My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 45 45 Ancient Level

Chapter 45 45. Ancient Rank

Su Hong and his companions went deep into the tunnel of Line 6, passing three subway stations. They saw trains lying on the tracks, but there was no trace of any survivors or monsters, as if they had completely evaporated from the world.


This strange phenomenon also occurred in subway stations along Line 7. Before, he was busy rushing to the Spider's Nest and didn't pay much attention to it.

Now it seems that these survivors have probably met with an accident.

As for who the murderer is.

The answer is obvious.

Su Hong stopped and looked at the dark platform of Jinghu Station not far away. A ball of thick blood light was like a burning flame, which was clearly visible in his eyes.

After the end of the world, the minions of the divergence intercepted and killed the undead of the Protz family who stayed in the subway station, and have been promoting some mysterious plans.

These ordinary people are likely to become victims of the divergent minions' promotion plan.

"Zhou Hong?" A hoarse voice came from the darkness.

Su Hong approached the platform and saw the people on the platform clearly with the faint light.

The man was wearing a bloodstained black robe, and the flesh and blood hidden underneath was undulating, wriggling like a worm.

Su Hong's mind had a memory of him - codenamed Two, his name was mysterious and unknown, and other divergent minions called him Meat Man.

"Meat Man, where is the boss?" Su Hong asked in the tone of Zhou Hong.

The boss of the divergent minions, codenamed One, was the most feared existence of the divergent minions besides the divergent knight.

The Meat Man laughed eerily, "Hehe, it's almost there."

After saying that, the man ignored Su Hong and just stood on the platform motionless, falling into dead silence.

Wang Chengzhi looked at Su Hong cautiously. Although he wanted to speak, it was obviously not the right time yet. He could only wait in silence with Su Hong.

The darkness was extremely silent. I don't know how long it had been, and the sound of subtle footsteps suddenly sounded and gradually became clear.

Someone came over.

Su Hong looked deep into the tunnel, and a tall and straight figure appeared. The man was wearing a white shirt and a wine-red vest. He was unkempt and had a stubble on his chin that had not been trimmed for many days.

If he had not known in advance that the man in front of him was Codename One, Su Hong would have thought he was a bartender from a bar.

The man walked over and his eyes fell on Su Hong.

"You looked at the ancient being at close range, and he seemed to regard you as a companion. Disaster potential +300."

The black eyes were vicissitudes and deep. Codename One, who was a decadent uncle a second ago, suddenly changed in front of Su Hong.

He sensed the ancient breath, and his heart suddenly beat violently. The decadent temperament of the man in front of him became mysterious and profound, like a dusty wine bottle left in a cellar. As long as the cork was opened, the aroma of wine would come to his nose, exuding an intoxicating smell of time.

Inexplicably, the figure of Shadow Demon emerged in his mind.

Is this the ancient rank that Li Jian mentioned?

Although Su Hong didn't know much about the ancient rank, the moment he saw Code One, he was sure that this was an undead person of the ancient rank.

Code One actually surpassed the present rank and reached the ancient rank!

His face became solemn, and he secretly raised his vigilance.

Code One just glanced at Su Hong, and then looked behind him.

The man frowned, "Where are Chen Fang's brother and sister, why didn't they come?"

Su Hong said slowly: "I haven't seen them either."

"Falling at the critical moment." Code One threw a blood-red bead bracelet to the meat man's hand, "Meat man, you and Zhou Hong go to feed the spider man, I'll go find Code Six to deal with the Templar Knights attacking the spider's nest."

"Got it." The meat man smiled grimly and strung the bead bracelet on his wrist.

Su Hong's expression moved, and he caught the key word "spider man" in Code One's words.


He suddenly thought of something.

Could it be that the spider tide that ravaged the underground world was released by the minions of the divergence? !

Su Hong was shocked.

And Li Jian's previous actions showed that he clearly knew that the spider tide was the work of the divergent minions.

Could it be that before the end of the world, the undead and the divergent minions had a dispute over the spider nest?

But Xu Yanrui said that before the end of the world, there was only one incident in which the undead fought with the divergent minions - the divergent minions attacked the shelter.

Could this incident hide a secret that Xu Yanrui didn't know?

Su Hong kept this guess in his heart, and he and the meat man watched the oppressive code name leave.

After the man's figure disappeared, the meat man said, "Let's go."

He jumped off the platform and walked towards the tunnel where Su Hong and the others came from.

Su Hong followed behind, looking at the meat man's back, his eyes flickering.

The remaining memory of Zhou Hong in his mind did not have the existence of the spider nest at all, let alone the spider breeder.

There are two possibilities, either Zhou Hong is not qualified to know, or he deleted the memory of the spider nest.

Su Hong is more inclined to the second possibility.

He had just fallen into trouble with the Spider Woman not long ago, and Zhou Hong might have done it on purpose.

Thinking of this, Su Hong whispered tentatively: "The spider breeder will not be in trouble, right?"

The meat man suddenly paused, turned back to look at Su Hong, and smiled coldly: "Haha, my eyes are guarding there, and any undead who dares to approach will not escape my sight."

Suddenly he changed the subject, "By the way, Zhou Hong, you seem strange today."

Obviously, Su Hong's words aroused his suspicion.

Su Hong remained calm, "I lost some of my soul in the process of fighting the undead, and some of my memories were lost."

"Then you are quite unlucky."

The meat man looked at him deeply, and then continued on his way as if nothing had happened.

Su Hong stared at the meat man's back, and the shadow was ready to move. He knew that he might have been exposed, and was hesitating whether to take action directly.

After thinking for a few seconds, his tense muscles loosened.

The meat man did not attack him immediately, which meant that he was only suspicious now.

But after reaching the destination, it is uncertain whether the meat man will attack him.

This is most likely a road to death with no return.

So what, as long as the location information of the spider breeder can be obtained, it is equivalent to finding clues to deal with the spider tide.

This simulation was not in vain.

After preparing for death in advance, Su Hong and the others followed the meat man around, leaving Line 6 and going deeper underground from Line 8.

Three hours later, Su Hong observed the surrounding environment. The mucus and spider silk left by spiders appeared on the ground of the tunnel.

The spider silk on the ground was fresh and active. When shoes stepped on it, it was as sticky as glue.

"Hiss, squeak, squeak..."

The subtle sound of the creature's scream came from the front. The surrounding tunnel gradually became uneven, and the concrete was bumpy, as if it had been corroded by strong acid mucus.

Looking deep into the tunnel, a huge fluorescent cave appeared in front of them. Giant spiders climbed on spider webs or walked back and forth on the ground.

There were so many that they were too numerous to count.

"Hiss..." The spider's compound eyes shone like scarlet gems. They crawled out of the cave, ignored Su Hong and the other two, and left in a hurry.

"Bang!" A huge guard spider came in front of them, and its swollen abdomen hit the ground. It crawled on its body and hissed, as if signaling them to come up.

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