My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 263 261 Giant and Fire

Chapter 263 261. Giants and Flames

In order to prevent the monsters from continuing to attack the position, Su Hong pulled out all five bottles of grace holy water from his waist and dumped them on the war ground.

"Gulu gulu..." The black and red ground bubbled like boiling water, the soft land turned into a muddy swamp, and a faint red mist rose from the bubbles.

"Roar..." The golden beast was stuck in the quagmire, and its skin was corroded by the holy water and turned black. Under the influence of the blood mist, the human hands behind it gradually lost their vitality.

"Good opportunity!"

The soldiers in the position continued to focus their fire and shoot, killing the golden beasts one after another.

The shadow behind Su Hong swung out like a whip, so fast that the four Blood Winged Angels could not react.

"Bang!" The rope shadow tightened, tied the Blood Mist Angel together, and smashed towards Su Hong.

With a move of his arm, the sword shadow tore them into pieces. The struggling corpses fell into the mire where the holy water of Grace melted, and they immediately lost their vitality.

"Let's go."

Su Hong was in front, and Liu Zhifeng was following behind. The three of them fought their way into the black forest and flew towards the end of the golden river.

"Boom!" Su Hong raised his hand and used the cold wind to freeze all the monsters in the way into ice sculptures. The frost continued to spread, freezing the soil into hard ground, making it difficult for the monsters to walk.

Li Jian condensed the blood mist giant sword and smashed it forward. The ice sculptures shattered, the trees were destroyed, and the golden light leaked into the forest. Several more blood mist angels appeared above their heads.

However, Su Hong's eyes were not on them. He looked far into the distance at the end of the golden river, where the dazzling stars touched the earth, and there seemed to be a huge figure among them.

"Boom!" The ground shook, like a heavy object falling to the ground.

The huge stone ax blade poked out from the golden river, followed by layers of fat piled up like hills.

A giant more than ten meters tall walked out of it holding a giant axe. What was shocking was that there was nothing in the place of his head. It actually cut off his own head and held it in its arms.

[The headless giant on the mountainside of the Holy City]

[Disaster Level: Ancient]

[Disaster Level: Level 50]

[Disaster Skill: Atonement with Head (Exquisite +). Under the guidance of the Atonement, the giant knew that he was deeply sinful, so he cut off his head. He is willing to become the most loyal slave of the Atonement and sometimes receive the blessing of the Atonement. 】

[Disaster Skill: Giant Strength (Excellent +), a giant who lives in the land of the world, cuts down black wood all the year round, and his arms have been fully exercised. 】

[Disaster Equipment: Giant Stone Ax (Exquisite +), a logging ax brought from the kingdom of giants. It is moderately suitable for cutting down giant trees, but it is also easy to accidentally injure weak creatures. 】

[Disaster Equipment: Rusty Giant Chain Armor (Excellent-), chain mail of ordinary quality. After years of use, the surface has long been rusty. Humans are amazed by its exaggerated weight. 】

Li Jian stared at the giant and said solemnly: "This guy's aura is similar to mine, but his size..."

Su Hong also noticed that although the headless giant's disaster level was only level 50, due to its exaggerated size, ordinary undead level five would not dare to approach it.

He said: "This golden river must be cut off."

"This giant is no match for us."

"Helena, activate the mental network."

"The manager's instructions have been received, the mental network is activated, connecting...the connection is successful."

"Attention, Oleg and the zombie army are lurking in the forest on the right front, which can provide soul power to the administrator."

There are seven remaining zombies in the zombie army. They are all level 4 immortals. Together, the soul power they can provide to Su Hong is barely equivalent to a level 50 immortal level 5 expert.

These soul powers are enough for Su Hong to kill the giant in front of him.

But there was some worry in his heart. This worry was not given by the giant, but by the hidden uncrowned knight.

"Is this guy hiding somewhere, or is he not here at all?"

"Helena, did the Corpse Corps find any trace of the Uncrowned Knight?"

"Nothing found while reading memory records."

"Is this so?" Su Hong concentrated his mind. Since the Uncrowned Knight was not here, he took his sword and flew towards the giant, preparing to kill it.

But at this moment, the back of his hand became inexplicably hot, and the Fire Emblem obtained in the last simulation actually burned.

A short figure loomed in the firelight, "Knight, I meet you again."

"Freida?" Su Hong heard the lightness in the Holy Spirit's tone, and it seemed that he was better at simulating it this time.

"Thank you for remembering my name."

The little figure clasped his hands and said: "The giant Osmane was originally a logger in the kingdom of giants, responsible for burning the fire in the palace. After the kingdom of giants was submerged by swamps and giant insects, Osmane escaped with the help of the Eastern Expedition. Arrived in the Kingdom of the Sun.”

"In gratitude for the help humans gave him, Osmane swore an oath to forever defend the Holy City under the witness of the flames, and became the destroyer of the black forest in the Holy City."

"It is an innocent child, but was temporarily bewitched by evil intentions. Knight, please awaken him with the Fire Emblem, and he will be your help."

"Fire Emblem still has such a use?"

Su Hong's mind moved and he flew high into the sky, reaching the same height as the head in the giant's arms.

"Zhi Feng, Li Jian, stop these monsters, I will try to wake up this giant."

Liu Zhifeng was stunned, "Aren't you going to kill him?"

Li Jian shouted: "Liu Zhifeng, is your head rusty? This is one of our own."

"Okay." Liu Zhifeng shrugged, and separated from Li Jian to intercept the monster flying to the forest.

"Boom!" The giant that was standing like a stone sculpture under the long river of gold seemed to sense the presence of Su Hong and the other two. His body tilted slightly, and his head was facing Su Hong.

"Sin... sinner..." He opened his huge mouth and spoke intermittently.

Before he finished announcing Su Hong's crime, Su Hong raised his arm and revealed the flame emblem on the back of his hand.

He shouted loudly: "Osmane!"

"Have you forgotten who saved you from the corrupt country and the oath you made in front of the fire?"

"You, broke your oath! You are the sinner."

"I, I am... the sinner?" The boulder-like head showed a confused and painful look, and a line of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

"Osmane... No!"

The giant knelt on one knee in pain, beating his chest, and the holy light on his body gradually dimmed.

"It works."

Seeing this, Su Hong continued, "You are a coward!"

"You have tarnished the last glory left by the giant."

"No! Osmane, no!"

The giant struggled and roared, constantly beating himself, "Osmane, follow the promise of the flame and fight for you!"

He threw away the giant stone axe, held his head with both hands and was about to put it back on his neck.

Suddenly, a cold snort came from the golden river.


"Boom!!!" The golden meteor fell to the ground, and the uncrowned knight fell in the holy light.

"Uh..." Osmane's body suddenly stiffened. He stretched out his hand to Su Hong, as if asking for help, but the next second his body split into two halves, like a mountain collapse, and fell down with a bang.

The uncrowned knight said lightly: "The present Blazing Heart Knight, I underestimated you, and you can actually get the recognition of the Holy Spirit."

"Since I have appeared, your journey ends here."

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