My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 82 82 It’s You Again

Chapter 82 82. You again

The shadow extended, forming a net bag, and Su Hong dragged up an exaggerated number of spoils and left the range of the flesh and blood mother tree.

Canned suddenly said in fear: "Mom, something is approaching."

The owner of the flesh and blood mother tree is back?

Before Su Hong could react, the ground rumbled and shook, cracks spread from afar, and countless giant vines broke through the concrete. Their bodies were as high as seven or eight floors, swaying like tentacles, like a giant vine forest that suddenly appeared.

"You have seen the king of the black forest. Its complete posture is terrifying. Disaster potential +600."

The giant vine roared in anger, and the spider group that was still hunting was crushed and beaten by the giant vine, causing heavy casualties.

"Is it this guy?!"

Su Hong's face changed slightly. When he first met Li Jian, he was chased by this thing.

Like the paladin, its information cannot be displayed at all.

This giant vine like a giant snake is the real king of the black forest.


He ran quickly towards the road around the garden community.


The spider defender's flesh and blood swelled up, turning into a huge mass of indescribable blasphemous sons.

However, the giant vine only needed to slap the defender into a meat paste.

The giant vine was like a torrent, completely filling the street, filling and crushing the shops on both sides, and soon caught up with the fleeing Su Hong.

Su Hong gritted his teeth and simply stopped running. His soul began to burn, and the blood mist of disaster condensed into a shadow that enveloped him.

A four-meter-tall shadow giant rose from the ground, and it raised its arms to resist the giant vine.


The ground cracked, and the shadow giant plunged into the ground.

After only a few seconds, the giant vine flooded all the streets, and Su Hong was buried inside.

"Simulation ends."

"Survival time: 13 hours."

"Evaluation: You have met the Sage King and have come into contact with the secrets of the world."

"You can spend Disaster Potential to bring out rewards from the simulation:

Shadow Weaver (Rare Talent): 2000 Disaster Potential.

Disaster Level 22: 2000 Disaster Potential.

Swordmaster Knight Swordsmanship (Excellent Skill): 500 Disaster Potential.

Will Infection (Excellent Talent): 500 Disaster Potential. Can.

Blood Tree Bud (Disaster Item)*32: 3200 Disaster Potential.

Strange Fruit (Excellent Material)*112: 5600 Disaster Potential.

Blood Source Wine Jar (Excellent + Potion)*5: 500 Disaster Potential.

Flesh and Blood Seed (Disaster Item): 500 Disaster Potential.


[Disaster Potential: 6103/10]

In the toilet of the subway station, bright lights entered Su Hong's pupils, and the sound of running water came from outside the toilet cubicle.

After leaving the dark and dark apocalypse, the familiar toilet makes people feel at ease.

After leaving the toilet, Su Hong did not return to the community immediately, but took the subway to stroll in the prosperous downtown area of ​​Sheng City, pretending that he was just out for fun.

Of course, if you stay in the depressing environment of the apocalypse for a long time, your spirit will sooner or later have problems, so it's just right to come out to relax.

It was not until after 12 o'clock in the evening that Su Hong returned to the community.

In the room, he looked at the game interface and thought.

The rare quality Shadow Weaver, Disaster Level 22, Sword Master Knight Swordsmanship and Will Infection are the biggest gains of this simulation and the priority options.

However, these four options alone require 5,000 Disaster Potential.

Fortunately, he arranged for the spider group to hunt in the Black Forest in advance, otherwise it would be difficult to gather the Disaster Potential.

As for how to use the remaining 1,100 Disaster Potential, he already has an idea.

The Flesh Seed is a seed that explodes from the Flesh Mother Tree, which can be used to cultivate his own Flesh Mother Tree.

The strange-shaped fruit produced by the Flesh Mother Tree can not only become a food source for the spider group, but also promote the alienation of the spider group over time, so that the spider can acquire more skills.

If the Flesh Mother Tree can be planted, there will be as many strange-shaped fruits as you want, and the Flesh Seed is an option that must be considered.

The effect of the Blood Source Wine Jar is better than the strange-shaped fruit, and the success rate of alienated spiders is higher, so it also takes up a quota.

The remaining 100 disaster potentials were not much, so they could only be exchanged for two strange-shaped fruits.

After making a decision, Su Hong took out the reward, and five barrels of blood source wine jars suddenly appeared in the room, and the seeds of flesh and blood and two strange-shaped fruits were neatly stacked on the table.

However, at this time, his attention was all on himself, and he didn't notice that there were more things in the room.

I saw the disaster blood mist lingering around his body, swelled and expanded, like a heart wrapped around him.

Under the influence of the shadow weaver, the blood mist gradually turned into a shadow, covering the bright room into a black space.

Su Hong stood in the endless darkness, countless memories flowing in his mind. He instinctively condensed a shadow sword and practiced swinging it by himself.

After more than ten minutes, he digested all his talents and skills, the shadow dissipated, the bright light appeared, and he returned to the room.

"Philip, take these things to the cans, I'll be there in a while."

Philip condensed in the air, wrapped the blood source wine jars and a bunch of things with shadows, and left the community at night.

Su Hong entered the bathroom, washed off the fatigue and sweat of the day, and then returned to the room. His consciousness followed the shadows and drifted to the fluorescent cave in Qinghai District.

Passing through the dark and dilapidated factory, Su Hong entered the cave. The fluorescent grass emitted a faint light, and even the darkest corners of the cave were illuminated.

The shadow condensed into a solid body, and the passing spiders hissed a few times to express their respect to him, and then continued to work.

"Mom? Philip?" Can woke up from his sleep, his consciousness was hazy.

"It's okay, you go to sleep first."

Su Hong took out the flesh and blood seed and planted it in the place with the largest height difference in the cave, and then took out a few pieces of meat from the disaster farm and placed them near the seeds.

The blood seeped into the cracks in the stone, and the flesh and blood seed was activated, greedily absorbing the blood, and tentacle buds emerged from the soil.

"The Disaster Farm produces meat continuously, which can be used to cultivate the Mother Tree of Flesh and Blood, and the fruits of the Mother Tree of Flesh and Blood can be used to cultivate spiders."

"A perfect energy transfer chain is formed. Compared with the previous rough meat feeding, feeding with strange-shaped fruits can obviously accelerate the development of spiders, and can also make spiders stronger through mutation."

"The only thing to worry about is that the negative emotional energy needed for the production of flesh and blood by the Desecrator meat is not enough."

"First, drain the Desecrator meat, and go to the scene to collect negative emotional energy when the blood sacrifice incident in the town occurs in two days."

After the disaster, the crowd was panicked, and negative emotional energy would gather in large quantities. It was a good time to collect negative emotions.

Making good use of the information gap between him and the divergent forces may not be impossible to turn the disadvantageous situation into an advantage.

This time, he wants to completely hit the divergent forces.

"We have to plan it well."

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