My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 92 92 Lure the snake out of its hole

Chapter 92 92. Draw out the snake

Su Hong removed the Philip sub-body from Xu Yanrui and walked straight out of the subway station and went deep into the subway tunnel.

After digesting the memory of the Philip sub-body, he learned what happened in the ten days before the end of the world when he disappeared.

After losing a soul clone, the Divergent Knights dared not show up at all. Even the Alliance could not find any trace of the divergent forces. They seemed to have completely evaporated from the face of the earth.

Su Hong sensed it and found that he had lost contact with the Philip sub-body in Li Dian's body.

Is this the investigation of the traitor to Li Dian?

After the successive plans were exposed, the Divergent Knights could not help but have doubts even if they believed that they could absolutely control their subordinates.

Li Dian has a heart of steel. Once suspected, he is basically finished.

Even if he has done nothing.

This is a big black pot for him.

An hour later, there was a sound in the subway tunnel, and Su Hong knew that the spider group was coming.

He and Philip looked back and saw the shining fluorescence in the dark and the blood crystal carapace reflecting the light.

A giant blood-red spider stopped in front of Su Hong and crouched down.

[Spider Defender of Blasphemy Flesh]

[Disaster Tier: Ancient]

[Disaster Level: Level 25]

The Spider Defender's skills did not change much, but the improvement of the disaster level gave Su Hong a surprise.

He remembered that in the last simulation, the defender's disaster level was only level 22, but this time it broke through level 25.

As expected of a spider with the talent of blasphemy, as long as there is enough flesh and blood, the efficiency of absorbing flesh and blood can even be comparable to that of the mother spider.


The can with a shiny body jumped onto his chest.

Su Hong wove a shadow bag, put it on his chest, and then continued to look back.

Behind the defender, the number of guard spiders has exceeded a hundred, and the fecal stone carapace, which is the main defense of the guard spider, has disappeared, replaced by a more defensive blood crystal carapace and sharp blood crystal spider legs.

With sufficient blood and flesh supply, the lowest level of these guard spiders reached level 12, and the highest level was 14.

In addition to the guard spiders covered with blood crystal defense, there were probably hundreds of small spiders underneath that were transformed into blood crystal spiders.

To be frank, this spider army beat the undead team in Sheng City in both quantity and quality.

The army passed through the border, and it can only be described as a barren land.

As long as he didn't provoke those king-like existences, he could walk sideways in Sheng City after the end of the world.

"Cans, let's go!" Su Hong was full of passion and commanded.

"Let's go!"

The spider group went deep into the subway network, and its footprints covered all the lines. Wherever it went, there was unrest, and countless disaster monsters were submerged in the spider wave.

Three hours later, Su Hong arrived in front of the bronze portal again. There was no trace of divergent forces in the portal cave, and the bronze portal was tightly closed, as if the divergent knight had given up the possession of the disaster and hid.

"Strange, when did this guy become so low-key."

The guard directly smashed open the bronze door, and the spider swarm swarmed in.

After entering the Dark Prison, the prison in front of him did not change much, and the surrounding environment was extremely quiet. He seemed to have strayed into an uninhabited area.

However, the swarm of spiders made too much noise, and soon alarmed the warden who was guarding the prison.

Su Hong showed the Paladin badge again and asked about the news of the Divergent Knight.

After learning that the prison had not been attacked, he temporarily declined the warden's invitation, leaving only a part of the spider swarm here to guard, and then returned to the portal cave.

"Strange, has this guy really given up?"

The Divergent Horcrux is the key to sealing the Paladin's disaster, and it is still on the Divergent Knight.

Even if the Divergent Knight hides, he has to find this guy, otherwise he can't pass the end of the world.

"So, where will he hide, Philip, what do you think?"

Philip: "He should hide in a hidden place."


This is indeed true, but isn't it nonsense? Otherwise, where can the Divergent Knight hide?

Forget it, it's useless to ask.

"Can, order the spider group to search around the Dark Prison."

The spider group received the order, dispersed and searched, and left Su Hong's sight.

He lowered his head and pondered. He didn't believe that the Divergent Knight had no idea of ​​seizing the disaster.

This guy might be hiding around the Dark Prison, waiting for an opportunity to invade the prison.

Time passed slowly, and the spider went back and forth, visiting almost all places in the southern part of the city except the Black Forest.

Even the building where his previous company was located was visited by spiders, and the disaster monster inside was solved.

A day later, the spider group passed by Shangyun District and searched every place. The disaster that Xue Jing turned into disappeared, and no one knew where it went.

Not only Xue Jing, almost all the disasters disappeared.

It seemed that a mysterious force had taken away all the disasters in Sheng City except the Paladin Disaster.

No wonder in the previous simulation, except for the Xue Jing Disaster and the Paladin Disaster in the building, he did not encounter other disasters.

Hiding the doubts about the disappearance of the disaster in his heart, he continued to look for the Divergent Knight.

Three days later.

His disaster level had been upgraded to level 24, but he still hadn't found the Divergent Knight.

"No, the Divergent Knight is definitely near the Dark Underground Prison, and he should have seen the scene of the spiders going out."

"Then he will definitely hide deeper if he knows that the spider group controlled by the Firebringer is looking for him."

"Relying on the spider group to search in a carpet-style manner not only has no effect, but also alarmed him."

After knowing that the spider group search is ineffective, Su Hong summoned all the spiders back.

"You won't come out, right?"

"I'll tear down the prison and see if you come out."

He doesn't need to do it himself, as long as he can attract the attention of the Black Forest King and push down the Dark Underground Prison.

If the Divergent Knight doesn't come out, he will be crushed by the giant vine.

But before seducing, Su Hong needs to do some preparation.

He first investigates the situation of the survivors nearby, and after confirming that all the survivors have been gathered by Xu Yanrui and other undead people and led to the shelter, he can now start to implement the plan.

"Philip, let's go."

The shadow condensed into Su Hong's figure, and he brought Philip to quietly enter the forest and came to the foot of the flesh and blood mother tree.

"Master, the barrel is ready." Philip lowered his voice, but he could faintly hear some excitement. He seemed to enjoy the feeling of being a thief.

Su Hong looked around and confirmed that the giant vine was not moving at the moment. He reminded: "If the giant vine wakes up later, you can run with the barrel and the strange fruit. I will hold it back."

His current body is made of shadows. It doesn't matter if he is beaten to death by the giant vine. If Philip is gone, it will take a long time to regain consciousness.

He is still good at seduction.

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