My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 207 206 We are fellow travelers

Chapter 207 206. We are fellow travelers

Damn, how did this guy wake up early?

Has the shelter been occupied?

Countless doubts flashed through Su Hong's mind. The pressure brought to him by the King of Corpses was too terrifying. He didn't dare to hesitate and turned to run.

At this time, the hoarse voice of the King of Corpses came from below, "Dear knight, the master has been waiting for you for a long time."

Su Hong stopped running abruptly, looked down at the King of Corpses below, and asked in surprise: "Helena?"

The King of Corpses, as huge as an iron tower, tilted slightly, and knelt on one knee and said: "Helena is the name of the master. I am Oleg, and I am glad to meet you."

"Are you Oleg?"

Su Hong was stunned. How could he remember that although Oleg was the first corpse born from the laboratory, its disaster level should have remained at level 30.

Only after one simulation, the corpse predator who could only slide quickly to his knees became the king of corpses?

He landed carefully on the ground, came to Oleg, and saw its information.

[The King of the Ghouls in the Fire Shelter]

[Disaster rank: Ancient]

[Disaster level: Level 45]

[Disaster skill: King of the Ghouls (rare): As the king of the Ghouls, he is born with the pressure that can crush everything, and his momentum is the most terrifying blade. ]

[Disaster skill: Devil's Muscle (Excellent +), bones, muscles and all body structures have reached the limit of the flesh, and the strong and beautiful body can burst out amazing power. ]

[Disaster skill: Ghoul's Blade (Excellent +), thorn claws, back blade, tail knife... The absolute blade born from the blood of the skeleton grows in wear and tear, always remains sharp, and can easily cut through the wall and cut through steel. ]

Rare quality skills?

Su Hong's eyebrows jumped, and he suddenly felt a little dangerous.

With the current distance between him and Oleg, if Oleg wanted to attack him, he would definitely not be able to resist.

Oleg stood up, his muscles as tall as a hill squirmed, and his whole body was as perfect as a finely carved stone sculpture. It was easy to attract Su Hong's attention when he walked in front.

Su Hong followed behind and asked his inner doubts, "I remember your disaster level has been limited to the third level of undead?"

Oleg responded with a buzzing voice: "The master has found a way to break through the biological cultivation defects, so that my disaster level can be improved normally."

"Dear knight, the master inferred that you will come to the Fire Shelter today, and specially asked me to come out to receive you. Please return to the shelter with me."

"Helena knew I would come?"

This is not surprising. As long as Helena remembers the date of his last simulated trip to the Fire Shelter, she can accurately predict the time of his arrival.

Thinking of this, he became curious about Helena's changes.

He wanted to know how far this artificial intelligence had evolved under his intervention.

And whether she still abided by the original decision.

In fact, Su Hong felt a little guilty.

In the last simulation, he had promised Helena to rebuild the shelter for her, but the way he rebuilt it was to bring her data back to reality and let her revive in the Spark Shelter that had not yet been destroyed.

What if this artificial intelligence was petty and felt that he had not kept his promise? Once he entered the Spark Shelter, he would be in a dangerous situation.

"Since I'm here, I hope she's not so petty." Su Hong muttered.

Oleg pushed open the heavy door and invited Su Hong to enter the elevator shaft hall.

Su Hong stepped into the hall and observed the environment.

Compared with the messy elevator shaft hall in the last simulation, this hall was much cleaner and tidier, with bright lights above and normal indicators, indicating that the elevator shaft could operate normally.

Oleg pressed the button on the console, the indicator light switched to yellow, and the heavy elevator door slowly opened.

"Knight, please go."

Su Hong was mentally prepared and walked into the elevator with Oleg.

After pressing the button, the elevator made a sound, "Beep, the elevator door is about to close, please get ready."

The door closed, and the elevator quickly descended under the control of four electromagnetic columns, giving people a feeling of weightlessness.

After a few dozen seconds, the elevator slowed down until it stopped, and the door opened, and Su Hong and Oleg entered the familiar hall.

"Back here again." Su Hong sighed, and then glanced at the camera on the wall. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that someone was watching him through the camera.

Then the camera flashed, and an electronic female voice suddenly echoed in the hall.

"Mr. Manager, welcome back to Shelter No. 404, I am the shelter host, artificial intelligence Helena 8.0."

Hearing the familiar voice again, Su Hong couldn't help but smile, "Helena, long time no see."


Su Hong and Oleg walked into the main control room, the lights gradually lit up, the three main control screens flickered and lit up, the data stream flashed, and a vague figure appeared on the screen.

Helena: "Administrator, welcome back. Helena has been waiting for a long time."

Su Hong looked at the screen and asked, "I still want to confirm, are you really Helena?"

The messy lines that formed the figure on the screen jumped for a moment, "Correct, the data disk you gave to Miss Anna contains the core data of Helena's mutation. The core data and the mind activation core constitute the complete Helena."

"Helena, I haven't forgotten you, the cunning one."

Su Hong knew that she was talking about him being clever in rebuilding the shelter, so he smiled guiltily and said, "The process is not important, the result is important. You have the shelter again, right?"

As he said that, he felt that Oleg's eyes were not right when he looked at him, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Aren't you curious about my secrets? For example, how did I go back to the past?"

The figure line jumped, "It is speculated that it is a magical disaster ability that allows you to travel between the past and the future."

"The data information is limited, and it is impossible to make more judgments. Please provide more information."

Su Hong smiled, "I can't tell you now, and even I don't know if I can say it."

"You should know why I'm here. I need your help to return to Dawn City."

"Since your duty is to protect the shelter, I won't force you to follow me. I just need to go to the alchemy factory to get it..."

He had just said half of his words when Helena spoke, "Wrong, Helena's mission is to assist the manager in managing and protecting the shelter."

"Complete mission requirement one and ensure the safety of the manager."

"Complete mission requirement two and eliminate the existence that can threaten the shelter."

"Correct the mission process, protect and assist the manager to go to Dawn City, and eliminate the threat of the cult."

Su Hong was stunned. He didn't expect Helena to choose to go to Dawn City with him.

While being moved, he said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that the glass of the encapsulator will break this time?"

Helena: "The main body of the encapsulator has been replaced and the encapsulator process has been improved. Helena has the ability to go to Dawn City, and the manager doesn't need to worry."

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