My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 78 Codename Paladin

Chapter 78 78. Codename Paladin

Passing through the dark and depressing cell, Su Hong came to the fireplace hall again.

The warden invited him to sit down, and after a long silence, he asked: "What is the reason for you to meet His Highness the Paladin?"

Su Hong touched his chin: "To eliminate the disaster, it's that simple."

"Warden Protz, a passing Templar Knight once said that you imprisoned the Paladin. Is this true?"

He was very curious. The relationship between Warden Protz and the Paladin was not as contradictory as he imagined. On the contrary, the man in front of him respected the Paladin very much.

The Templar Knight should not lie, so there is only one possibility, Warden Protz imprisoned the Paladin for another reason.

Warden Protz was silent for a while, "This is indeed the truth, but it is also voluntary for His Highness."

"Come with me, His Highness will tell you the truth of the year, what happened in the Sun Country."

Warden Protz got up and walked deep into the prison. Su Hong followed him for a few minutes and came to a black iron door.

He pushed with both hands, and the door rumbled, and the thick and heavy blood mist of disaster leaked out from the gap.

When the door was fully opened, it was still the familiar sun hole and the stone platform filled with blood mist.

"Mr. Protz, you seem to be very free today."

A voice with a faint majesty suddenly came from the blood mist.

Warden Protz bowed and saluted, "The undead with the Paladin badge helped me repel the enemy who coveted the power of disaster. This guest wants to meet you."

"Meeting me... How many years have passed? Well, young undead, come here."

Warden Protz gave up his position, and the road to the stone platform was no longer blocked.

Su Hong took a deep breath, prepared to be swallowed by the disaster, and then walked forward, his figure gradually swallowed by the blood mist.

In the blood mist, a tall figure sitting cross-legged on the stone slab appeared. Even though Su Hong could not see the face of the Paladin, the breath that inadvertently leaked from his body was already quite terrifying.

What was even more terrifying was that he could not see the information of the Paladin.

Facing a completely unknown object, Su Hong could only sit down.

"Facing the disaster face to face, amazing courage, disaster potential +300."

The Paladin spoke with a smile in his tone, "Young undead, you are very brave, and it is not because of luck that you have come here."

Su Hong complained in his heart that if he had really good luck, he would not have to die so many times in the simulation.

"Mr. Paladin." He stared at the figure in the blood mist, "Excuse me, are you the disaster?"

"Me? Not really." The Paladin said calmly: "But the disaster is closely related to me."

Su Hong's heart was shocked, and he listened attentively. He felt that he was getting closer to the truth.

Paladin: "In my world, we once faced the same disaster as now - the sun went out, the flames disappeared, and the world fell into a long dark night."

"I, Randall Emmett, am the most outstanding knight genius in the Knights Templar, a Blazing Heart Knight with the glory of the sun, and the most powerful existence in the Knights Templar for thousands of years."

"My power has reached the pinnacle of the world, and there is hope to recover the Plains of Heaven and return the Tree of the Sun to the hands of the kingdom."

"It's just a pity..." The man's tone became empty, as if there was endless regret, "Even I can't resist the erosion of disasters."

"The Eastern Expedition Corps violated the law. The Kingdom was established against the king's power, so the court and the Church of Light strongly opposed the Crusade. "

"I can establish the Crusade under the pressure of the kingdom, so I will not be afraid of those corrupt nobles." "But the sky has been dark for a long time, the kingdom's crops have been abandoned, and no grain has been harvested. Disaster monsters are raging in the major king counties, and the people are suffering. "

"The people placed their hope of survival on me, but the gathering of willpower inadvertently created the most terrible disaster in history. "

"This is a disaster called the Paladin, which makes the Crusade a curse, a journey that is always full of hope but can never reach its destination. "

"When I mean When I realized this, things were already irreversible. "

"In order to suppress the disaster, I imprisoned myself in the most terrible dark prison, hoping to minimize the impact of the disaster."

"But the rioting people and the evil cult that took advantage of the opportunity were affected by the disaster intentionally or unintentionally. They hoped that the Eastern Expedition could continue, even if it destroyed the kingdom..."

"In the end, the glorious Kingdom of Order came to an end in darkness."

Su Hong couldn't help asking: "What exactly is the disaster?"

The Paladin said hoarsely: "In the age of the sun, the king and the gods coexisted, and the world had cold and heat , the concepts of darkness and light are common, like the four seasons. The birth, aging, illness and death of life are also part of the solar order. We are the children of the sun. "

"But in the dark age, the sun that symbolizes order has gone out, and we have all become the embers of the old era, representing the disaster of darkness and disorder and becoming the master of the world. "

"To be pessimistic, we have been abandoned by the world. "

"But the tree of the sun still stands deep in the plains of heaven. If it can be ignited with the blood of the sun, the world may not be able to return to the solar age, even if the flame will eventually go out..."

Su Hong's eyes lit up, "What is the blood of the sun and how to obtain it?"

"That is a blood that can ignite the body and soul. Even if the brilliance it emits is only for a moment, it is enough to ignite the entire Sun Tree."

"This blood is only possessed by the descendants of the Sun King living in the palace. To ignite the Sun Tree, you need to ignite yourself first. Perhaps this is why the contemporary Sun King strongly opposes the Eastern Expedition."

"As an undead, he already has the power to survive in the new world, so why should he die for the old era?"

"The blood of the king can be passed down, but the wind of the king has been lost."

The Paladin moved his body, and the iron chains around him stirred the blood mist, making his figure more blurred.

"Young undead, I need your help."

"Perhaps the Sun Tree and the Corona blood have long disappeared in the dust of history, but the disaster called the Paladin still exists."

"I hope you can be its last gravedigger."

"Do you mean for me to kill you?" Su Hong hesitated. He estimated that even if he tried his best, he might not be able to peel off the dead skin on the Paladin.

The Paladin smiled, his voice was rough, "You are very brave, but the disaster is not something you can deal with."

"Find the original Horcrux, this is the only way to seal the kingdom's disaster."

"Original Horcrux?" Su Hong looked confused.

What is this?

The Paladin did not answer his doubts, but looked up at the sky.

"The holder of the original Horcrux is the one who covets the disaster. The divergent Horcrux he holds is one of the six original Horcruxes."

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