My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 242 240 Experiment on mice

Chapter 242 240. Rat experiment

"Squeak!" When the little incisor heard this familiar voice, he was instantly trembling with fear.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak! (The big devil is coming!)" The toothpick sword on its paw fell off, and it hurriedly hid behind Shaq.

Shake put his hands on his hips and yelled dissatisfiedly, as if to say, little brother, what are you afraid of?

"Teacher, why are you here?" Anna looked surprised.

Su Hong put his right hand on the ground and sat down on the floor, "I'm here to test your practice results and take a look at the small front teeth."

"Didn't you say you were going to take the exam for a formal knight? How's it going?"

Anna put down the wooden sword and explained while wiping her sweat, "Professor Yang said I was too young and wouldn't let me take the exam."

Su Hong smiled and said, "When you become an official knight, you won't have such a leisurely life in the future. He is doing it for your own good."

Anna sat upright. He nodded and said: "Everyone is very busy, and there are fewer and fewer knights coming to the gym for training."

"I will use this time to train hard."

Su Hong took a look at the girl's information. The disaster level was level 14, and her proficiency in swordsmanship was at the official level. This level was completely comparable to the official knights in the Knights Temple.

However, after the end of the world, everything is accelerating. In the past few months alone, some people have approached the level of the first-generation knights. Maybe in another month, a large number of second-level immortals will appear.

Su Hong nodded slightly and asked, "I asked Min Yi to teach you alchemy before. How did you learn it?"

Speaking of this, Anna said distressedly: "Professor Yang said that the alchemists and pharmacists are very busy and cannot invite teachers to teach."

"But recently, the pharmacists from the Alchemy Research Institute have come to the temple. Xin Xueni and I go there every day to observe."

"Teacher, do you really think I have alchemy talent?"

Su Hong smiled slightly, "Of course, you are still an alchemy genius."

His words were not comforting. He had personally seen the future Anna learn to refine alchemy potions by herself and led him to escape from the Dawn Camp. At this level, how could talent be so poor?

Hearing Su Hong's praise, Anna's eyes brightened slightly, "Well, I will study hard."

"You continue to practice, I'll stay here for a while."

Su Hong's eyes shifted from Anna to the little front teeth.

The little front tooth noticed Su Hong's gaze and shrank in fear.

Su Hong said amusedly: "I don't seem to have done anything to you."

"Zhizhizhi! (That's what the bad guys say!)" Little Front Tooth protested and hid again.

Su Hong did not tease it, but secretly observed the changes in bloodline inheritance.

"There is a probability...what is the probability?"

He sat cross-legged on the floor, became quiet, and his breathing gradually stabilized.

Anna was not used to people watching from the side at first. Later, she gradually became immersed in sword practice and ignored Su Hong's existence.

As for the little front teeth, after a while, Su Hong didn't see any movement, so he became bolder and left behind Sha Ke.

But before it could rejoice, it was pulled over by Anna for training.

Only Shaq was still lying lazily beside him, seemingly not wanting to move at all.

Time passed slowly minute by minute, and Anna went out for lunch before coming back.

In fact, she wanted to bring one to her teacher, but unfortunately Su Hong's body was only made of shadows and couldn't eat, so he refused. Otherwise, he really wanted to taste the food in the temple canteen.

After Anna rested for a while, she started training again. Little Incisor also gave up struggling as if resigned to her fate, and kept practicing swordsmanship with Anna.

It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that Su Hong finally noticed the change while meditating.

"The little incisor of the mouse shared his 'talent' withered heart with you"

"Shrinking Heart (Normal): Your heart has undergone a wonderful change of shrinking, gaining the ability to hibernate, but is no longer suitable for strenuous exercise."

"It's really effective." Su Hong opened his eyes.

Although this talent has no effect on him, it shows that he can indeed share the mouse's talent.

"It's just that there is still no movement in the information about Shaq and Xiaoqianya. Could it be that the quality of my talent is too high and the bloodline inheritance cannot take effect?"

This is also understandable. After all, no matter how effective bloodline inheritance is, it is a gift of excellent quality. It is unlikely that a rat can inherit his rare or even rare quality talent.

In order to verify his guess, Su Hong stayed in the training gym until five o'clock in the afternoon. The information about Shaq and Xiaoqianya still remained unchanged.

"Is it really because the quality of the talent is too high?"

Su Hong pondered, but he was not in a hurry to make a conclusion. He planned to try to refine some lower-quality disaster items to see if he could share the abilities of the disaster items with Shaq and Xiaoqianya.

It is worth mentioning that if he refines the disaster item but does not embed the talent that the disaster item turned into into the talent bar, he will not be able to use this talent, but it will last for a period of time before disappearing.

Only one temporary talent can exist at the same time. If he refines other disaster items during this period, the temporary talent will be replaced.

This temporary talent is a real improvement to his body, but due to the limitations of the talent slot, he cannot use it.

So Su Hong came up with an idea. He wanted to try to see if there was a bug and let the blood inheritance talent share this temporary talent with Shaq and Xiaoqianya.

It doesn’t matter if he can’t use it. Shaq and Xiaomen Ya don’t have talent slot restrictions. Maybe they can use it after sharing the temporary talent with them.

However, it’s late today, and Anna should go back to rest. She still has to go to the alchemy room to study tonight. Su Hong didn’t bother her anymore and left the Dawn Gathering Place.

The next morning, before Su Hong set off, he picked out three disaster items of average quality from his inventory of disaster items in advance.

They are the Lord’s Sword obtained by Su Hong in the ruins of Qinghai City, the twisted tree roots and the golden button obtained from the believers.

The quality of these three disaster items is different. The Lord’s Sword is probably of excellent quality, the golden button is of excellent quality, and the twisted tree roots are of ordinary quality.

He wanted to test what quality of talent can be inherited by blood inheritance, as well as the probability of inheriting talents of different qualities, and how long it takes to trigger.

After he came to the training gym, Xiaomen Ya had become accustomed to his presence. Except for a timid look in his eyes, he was not as scared as on the first day.

"So what should I start with first?"

Su Hong picked it up and decided to test whether blood inheritance can allow mice to inherit excellent quality talents.

"Found the 'disaster item' Lord's Sword, whether to refine it."

"Yes." Su Hong muttered silently, and a new talent information appeared.

"Territorial awareness (excellent +): As an excellent lord, you should have a good territorial awareness. When you are in your own territory, you are very satisfied, and your strength increases by 10%. When the territory is invaded, you are very angry, and your strength increases by 20%."

Su Hong was stunned, "This talent is not bad, but I don't know if these two little guys are lucky."

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