vigorous energy, but she has the idea of ​​retiring and has been looking for and training undead who can take over."

Su Hong glanced back and saw through Yang Minyi's mind, "You want me to persuade?"

Yang Minyi said solemnly, "The alliance is in a critical period related to the future and survival of mankind. We need a leader with sufficient prestige and ability."

"Once the chief steps down, under internal and external troubles, we don't know what kind of chaos will occur within the alliance. We need her."

Su Hong retracted his gaze, neither agreeing nor objecting.

According to the normal course of history, He Xuemei did retire a few years later and handed over the burden to Xu Yanrui.

Yang Minyi's concerns were clear to him, but Xu Yanrui did not disappoint him. After taking over He Xuemei's burden, she made remarkable achievements and political achievements, and established a resistance army to fight against the cult, which gave him a chance to breathe in the simulation.

She may have become the chief because of her identity as a fire bearer, but if he were asked to manage an alliance that included more than one billion people, he would not do better than Xu Yanrui.

However, he was also a little curious about what caused a supreme power holder in his prime to suddenly give up power.

This question may not be answered until he arrives at the South District Headquarters.



The blizzard passed, and fine snowflakes fell on the road, causing the passing troops to raise their heads.

"Oh my god, what kind of disaster monster is this, so rampant."

"Where's the sniper? Take a look with your eight-fold scope."

"I'm looking, I'm looking." The sniper, who was originally a little impatient, showed a suspicious look after seeing the figure flashing quickly in the camera.

"Why does it look like a person?"

"Damn, it's really a person!" The scout holding the telescope couldn't help but swear.

"How can the alliance have such a powerful undead."

Su Hong and the others flew all the way, attracting the attention of many people. A few hours later, they passed Xiedong City and saw the city on the skyline.

Cangnan City, the most prosperous super city in the southern region, is located in the water and land hub center of the southern region and is also the location of the southern region alliance.

As soon as the two flew over the city, they immediately triggered the air defense radar system and the ground issued an air defense alarm.

Yang Minyi was immediately scared and sweated. They were not fighter planes, and the radar could not identify them. It was very likely that they were identified as disaster monsters by the system.

After all, the undead of the alliance that can fly to a height of thousands of meters does not exist yet.

"Senior, let's keep a low profile and go over there."

Su Hong: "It's too late."

In the mountains near the Greater Bay Area of ​​Cangnan City, the missile silo was opened, and three anti-aircraft missiles sprayed flames and smoke at different locations, rushed into the sky at high speed, drew cloud marks over the city, and rushed towards Su Hong and the others.

"The air defense system was triggered again?"

The undead walking on the ground looked up at the sky. There was not much surprise on their faces, as if they were used to it.

"Wait a minute, that's not a disaster monster, it's a person!"

An undead with super long-sightedness changed his face and shouted.

"What?! Quickly notify the military and detonate the missile in advance."

"Too late!"

The missile was extremely fast and was about to hit Su Hong and the others.

In the sky, Yang Minyi shouted, "Senior... hurry..."

Before he finished speaking, a blizzard suddenly blasted out from behind him, roaring like a dragon, swallowing three missiles, and then ignited a fire.


The missile exploded a few dozen meters away from them. The shock wave and sound wave were offset by the strong wind. The only thing that fell on Yang Minyi was the hot wind blowing his hair and clothes.

Su Hong said: "Minyi, you are not calm enough."

"Let's go down."

Yang Minyi smiled bitterly, "Senior, how can you let me stay calm?"

He was only close to the second level of the immortal level, and his actual level was still the first level. He could easily withstand a bullet, but if he really had to fight with missiles, he would not be able to withstand any number of them.

Although the power of the anti-aircraft missiles was not very large, it was still a fatal threat to him. It would be a miracle if he could stay calm.

"They are not dead, they easily resisted the missiles." The immortal with extremely far vision shouted.

Everyone was talking about it, "They can withstand missiles, what kind of ruthless person is this."

"Someone important is coming."

"The military has been notified, they have identified the identity of the mysterious person in the sky, and the alarm is being lifted."

Su Hong and Yang Minyi slowly fell to the ground, attracting the surrounding immortals to come and watch.

But before they could gather together, the roar of the engine sounded from the other end of the street, and the armored convoy drove over and stopped in front of Su Hong.

A man in military uniform got out of the car and saluted Su Hong and Yang Minyi.

"Senior Scott, Palace Master Yang, please get in the car and follow me into the shelter. We have already arranged a reception room..."

Su Hong was not surprised that the man knew him. Scott's identity was no longer a secret in the eyes of the South District Alliance's top leaders.

Yang Minyi nodded, "No, my senior and I came here today to talk to the chief about something important. Please convey my words to the chief."

The man in military uniform was stunned at first, then said seriously: "Yes, please get in the car first. I will immediately arrange for the soldiers to notify the chief's secretariat to arrange a meeting for you as soon as possible."

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